they're right it is, and good. democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. We're supposed to be a representative republic. we get to vote for who gets to actually vote.
Your commentary is GOLD...and yours are the type of words that WE ALL need to be able to share at a moment's notice for the ADHD, TikTok generation that put together this puerile "feature" on CNN, because most folks over the past 30-40 years have not been properly (and TRUTHFULLY) taught that America IS a Constitutional Republic.
All they managed to do was take Trump supporters' comments out of context and try very hard to make them look like idiots. Seriously...FUCK CNN. That shitty network is in its death throes (thank GOD).
I fact check that as TRUE. They want a democracy and have always tried to have the citizens believe we are one. But we are a republic…big difference. That black and white video from the sixties guy said it perfectly. I hope someone posts the video. Thanks
Short answer for frens: in a Republic individual and minority rights are guaranteed. In a democracy the majority trumps the individual and minorities. We have inalienable individual rights from God.
Even shorter: democracy bad, Republic good.
I had to stop watching it 2/3 of the way through...the gaslighting (as is always the case with CNN) is strong with these assholes. And I'm sorry, Anne Applebaum...with your hoity-toity accent and elitist snobbery...WE ARE a Constitutional Republic, and YOU ARE a C*NT.
I don't know when their cognitive dissonance will punch them in the gut...but I hope it's debilitating.
Okay, this is a problem.
This hit piece is actually very powerful. They asked Trump supporters to explain, and the explanations were pitiful and made them sound brainwashed.
Obviously they edited out any solid answers... I wonder how many interviews it took to find these particular Trump supporters.
I sure hope there is a tsunami of a response.
CNN can stop right there.
they're right it is, and good. democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. We're supposed to be a representative republic. we get to vote for who gets to actually vote.
Your commentary is GOLD...and yours are the type of words that WE ALL need to be able to share at a moment's notice for the ADHD, TikTok generation that put together this puerile "feature" on CNN, because most folks over the past 30-40 years have not been properly (and TRUTHFULLY) taught that America IS a Constitutional Republic.
All they managed to do was take Trump supporters' comments out of context and try very hard to make them look like idiots. Seriously...FUCK CNN. That shitty network is in its death throes (thank GOD).
The Constitutional Republic is calling CNN an Attack on Democracy.
I fact check that as TRUE. They want a democracy and have always tried to have the citizens believe we are one. But we are a republic…big difference. That black and white video from the sixties guy said it perfectly. I hope someone posts the video. Thanks
They are right for a change, OUR deMOCKracy.
All these buzz words and warnings thrown around from the last ten years by them has completely lost all meaning
Bet they are reporting the truth here. Showing where they stand!
CNN has turned into the media version of Chief Lutz in Beverly Hills Cop II.
in 40 years, dictionaries will define democracy as 'rule by demons'.
they will back this up with a comprehensive etymology, and give historical examples.
Nothing more can be stated.
Wow, I bet these people never said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Short answer for frens: in a Republic individual and minority rights are guaranteed. In a democracy the majority trumps the individual and minorities. We have inalienable individual rights from God.
Even shorter: democracy bad, Republic good.
What accent did that weird goblin have?
I had to stop watching it 2/3 of the way through...the gaslighting (as is always the case with CNN) is strong with these assholes. And I'm sorry, Anne Applebaum...with your hoity-toity accent and elitist snobbery...WE ARE a Constitutional Republic, and YOU ARE a C*NT.
I don't know when their cognitive dissonance will punch them in the gut...but I hope it's debilitating.