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I don't really get it.
Certainly, Q dropped "The shot heard around the world", and certainly "Future proves past".
But to me, it's logically inconsistent with the Q context to draw a direct line between those drops (that statement) and this incident.
Is an assassination attempt on Trump going to be a shot heard around the world? Most certainly. Would Q have the computational and game theory intelligence to be able to predict that IF such an attempt were ever made, it would have massive impact? Certainly.
But to draw any causality into the discussion seems quite illogical and irrational to me.
Firstly, the "shot heard around the world" originally references the opening of the American War of Revolution, aka the gunfire at Lexington. It can be both a literal and metaphorical "shot", i.e. the actual first shot (which nobody knows who did it) and the metaphorical shot, aka the gunfire in general that sparked the war.
But since then, the expression easily refers to an incident or event that triggers a massive effect. And, to all appearances, Q used it in this manner, to describe the events in January 2018.
Secondly, there might be other "shots" that would also qualify for that status: including DJT's inaugural speech, speech at the UN, other things.
Thirdly, there are (apparently) no significant numerical connections (deltas, etc) between these drops and today's incident.
Will this incident become "the shot heard around the world"? perhaps. It is likely to be "a shot", sure. But DJT had already declared war on the DS many years ago, has always (and increasingly) been in a position to win the 2024 election massively. So to think this is "The Shot" that Q was referencing seems a stretch to me, more the substance of romanticized wishful thinking, where one can be drawn in to imbuing with 'special meaning' anything that triggers powerful sentiments of hope, patriotic fervor, knowing, a sense of the grimness and the sacrifices and the gravity of the war we are in, precisely because we (naturally) WANT to be in touch with such emotions. Or hopes. Or sense of surety. etc.
But I don't think this was the purpose of the Q drops at all; rather, this is something Q wanted us to understand and avoid. If I were to articulate what I see (personally, aka opinion) as the purpose of the q drops, they are multiple:
a) To stimulate questioning of 'the matrix' aka the superficial narratives that have shaped the world view most of us lived in
b) to inspire the genesis, growth and maturation of a 'decentralized civilian intelligence militia' comprised of autists, anons, online researchers, reporters, commentators and 'digital soldiers'
c) to infuse the resulting 'awakening' with core principles and values, including affirmation of God and faith, patriotism, solidarity, freedom, etc.
d) to prepare said 'civilian intelligence militia' (loosely formed) to continue the process of revealing, reporting and pushing the boundaries of awareness AFTER the Q drop mission was finished
e) give us a sense of purpose and responsibility, to care for others (be a source of strength)
f) to inspire application of a certain approach to information and information warfare, including best practices as eschewing 'group think', expanding thinking range and processes, being aware of how emotion is used in psyop warfare and what to avoid, etc.
It's been a LONG war. And, it appears we are reaching the conclusion, certainly of a key stage, so I understand or feel sympathy for people who want to infuse meaning in to certain events and tie them to the Q operation or drops, but I personally think that sometimes the connections people pursue are not grounded in those principles of critical thinking and expanded thinking that Q sought to inspire.
Maybe that's just me. I don't feel any contradiction between the idea that this incident is going to have a massive effect in the US and elsewhere and it NOT being something that Q was trying to get us to understand. Or perhaps I might be more accurate to say I don't personally feel any advantage or see any reason for connecting the two.
While I believe that the Q operation specifically has content related to the unfolding of events in the "future" aka after Q stopped posting (essentially Dec 2020), I kind of feel like to get the right perspective, we need to move beyond just the Q drops, and get more in tune with where DJT and the good guys are focused TODAY.
The Q map (drops) is a textbook, and learning what it says prepares us to be able to question and interpret much of what we see happening about us. But I think Q is also a sort of a course, a training program, and that its perhaps beneficial to graduate from the school of Q and then going into actual practice, and not be excessively tied to Q as if the Q drops are the be all and end all.
I don't know if that is a weird sentiment to express here. I don't think it is, and I'm certainly not attempting negate or downplay the significance of Q, but I also do not think its an accident that Q stopped posting.
"You have more than you know". If nothing else, I guess I am wary of being emotionally pulled to conjure up meanings and associations that may feel 'nice' but which are not actually grounded in what Q was actually wanting us to focus on.
I feel weird even just writing this, and wonder if I'm going to regret posting it.... (kek).
But given the emotional intensity of the last 4+ hours, when I first heard about and then began to look at what took place in Pennsylvania today, I guess I'm feeling the need for some based emotional grounding.
I don't think we can overestimate the magnitude of what just happened. So before I start reaching or grasping for meaning, I'm going to reflect, and watch over the next few days. I guess I'm just saying, I hope my fellow frogs do the same. In times of intensity and mayhem, these are the times for real soldiers to remain calm, quiet, reflective and ready.
Stay in prayer, that's all we got.
There is so much I don't understand and none of this makes sense no matter what angle I come at it from.
A week to remember
Biblically faith is greater than feelings. Q logical thinking is greater than feelings.
Feelings cause emotional responses like we see the left do. Praying and being patient (logical) cause us to be calm.
It seems like they really want to anger people who have faith (love) in their neighbors and the Constitution of the Republic.
The last paragraph shows you are seeing it too.
Q-Posts have “multiple meanings”. 😉 Future Proves Fusca. 😂😂