Anti-cancer course for Fenbendazole (Brand name PanaCur)
Dose 110% to 150% your body weight.
5 days on followed by 10 days off. Then repeat.
Continue until your next oncology visit (to reassess) or as long as needed. God gave his children judgment and a brain. Use it.
You can find the studies on PubMed that indicate the following:
It's been shown to be very safe for pregnant horses at 500% the dose for prolonged periods. Subsequent genetic testing on offspring showed no harm. The only difference was that offspring of Fenbendazole treated mares had a slightly leaner, yet higher body mass. Fascinating. Maybe it's because they didn't have parasites sucking their life force?
Safe for children as young as six months old. I use it on my own young children 2x per year.
Would love to know about the arterial cleanse. Have a stent already and could do with a cleanout and a bit of turbocharging. ThankQ very much for posting this fren.
Since my last post about my BIL, he wouldnt listen, but oddly enough I think he might be willing now since I spoke to my sister about it all today (...first time in months).
Many arterial blockages are caused partially or completely by calcium deposits, not cholesterol or other substances. Vitamin K2 will gradually remove calcium deposits from areas they are not supposed to be (like your arteries) and move the calcium to places it is supposed to be (like your bones, teeth, and muscles). Vitamin K2 also helps to regulate blood clotting so that your blood doesn't clot too much or too little.
I have no idea what his 'arterial cleanse' method is, but try taking Vitamin K2 every day for a few months.
Yup. It is especially important to take K2 if you are supplementing with D. My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) is that D helps the body to absorb calcium from food, while K2 makes sure it goes where it's needed. Without K2, calcium can actually start to build up in places it shouldn't be.
On May 9 our Vet diagnosed a tumor in the upper sinus of my kitty. We started Joe Tippens Panacur Protocol same day...3 days on and 4 days off. My Vet is aware of these protocols as I have texted him articles/info for years. Praying this is enough to save her. She starts her 3rd round tonight.
What a wonderful blessing for your family to have you! 🙏🤍
Aaawww...thank you! They are indeed a wonderful gift from God created for us and when we get to Heaven it will be revealed just how smart they really are!
All of our babies are rescues... blessings to you fren! 🙏
What does "110% - 150% your body weight" mean?
I assume you don't mean 1kg of Fenbendazole for every Kg you weigh as that would be easy, easy to much. So do you mean if you weigh 100kg then 110-150% in grams. Eg in this case 110 - 150gms. Or maybe even milli grams.
Thanks in advance
It means that if your body weight is 100 pounds, don't dose yourself as if you are 100 pounds, dose yourself as if you weigh 110-150 pounds. The label instructions will tell you how much to dose per pound of body weight.
You can buy Fenbendazole in a big syringe of bland white paste at your local veterinarian supply store. It’s like $15 for 2200lb worth of treatment. The syringe is labels in lbs with a washer so you roll it (like a nut on a bolt) to the target weight, and dispense
I use a tablespoon with the ivermectin in front and the fen-ben in back. So if you weigh 200 dial on 220-240lbs to do 10-20% more
Like eating unflavored toothpaste. Not delicious. Not horrible. Gulp and done. Wash down with water, soda or whatever you like
The times I've taken the horsey paste Ive gotten nauseous for about 45 minutes afterwards then that passes. Might be myself thinking too much about it and 'creating' the nausea sensation.
First (and only the first) time; I wonder if parasites I have acquired over my 63 yrs (growing up on a pig/cattle farm) etc; and that gut feeling is parasites in their death throes.
For us overseas people who can't get the same brand as you can, can you please provide a photo of the ingredients so we can see what's safe and what isn't. I know the main drugs are safe but I'm not sure about the filters they use. I believe they can be toxic to humans. Thanks in advance
Anti-cancer course for Fenbendazole (Brand name PanaCur)
Dose 110% to 150% your body weight.
5 days on followed by 10 days off. Then repeat.
Continue until your next oncology visit (to reassess) or as long as needed. God gave his children judgment and a brain. Use it.
You can find the studies on PubMed that indicate the following:
It's been shown to be very safe for pregnant horses at 500% the dose for prolonged periods. Subsequent genetic testing on offspring showed no harm. The only difference was that offspring of Fenbendazole treated mares had a slightly leaner, yet higher body mass. Fascinating. Maybe it's because they didn't have parasites sucking their life force?
Safe for children as young as six months old. I use it on my own young children 2x per year.
Can you please share your arterial cleanse?
I would love to see the artery cleanse info as well - thanks for Sha!
Please consider me interested in this arterial cleanse, as well.
Where is the artery cleanse?
Would love to know about the arterial cleanse. Have a stent already and could do with a cleanout and a bit of turbocharging. ThankQ very much for posting this fren.
Since my last post about my BIL, he wouldnt listen, but oddly enough I think he might be willing now since I spoke to my sister about it all today (...first time in months).
