Colossians 1:17: “He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” This implies that without God and outside God, all things fall apart.
Without God, nothing can hold together, that's why the US is being torn apart and divided in every way possible through left/right politics, policy, gay, mass illegal migration etc. because the people are not united in heart to their love and worship of God. The fundamental value of the US is freedom, which is fine but freedom as an end just leads to people doing their "own thing" and that "own thing" turns out to be satanic-pedophilic-cannibalistic-child-sacrificing or whatever degeneracy they want to "freely" do. Freedom is good but it cannot unite a country, only in God can a country actually hold together without disintegrating into civil strife. Same thing with Europe, these muslims do not have a love of Christ as God and things will simply accelerate into all-out civil war / WW3.
We are headed to Antichrist rule as prophesied in the Bible.
You can see the preliminary staging for the battle lines happening now between large blocks of countries (the West, European Union, Russia, China, BRICS, Israel, Arab countries).
That is why I urge people to repent and accept Jesus Christ before it is too late.
Being amill/post mill and a partial preterist, (grew up pretrial, premill) I would differ on interpretation, but regardless Christ is King and He will put all nations under His feet and every knee will bow to the glory of God the Father!
When we see Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya and the Sudan join together against Israel as stated in Ezek 38-39, I hope we are out of here because after the battle, a man will come forward with a 7 year peace deal!
Don't fall for the "futurist"/"futurism" interpretation or biblical prophecy. Its a distraction with endless revisions to make it try and fit "the current thing" just like climate change.
Remember, just like Al gore predicted that we would be under water right now, Hal Lindsey said we would all be 'raptured" in the 80ies
This was a really popular book back then. Its the same playbook now. The deep church keeps regurgitating it to keep us distracted.
This is what the son of God says about the topic
Matthew 24
32“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. 33So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. 34Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
No One Knows That Day and Hour
36“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,b but the Father only. 37For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 38For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, 39and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 40Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. 41Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one left. 42Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 43But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. 44Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
I don't believe i said anything about timeline other than the Ezek 38-39 war. We may have to endure it but I HOPE NOT! Hope the key word.
The mouth sword is gonna be so dope! 😁
Won't never happen according the prophesy!
Exactly. With Independence Day just passing I hope people remember that we can’t and never will be free without being fully DEPENDENT on Jesus. The foundation of our prayers need to be people’s hearts turning to the LORD and seeking Him.
We can only pray for rhe move of God's Word world wide. Not religion, not fake devil doctrines of most secular churches. THE WORD. Even in here there are many poorly taught religion rather than the Word.
We are responsible to tje speak truth in love.
does praying your way through an election count as 'faith without works'?
surely you can find time to both pray AND vote.
Yes of course. When Peter said stretch forth thy hand there was action required. Voting for sure. Thanks for pointing that out.
Pretty much everything that has happened and will happen is all in one book. The Bible.
You shall have no other gods before Me. Stop letting government be your God.
We need to be in one accord ❤️
GAW gets it.
Amen and amen!
On point. This flawed framing of the culture war as Christianity vs atheism/secularism/everything else has ALL the characteristics of a psy op movement intended to get enough capture of social media and the dissident right crowd to corner the entire conservative Christian population through association of another Jan 6 style setup. Why? To make it look as if by any means necessary those who take their "Christian faith" seriously want to take America back for Christ the king, whether it be civil war or balkanization or whatever.
This is just another anti-Christianity movement and likely a psy op, mark my words.
Amen. I swear allegiance to Jesus Christ the King. No one else.
Understand the concepts of ultimate and proximate. God is ultimate and Sovereign. Yet, He always works through means. An election is a means. To say that elections solve nothing is to say that means solve nothing. But, means are all we have.
I'm reminded of the story about a man stranded on the roof of a house during a flood. He prays that God will save him. A helicopter comes and offers to rescue him. He declines saying, God will save me. Another helicopter comes with the same result. Then another. The man is finally lost in the flood. In heaven he asks God why He didn't save him. God answers, "I sent three helicopters."
Trump is a helicopter. Get on.
Speaking as a deeply concerned Christian believer:
The neo-integralist Christian Nationalists don't understand Secularism. Coming from classical liberalism, Secularism was set out as a protection-of-religion program. It doesn't mean not having a religion, it doesn't mean being Communist, and it certainly doesn't mean being leftist woke. Those are all demonstrable falsehoods your dissident right influencers keep telling you with all the emotions that can muster. Secularism as intended simply serves to protect, on the one hand, the government from acting preferentially towards or enforcing a particular religious belief system; on the other hand it serves to protect the Christian churches, i.e. so that lacking political and governing spheres of power the Christian churches can and ought to focus on the purity of the Gospel message of redemption. Historically, political power has never "improved" the spiritual calling of the Christian church Contentious claim, I know. But In fact, America was in large part founded by individuals fleeing the very non secular, integralist "Christian princes" of Europe. There is a lesson there.
IMHO, by framing this flawed culture war as being between Christianity and Secular atheism, the new Christian-esque dissident right influencers are either using this artificial dichotomy as a successful but unethical marketing campaign to harvest attention and $, or its a flat out psy op intended to get the politically dissident right's energy and time barking up the wrong tree, trying to reclaim a "Christian America" of pure fantasy and dangerous consequences.
I believe secularism does not work for people. We all need to have a relationship with a higher power of the divine. To say we all have to recognize Christ as King is very narrow. Many people of faith would use different language to express they're devotion to the divine intelligence as source of life. We can't discount them as the body of God.
Secularism properly defined is intended to protect the freedom of everyone having a relationship with the divine as they freely practice according to their belief system. The word "Secularism" has been weaponized by influencers of the dissident right, apparently as a marketing strategy to harvest outrage, fear and, ultimately, clicks and $.