A couple of weeks ago we had a couple bananas which had the same stretchy behaviour. Soon after that we started seeing this video pop up. I hope we didnt eat rubber!
Pity about her annoying high-pitched voice, but seriously, what is going on with food in America? Has it been pumped with the Vax and changed the molecular structure as it does to blood cells or is this a prank where fruit has been spiked with silicone? Either way, it's f*cked up.
Yeah, I got about 1/3 through and had to shut her up, annoying little twit. Anyway, I haven't seen anything like this around my area, nor have I heard other people complaining about it. I'd be sure to return to the store and take it to the service desk and give them what for about pawning off rubber or silicon as "fruit."
Or it could be something they are spraying or soaking them with/in after picking them. But, yeah, if real.. seems like some fruits are changing on the molecular level because of "science" going on out there into something that is prolly not good to be eating. IMO, just like how it is illegal to force vaccinate/medicate a person, sneaking it into their food supply is just as illegal rather you slipped a drug in a sandwich or mRNA into the fruit/meat or amy other thing that is for consumption. I just watch watch the water harp vid.. a combo of mRNA and being hit with specific sound frequencies could do it too. heh. .. and we are mostly water..... same affect, turning vaxxed into "rubber" .. some of those clots sure seem like silicone :P
Just random thoughts, that is all.
Ok so Bill Gates is pushing a product called APeel. It's a 'protective' coating to help preserve the fruit, apparently.
Stuff can't be washed off and it's 100% absorbed by the fruit. Upon inspection, I guarantee you all these fruits have this APeel on them.
Gates is actively trying to poison as many people as he can and keep us sick = big money for big pharma.
How this sick fucking piece of shit is still out walking around is beyond me. Gates needs to be the first one hung in front of all the rest
APeel was the first thing that came to my mind too.
This is strongly probable- but I can’t find anything to substantiate.
A couple of weeks ago we had a couple bananas which had the same stretchy behaviour. Soon after that we started seeing this video pop up. I hope we didnt eat rubber!
Someone earlier a few days ago mentioned the bananas, it may have been you , I remember that , I’m very curious and plan on watching the video
Pity about her annoying high-pitched voice, but seriously, what is going on with food in America? Has it been pumped with the Vax and changed the molecular structure as it does to blood cells or is this a prank where fruit has been spiked with silicone? Either way, it's f*cked up.
It’s awful.
Yeah, I got about 1/3 through and had to shut her up, annoying little twit. Anyway, I haven't seen anything like this around my area, nor have I heard other people complaining about it. I'd be sure to return to the store and take it to the service desk and give them what for about pawning off rubber or silicon as "fruit."
Carnivore Diet. This is the way.
Careful when selecting your slabs of meat as well, same thing just with meat.
Local butcher, straight from the farm. Awesome. Some grocery stores can have pretty decent butchers as well - hit and miss though.
Two words... meat glue.
They genetically modify the fruit to make it last longer. Flavor and texture is not important; shelf life is.
Or it could be something they are spraying or soaking them with/in after picking them. But, yeah, if real.. seems like some fruits are changing on the molecular level because of "science" going on out there into something that is prolly not good to be eating. IMO, just like how it is illegal to force vaccinate/medicate a person, sneaking it into their food supply is just as illegal rather you slipped a drug in a sandwich or mRNA into the fruit/meat or amy other thing that is for consumption. I just watch watch the water harp vid.. a combo of mRNA and being hit with specific sound frequencies could do it too. heh. .. and we are mostly water..... same affect, turning vaxxed into "rubber" .. some of those clots sure seem like silicone :P Just random thoughts, that is all.
My daughter made guacamole and one was not mashable the rest that did mash didn’t turn brown! Guacamole always turns brown.
I'd watch the video for more than 3 secs, but that voice. I get it though. Weird.
APeel is 100% the culprit. You see this shit on the label run the other way.
Avocados are to be ripened in a paper bag in room temperature …