Unless it was deliberate by some higher-up. Find the least experienced and least competent agents and get as many of them as possible to Trump's team, so if something happens they will not get in the way.
Either a passive-aggressive way to endanger Trump just because somebody in the system doesn't like him, or is trying to suck up to some of his opponents. Or - well, if we assume that the security team had a mole or moles who were actually actively trying to get him killed and knew beforehand that there would be an assassin that day, it would presumably have been only one to very few individuals. In which case of course they would have wanted as few as possible of the other agents to be competent and experienced.
Well apparently a number of the DEI hires were neither competent nor experienced.
Right? Shouldn't Trump have the authority to FIRE security personnel who are so obviously not up for the job?!? It is HIS LIFE at stake! Not the pudgy clueless pretend SS agents.
Yeah RIGHT! I am thinking we all need to weigh in, that Trump's protective service was inadequate and they need to FIX it, yesterday. Females who cannot fill the bill are not to be protected by their sex, besides we are told there is no such thing.
It looked like the female SS were tiny, petite, short women who panicked when it happened. The one with the pony tail was ducking the bullets at the bottom of the stairs to the stage, bent over. The one with the bun who walked Trump out ran onstage and didn't know what to do. Another SS told her to surround Trump. She was so short, Trump's head and neck were exposed the whole time. One was just running around doing nothing. Did the SS recruit them from "The View"?
They want a man's job to get the status, uniform, gun, big paycheck and bragging rights to their friends. They don't want to actually do what a dangerous job like this requires. Female instinct is to hide behind men, which at least one of them did (behind Trump).
I agree. They want to go to a party and be asked: "What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm a Secret Service Agent!"
They must meet the minimum requirements. Do not lower the requirements because they are women. Same goes for police, firemen, security, the Marines, etc. where it can be a matter of life or death and strength and size matters.
If you hire women, look for a Gina Carano or Rhonda Rousey.
100%. There are some jobs women are simply not built for. The goal shouldn't be to satisfy their childhood dreams to be a (whatever) when they grow up. They only pick and choose the male jobs they think are fancy and prestigious, not the ones that actually require real work.
I don’t care what anyone says or how many downdoots I get. I have said it once and I’ll say it until the day I die. WOMEN DO NOT BELONG IN COMBAT ROLES!!!! PERIOD!!! Watch the FULL video and take note of each one of the females. Watch it 100x if you have to. They failed at every avenue. Take note of their muzzle awareness as well. They flagged EVERYONE multiple times. No muzzle awareness, barely any trigger discipline, not fully shielding Trump, hiding behind the men while they shielded Trump, bending down and opening up Trump to attack because she dropped her glasses. It was a total fail. This was a set up(someone paid off the SS to leave the opening) and a demonstration of how DEI and muh feminism will always fail. This is disgusting and I thank God that He decided to save Trump.
No downdoot here. 100% in agreement. Someone pointed out that one hid behind Trump during the shooting, unable to holster her gun. Useless. But they want equal pay. (insert eyeroll here)
When your Back Fat keeps you from properly holstering a fire arm and you DO NOT posess the physical ability to CARRY or DRAG the Subject of your defense . . .
Clearly these KARENS cannot operate without the large black frame eye wear (glasses) they are accustom to.
What a joke! Please don't include all of us women in this pathetic bunch! I was thinking earlier today that only tall, heavily muscled women should be allowed to join SS. A 'bubble' needs to cover the President and there were open spaces.God made men and women differently and he made men to protect. Even smaller men are great protectors because of how God made them. Women, stop trying to be men. We too, have special abilities but let the men do the heavy lifting! I'm 69 years old and I have always thought this way. I know what I can do and what I cannot do. That's why men shrunk back the last 50 years. They were shunned, taunted, emasculated, feminized, disrespected as leaders and head of their homes and families. We need them to be what God created them to be - PROTECTORS AND PROVIDERS!!!
Noted and stated very eloquently - female myself of similar age, btw. I'm sure you're wise enough to know that women don't belong in certain jobs. Period. I remember watching a video of 5 ponytail police trying to handcuff a blk man much taller than them. It was trippy watching them struggle to hold him as he wriggled around and fought them off without actually hitting any of them. There was FIVE of them - and they simply couldn't do it. He eventually pulled away from them and escaped. They didn't even bother to chase him - the five ladies looked so exhausted and defeated. It was hilarious.
yea they didn’t look very competent.
Seriously, Trump and is security advisors need to vet his SS team! The SS detail needs to be ABLE to protect him, which is their job!
They need to be tall enough to block him, strong enough to get him from the line of fire into safety. And NOT CLUELESS!
How long have these fatty fumble-inas been on his SS detail? Should be possible for the autists to compare photos of previous events.
Short female SS could defend shorter candidates such as women. NO need for President Trump's life to be risked by DEI appointments. SHEESH.
Unless it was deliberate by some higher-up. Find the least experienced and least competent agents and get as many of them as possible to Trump's team, so if something happens they will not get in the way.