The government in the UK are hellbent on preventing alternative cures getting out, they are using sniffer dogs to intercept ivermectin shipments at customs, and are sitting on all the evidence of how good it really is.
Maybe for a new topic, but has anyone noticed a sepsis increase with family members too since the vax?
ThankQ once again, and good on ya fren ;)
Many arterial blockages are caused partially or completely by calcium deposits, not cholesterol or other substances. Vitamin K2 will gradually remove calcium deposits from areas they are not supposed to be (like your arteries) and move the calcium to places it is supposed to be (like your bones, teeth, and muscles). Vitamin K2 also helps to regulate blood clotting so that your blood doesn't clot too much or too little.
I have no idea what his 'arterial cleanse' method is, but try taking Vitamin K2 every day for a few months.
Yup. It is especially important to take K2 if you are supplementing with D. My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) is that D helps the body to absorb calcium from food, while K2 makes sure it goes where it's needed. Without K2, calcium can actually start to build up in places it shouldn't be.
You can toss in some Berberine and Nattokinase as well.
ThankQ fren, will look into that asap. Much appreciated :) ...did, and glad to see I can continue with my daily cheese ritual Thanks :D
Never heard of k2 and benefits. Looked it up and ordered. Thanks fren. Also thx to the person below on the berberine. Got that too
Calcium just builds up in the cholesterol deposits on the artery walls after being there a long time.
This. Curious if it contains cayenne pepper.
Great for headaches
Just posted:
How many mg per dose? I don't understand "110% to 150% of body weight" in terms of actual dosage, thanks
Probably not what OP used, but they have a calendar / calc over at
I read it as…If you weigh 200 pounds, you take 220 mg - 300 mg. Could be wrong though.
No. I use PanaCur brand Fenbendazole. For horses.
$12 at a ranch/farm store for 4 or 5 doses for a 200 lb person.
It is a syringe of paste with markings to dose by bodyweight. I do not know the milligram
I believe the package dosage for animals is by weight. So without any units;
If you use 50x per pound for an animal,
take 1.1 to 1.5 times 50x per pound for a human, in this case.
I use PanaCur brand Fenbendazole. It is a syringe of paste with markings to dose by bodyweight. I do not know the milligram
I had the same question. I assume that is how the dosing directions on the packaging reads.
hope not
On May 9 our Vet diagnosed a tumor in the upper sinus of my kitty. We started Joe Tippens Panacur Protocol same day...3 days on and 4 days off. My Vet is aware of these protocols as I have texted him articles/info for years. Praying this is enough to save her. She starts her 3rd round tonight.
What a wonderful blessing for your family to have you! 🙏🤍
Please give your kitty and extra pet for us. We’ve had cats and they are wonderful pets/members of the family. 🐈 🙏
Aaawww...thank you! They are indeed a wonderful gift from God created for us and when we get to Heaven it will be revealed just how smart they really are!
All of our babies are rescues... blessings to you fren! 🙏
God bless brother. Really hope your cat goes better and thank you for helping animals
What does "110% - 150% your body weight" mean? I assume you don't mean 1kg of Fenbendazole for every Kg you weigh as that would be easy, easy to much. So do you mean if you weigh 100kg then 110-150% in grams. Eg in this case 110 - 150gms. Or maybe even milli grams. Thanks in advance
It means that if your body weight is 100 pounds, don't dose yourself as if you are 100 pounds, dose yourself as if you weigh 110-150 pounds. The label instructions will tell you how much to dose per pound of body weight.
There are no label dosage on fenbendazole you buy that was not made for animals
You can buy Fenbendazole in a big syringe of bland white paste at your local veterinarian supply store. It’s like $15 for 2200lb worth of treatment. The syringe is labels in lbs with a washer so you roll it (like a nut on a bolt) to the target weight, and dispense
I use a tablespoon with the ivermectin in front and the fen-ben in back. So if you weigh 200 dial on 220-240lbs to do 10-20% more
Like eating unflavored toothpaste. Not delicious. Not horrible. Gulp and done. Wash down with water, soda or whatever you like
The times I've taken the horsey paste Ive gotten nauseous for about 45 minutes afterwards then that passes. Might be myself thinking too much about it and 'creating' the nausea sensation.
High dose can have some effects like blurry eyes or upset stomach in some ppl
Same here.
First (and only the first) time; I wonder if parasites I have acquired over my 63 yrs (growing up on a pig/cattle farm) etc; and that gut feeling is parasites in their death throes.
Just an idea
For us overseas people who can't get the same brand as you can, can you please provide a photo of the ingredients so we can see what's safe and what isn't. I know the main drugs are safe but I'm not sure about the filters they use. I believe they can be toxic to humans. Thanks in advance
Excellent! Thanks for posting this and the dosage. Great information worth saving and spreading.