RIP Libertarian Party: Get a load of the goober they just nominated as their presidential candidate 🤣
Welp, it looks like the leftist decay has finally finished off whatever may have remained of the Libertarian Party. Gone are the days of Ron Paul calling for the government to end the Fed and Rand Paul's defiance of COVID mandates.
Perhaps we should rename it the Entropy Party.
Enjoy that 3%.
How far they have come. From Ron Paul onwards in 08, it went downhill since. This is not a libertarian but a woke commie. That organization called Libertarians are not worthy of the name anymore. What a disgrace. This is not good at all.
And ... I agree with Trump: they really do not really want to win.
I am sure, there are quite a few people within that environment, who are also deeply disgusted by such display of cult-mentality, and will make a choice for Trump.
...valid observations...
Party has been dysfunctional since damn near it’s inception. It’s rarely ever managed to put together a slate of candidates with any mainstream appeal.
Part of why they’ve never managed to seriously affect National Politics. On top of the incentive of the major parties to discredit them.
And the flavors of Libertarian and their many subcategories keep growing year to year. As the party keeps picking up orphan voters and protest voters. Making it even harder for the party to agree on anything at a National Level. Given their ideology is somewhat inherently disunited and fractious. With a focus on individualism. Even at the best of times.
You are wrong in this. I was with the Party since its inception in 1972, and the quality of its spokesmen was generally high, and persisted for some presidential cycles. But I had to part ways in the 1990s after conducting an investigation of a major financial corruption event in the Washington state chapter of the Party. And during all this time, the anarchist faction was gaining influence over the direction of the party. Since they were opposed to government per se---even Constitutional government---there was no way they could connect with people who loved this country (and still can't). It has now degenerated into a boutique where personalities vie for followers.
So, a good and promising start, but stumbling and dissolution afterward.
...compelling addendum...
...howls... are not alone in those sentiments...
Yep, the Libs are crapped out….
Good. The libertarians will vote for Trump instead of their candidate. They usually throw their vote in the trash, might as well vote democrat for all the good that does.
But maybe not this time.
...let's pray that your words prove prescient....
So far so good!
So, in terms of ideas:
Libertarian means: ANTI WEF. If you do not belief me, perhaps you will belief Klaus Schwab.
The remarks are @ 10 minutes into the video.
Let this sink in. IF libertarianism is the ANTI-system to the WEF-system, the anti-system to the ideology of the Church of Schwabism, what is it what Schwab sees and is spouting about like an old grumpy with a large prostate? It is an idea called: Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is based on the non-aggression principle: Trade with everyone, ally with non.
Think about it. If the High Priests of the Schwabists is an enemy of freedom, an enemy of non-aggression, how do you think he go about it?
Infiltration? Subversion? RE-direction? War? Anything goes, right?
Let's hear from this mentally perverted zealot from his own mouth:
This is how it works. A plan hatched and executed over decades. Slowly, relentless.
Exactly! Why? So, you will be crushed from all sides. As Trump would say: everything woke goes to shit.
And this is what can be observed with the libertarian party, a once proud bearer of the free torch, falling to woke ideology.
Min-arch-ist: it could be argued: Thomas Jefferson was a minarchist, In plain english: small government, best government is who governs least (in the words of Judge Nap)
But, what many libertarians forget, is that for freedom to reign, virtue is required. Look at all these so called libertarian investor Billionaires. When looking at these people, one could be forgiven to be confused of what libertarian actually means.
That is why, I think, Trump made overtures to bridge a gap, not towards those totally brainwashed WEF-cult members, but those people who genuinely hold in high honor both freedom and virtue.
As I said below, it is often difficult to allow for a transition period in order to arrive at a point desired. Many Libertarians are blind towards how to move from A to F. If something does not conform to rule 1, it is rejected, due to philosophical & political puritanism Practical solutions often escape them.
But I think for those listening through the Object Oriented Programming instituted by the, what seems to be, loud woke part of the crowd, there is a bridge.
Trump as the Pontifex (=bridge builder) Maximus.
...compelling addendum, nicely stated and framed...
Libertransian Party. Eat a Dick. I guess you are good at that.