Reddit is interesting right now. A lot of open support for Trump in comments, but also a lot of highly defensive leftists mentally gymnasticizing it as being Trump's fault, or MAGA's fault, or someone being justified... for their side being violent in the way they claim Trump's side is.
I can practically feel their brains oozing with internal discord, and I think another large scale awakening is in the making... but man, does it look pathetic from the outside.
Of course it is our fault for putting God first, family second, following the constitution, knowing the difference between a man and a woman, knowing there are 2 sexes, shall I go on?
Na, it is comments like the Senator here that is causing violence against Make America Great Again rally goers. Stop blaming the victims for the crimes of others, in this and in everything.
Is this victim shaming? By the same logic... assault victims deserved it for wearing that, going there, saying that?
Funny how the left can call out all manner of 'dog whistles' to blame the right on things but when they openly call for violence and it happens.. it is the victims fault.
So is she saying we (our existence) made her or her group have to try to assassinate Trump?
I believe I will look forward to seeing her GITMO trial and military tribunal execution in the future.
She has an issue with us telling them to stop raping children. The sentiment of "Don't Rape Kids" is considered extreme by them.
Complete bullshit and they know it.
3 lies in that tweet right in a row
It's always the last refuge of an abuser.... "See what you made me do?! It's YOUR FAULT!!"
Wait, is this the same as 'its not the rape victim's fault, even though she was wearing scant clothes and got what was coming to her?' I'm confused
Reddit is interesting right now. A lot of open support for Trump in comments, but also a lot of highly defensive leftists mentally gymnasticizing it as being Trump's fault, or MAGA's fault, or someone being justified... for their side being violent in the way they claim Trump's side is.
I can practically feel their brains oozing with internal discord, and I think another large scale awakening is in the making... but man, does it look pathetic from the outside.
I am archiving all these kinds of posts. Many of these folks are deleting their whole account once they realise how stupid they are being.
Yes. I extremely want my family to be left alone.
She has a problem with understanding reality.
this is the psychosis.
this mental abyss is what the MSM creates.
So fucking sick of these psychos. There is nothing left to be said.
...and the spin cycle begins...
It wont work, but they're going to try...
Of course it is our fault for putting God first, family second, following the constitution, knowing the difference between a man and a woman, knowing there are 2 sexes, shall I go on?
Na, it is comments like the Senator here that is causing violence against Make America Great Again rally goers. Stop blaming the victims for the crimes of others, in this and in everything.
Go F yourself you weak enabler.
Is this victim shaming? By the same logic... assault victims deserved it for wearing that, going there, saying that?
Funny how the left can call out all manner of 'dog whistles' to blame the right on things but when they openly call for violence and it happens.. it is the victims fault.
Just watch what happens next, Lamar...