Either a passive-aggressive way to endanger Trump just because somebody in the system doesn't like him, or is trying to suck up to some of his opponents. Or - well, if we assume that the security team had a mole or moles who were actually actively trying to get him killed and knew beforehand that there would be an assassin that day, it would presumably have been only one to very few individuals. In which case of course they would have wanted as few as possible of the other agents to be competent and experienced.
Well apparently a number of the DEI hires were neither competent nor experienced.
Right? Shouldn't Trump have the authority to FIRE security personnel who are so obviously not up for the job?!? It is HIS LIFE at stake! Not the pudgy clueless pretend SS agents.
No idea how that works. Maybe somebody will talk about that sooner or later.
Yeah RIGHT! I am thinking we all need to weigh in, that Trump's protective service was inadequate and they need to FIX it, yesterday. Females who cannot fill the bill are not to be protected by their sex, besides we are told there is no such thing.
At this point, it looks like an inside job.
Thanks. I wish it was a joke.
"short fat diversity hens" 😂😂😂
POTUS certainly didn't look 100% insulated like Q has repeatedly claimed.
I don't think blowing the top of his ear off qualifies as 100% insulated.
It looked like the female SS were tiny, petite, short women who panicked when it happened. The one with the pony tail was ducking the bullets at the bottom of the stairs to the stage, bent over. The one with the bun who walked Trump out ran onstage and didn't know what to do. Another SS told her to surround Trump. She was so short, Trump's head and neck were exposed the whole time. One was just running around doing nothing. Did the SS recruit them from "The View"?
They want a man's job to get the status, uniform, gun, big paycheck and bragging rights to their friends. They don't want to actually do what a dangerous job like this requires. Female instinct is to hide behind men, which at least one of them did (behind Trump).
I agree. They want to go to a party and be asked: "What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm a Secret Service Agent!"
They must meet the minimum requirements. Do not lower the requirements because they are women. Same goes for police, firemen, security, the Marines, etc. where it can be a matter of life or death and strength and size matters.
If you hire women, look for a Gina Carano or Rhonda Rousey.
100%. There are some jobs women are simply not built for. The goal shouldn't be to satisfy their childhood dreams to be a (whatever) when they grow up. They only pick and choose the male jobs they think are fancy and prestigious, not the ones that actually require real work.
I don’t care what anyone says or how many downdoots I get. I have said it once and I’ll say it until the day I die. WOMEN DO NOT BELONG IN COMBAT ROLES!!!! PERIOD!!! Watch the FULL video and take note of each one of the females. Watch it 100x if you have to. They failed at every avenue. Take note of their muzzle awareness as well. They flagged EVERYONE multiple times. No muzzle awareness, barely any trigger discipline, not fully shielding Trump, hiding behind the men while they shielded Trump, bending down and opening up Trump to attack because she dropped her glasses. It was a total fail. This was a set up(someone paid off the SS to leave the opening) and a demonstration of how DEI and muh feminism will always fail. This is disgusting and I thank God that He decided to save Trump.
I agree and I'm a female.
No downdoot here. 100% in agreement. Someone pointed out that one hid behind Trump during the shooting, unable to holster her gun. Useless. But they want equal pay. (insert eyeroll here)
Female here. 100% agree.
When your Back Fat keeps you from properly holstering a fire arm and you DO NOT posess the physical ability to CARRY or DRAG the Subject of your defense . . . YOU ARE NOT QUALIFED TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SECURITY DETAIL.
Clearly these KARENS cannot operate without the large black frame eye wear (glasses) they are accustom to.
the video for did not earn it.
Exactly. Heard one of them ran behind Trump to protect herself. smh
Training exercise ...
BIG FAIL. Back to your former job as crossing guard, lady.
What a joke! Please don't include all of us women in this pathetic bunch! I was thinking earlier today that only tall, heavily muscled women should be allowed to join SS. A 'bubble' needs to cover the President and there were open spaces.God made men and women differently and he made men to protect. Even smaller men are great protectors because of how God made them. Women, stop trying to be men. We too, have special abilities but let the men do the heavy lifting! I'm 69 years old and I have always thought this way. I know what I can do and what I cannot do. That's why men shrunk back the last 50 years. They were shunned, taunted, emasculated, feminized, disrespected as leaders and head of their homes and families. We need them to be what God created them to be - PROTECTORS AND PROVIDERS!!!
Noted and stated very eloquently - female myself of similar age, btw. I'm sure you're wise enough to know that women don't belong in certain jobs. Period. I remember watching a video of 5 ponytail police trying to handcuff a blk man much taller than them. It was trippy watching them struggle to hold him as he wriggled around and fought them off without actually hitting any of them. There was FIVE of them - and they simply couldn't do it. He eventually pulled away from them and escaped. They didn't even bother to chase him - the five ladies looked so exhausted and defeated. It was hilarious.