What if we have got it wrong? What if the meaning of NCSWIC - nothing can stop what is coming - is not about justice and criminals being held accountable.
What if it is about a global catastrophe that is in motion, that cannot be stopped?
Our magnetic field is weakening and this IS accelerating. This will lead to a magnetic pole shift relatively soon, and the consequences are hard to grasp. Pretty auroras? Those were evidence that we might be entering a dangerous time. Quickly.
I've been listening to Space Weather News guy and he presents quite a strong case: https://twitter.com/SunWeatherMan/status/1790472400293003730
Longer youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sGPCMIQZLw
Really good interview with Bret Weinstein: https://rumble.com/v4ucpc6-apocalypse-when-ben-davidson-on-darkhorse-live.html
What I can't figure out - if the elite know about this, why are they pushing a human caused global warming fantasy? The weather on every single planet is changing right now. That alone is disturbing.
It's clear that something is going on. This really could explain a lot.
I highly doubt Q meant anything other than the cabal will be destroyed and nothing can stop it.
I believe Q is magnitudes deeper than just "destroying the cabal", but that may be just me.
Wife and I talk about this constantly. Q is still a mystery to all of us. There is quite a bit that is just gibberish to throw off the enemy, proofs happen after the fact(impossible for us to accurately guess which also makes it impossible for them to guess). My Wife believes that It will be BIBLICAL and NCSWIC means nothing can stop The end times from coming and Jesus from coming back. I believe this to be a real possibility. I honestly believe they are trying to FORCE or FAKE the end times to confuse and turn more people away from Christ.
Been thinking this as well. All this red heffer stuff and snakes coming out of walls. Seems pretty simple signs to satisfy.
Brings the movie The Brothers Grimm to mind
Hard to believe for me, it's imo just another layer of fear porn. Something big is coming, but it's not the extinction event caused by a magnetic pole shift. Nah.
Global warming ... well it is their ticket to control.
From Human design perspective, the background energy since 1617 or so, has been the energy for planning. All the things we know now, just in time delivery, globalism, industrial scale wars, energy from the socket, the state as we know it, is all a consequence of having this energy to the advantage of these things.
In 2027, this energy will flip towards the individual. It will also cause a mutation, brought about by the weakening of the energies of Pluto. This weakening allows a different neutrino stream to enter into our solar system, and thus to earth, and thus us.
As a reflector, I daily experience the flip of energy. It is on or off. In the big scheme of things, this too will happen. The seeds to navigate the new era, are sown right now. And just as much as elements of the cross of planning were visible in the 60 years before 1617, for example: the dutch republic, personal freedom, etc, all these have gone to shit due to planning.
It can be seen in the several peace treaties since.
After 2027 a new type of human being will emerge, called: Rave child. Something totally different from what we understand a man or woman to be. Not every child will have that mutation, only those of a certain characteristic.
That said, the energy will become more geared towards the individual, both on a positive note, and on a negative note. Selfishness on the one hand, and humanity on the other.
The best way to not let that happen is to vaxx the whole population to death, keep enough alive to do the work within a system where they can exert an iron grip. The smaller the population is, the less impact the background energy will have. The current state of being, leads people into their not self. Try being your real self, and get spit out of the system! This homogenization is a bullwark against this change.
Programming, trauma programming (Covid), fear are perfect ingredients to keep people in line. And perhaps, by injecting people with the most pernicious shit, the can prevent the emergence of that rave child. It would even be feasible to renew the population based on DNA manipulation with desired traits.
The flipping of magnetic fields should not be a big issue. The big kahuna is if, when that happens, the outer layers of the earth start rotating. That would be a catastrophe, and several people have already spoken about its potential.
Several planets in our Solar system are faced with a flipped polarity. But nothing dramatic is visible, except huge storms.
At any rate, fact remains that the temp on earth is actually quite cool, and if the sea levels would rise ... then yeah ... we would have an issue.
Mankind has survived the previous cataclysm. ( 11000 years ago). So, I see no reason why mankind would not survive another. The question is ..... will my bloodline survive? Yes or no, would that make a difference?
On a different note, as Muse so eloquently sang:
Put differently: explain to a wanker why he is pulling shit....
I have been following Ben since 2019. Back then, he said the pole flip would happen in 100 years. Every year he revises the number down and is currently at the late 2030s or early 2040. I believe that the NWO know that when the flip happens, Jesus returns and they lose dominion over the earth, so they have been trying to establish control now in a manner where Jesus can't take dominion back (ie reduce population to a manageable number and change our DNA so we are no longer God's creation). As the estimates for the flip move closer and closer to current times, they have to keep speeding up their control plans.
The reason for the fake climate change narrative is so that we willingly go along with the NWO plans. They don't want us peons knowing the truth because then we'd refuse to cooperate with their plans.
good post, think it's Always helpful to go back and review for clarity, possible revision of previous theories.
Also, the sentence could be read as 'Nothing' can stop what is coming. What if we All were just Quiet for a specified amount of time and DO nothing...like timeout at school.
this does feel like a big detention or reteaching for those who didn't pay attention the first time;)
I remember reading Autobiography of a Yogi years ago...Yogananda talked about how our thoughts & emotions affect the atmosphere, and if we can control ourselves/thoughts/actions, weather would improve.
makes a lot of sense to me after visiting Milwaukee for the recent Trump rally. I rarely have been to such populated areas...NO wonder many city people are batsh*t crazy.
being SO removed from nature can not be good for their mental well being, they looked so stressed and frantic:(
as for a global catastrophe, the campaigns spent A lot of time in Iowa, talked about what an 'impact' the state has... https://www.iowadnr.gov/portals/idnr/uploads/Iowa%20Outdoors%20Magazine/Nature/files/DayIowaIgnited.pdf
If you read through the drops, NCSWIC, is often in response to cabal moves and countermoves. It appears post 2494 was the first time it was used and that post drives home the idea we will take our government back.
There is a lot of ancient archeological evidence to support the theory, that there is a 12th planet in our solar system, that has an elliptical orbit of 3600 years. According to the legends, as it passes between our planet and the Sun, it's gravity field causes the core of the Earth to heat up, and results in a crustal pole shift, that causes massive destruction planet wide. This results in an extinction level event. I've been researching this for quite a few years, and when you look at all the evidence, it's not hard to believe that it's on it's way back. Charles Hapgood and others, wrote books about it, and Albert Einstein supported the theory. "Climate Change", is the cover story governments around the world are using to explain all the insane weather, earthquakes and volcanic activity around the planet. They want us working right up to the last minute, while they escape to the deluxe well stocked bunkers we paid for them to build. Continuity of Government. Not sure if this is what Nothing Can Stop What is Coming actually means, but it's something to consider.
The guy from the sun weather video has a youtube channel.
I watch him all the time.
I am hopeful that this is a public threat, repeated over and over to the Cabal players to instill fear and get them to turn.