Anyone got peer reviewed studies of ivermectin as an antiviral? I looked at pubmed but couldn’t find peer reviewed.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Trying to convince family in the medical profession.
Learn to query google:
"ivermectin" "antiviral"
Also google scholar is preddy useful.
I just did this exercise last week for a Fren that has Prostate Cancer.
The NIH scrubbed most everything related to Ivermectin a couple years ago, but if you use the way back machine you can still find links to the old articles.
Attached is one of the more informative videos on ivermectin and cancer. The Doctor goes through a number of research papers and explains the mechanism of how IVM works to fight cancer. And, he explains the dosages that were used by the other medical researchers.
The dose to treat cancer is 10 times the normal dose for humans being treated for parasites. The normal dose is 0.2 mg/kg. A 12 mg pill will treat 130 person at normal dose of .2 mg/kg. For Cancer treatment, that would be ten 12 mg pills per 130 lbs. IVM is so tolerated by humans that there is no toxic affect from overdose. people have taken up to 1000 times the normal dose. Typically, people will have vision complaints at high dosages, but these usually dissipate after a few days.
He explains that if you can't get pills, there are options for the liquid and paste. He gives the dosages for those.
I have downloaded the video so I can get to it without internet.
As a result of covid vaccines, the #1 turbo cancer showing up is Lymphoma, #2 Brain cancer, then breast, then colon... This may be imprortant info for you and yoiur family...
just for the record: Ivermectin is anti-parasitical, however, the dfinitional borders betseen virus-to-bactreia-to-'one-celled organisms' and -to- what we understand as parasites proper and fungi, are blurred.
Ivermectin is effective against parasites. This includes fungal infections, cancer, single-celled protozoan parasites and giardia (e.g. amoeba dysentries), but also viruses and bacterial infections. An the marvellous thing is that it doesn't endanger OUR life - it only enhances it, because it takes away the nasty stuff.
It did not get a Nobel prize for nothing.
Here are some of my links. Some are science papers and some not.
Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-binding Domain Attached to ACE2
A continuation of a timeline of ivermectin-related events in the COVID-19 pandemic
There is a stack of links here:
vermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Ivermectin Monotherapy Versus Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Azithromycin Combination Therapy in Covid-19 Patients in Nigeria
Another huge list:
I have more but that should be enough!
Thanks friend!
No problem, all part of the service!
If you want to find good science see if there's a randomized controlled trial.
Here they tested ivermectin versus placebo.
The median (IQR) time to sustained recovery was 11 (11-12) days in the ivermectin group and 11 (11-12) days in the placebo group.
Among those receiving ivermectin, 34 (5.7%) were hospitalized, died, or had urgent or emergency care visits compared with 36 (6.0%) receiving placebo
In the ivermectin group, 1 participant died and 4 were hospitalized (0.8%); 2 participants (0.3%) were hospitalized in the placebo group and there were no deaths. Adverse events were uncommon in both groups.
See Q post 735! Many things we learn must be organic meaning only you would figure it out! If you are bright enough to figure it out; you would understand why it needs to be organic!
It’s so frustrating being treated like you are crazy no matter how much evidence you provide.
Links on the last page or on his website and not the pdf. Maybe this will help.
Thank you.