In traditional Japanese culture, the victor is always right and the loser is wrong, is shamed and must go down.
MacArthur understood Japan. He was given carte blanche as the former Supreme Allied Commander to rule over occupied Japan for 6 years. He raised the Japanese from the position of "loser" and treated them with so much respect, justice and insightful integrity that instead of becoming embittered losing enemy (which is 100% what traditional Japanese culture required), they were raised up, learned to rebuild and find value.
As one example, MacArthur was pushed and told by DC etc in Washington to treat the Emperor in a certain way (force him to come to you, show that he must bow, etc). MacArthur did the opposite. He waited until the Emperor came to him in the due course of time, and treated him with respect, making him a valuable ally for the accomplishment of the rebuild. The West saw the Emperor as a war criminal, but MacArthur knew the truth, that the Emperor in Japan was a figurehead and puppet, not the architect of the war machine.
MacArthur was instrumental in the design and drafting of the constitution of Japan, too.
Gen MacArthur was key, was instrumental in making Japan the Japan it has been since the war. He embodied all the best of America, and none of the establishment (the worst). The respect that Japan developed for America largely exists because God found it fit to make Douglas MacArthur their pseudo-ruler for 6 years following their most devastation historical defeat.
I am in Japan right now while all this is happening. The news here is fake af. Imagine fake US news regurgitated into more fake crap with useless opinions. Even non political Japanese people know what’s up, Japan is based.
Yes I saw this as well. my brother has lived in Japan for 40 years my mother lived there for 10 and my daughter lived there for one - So yes, Japan is based and no, we’re not Japanese
Checking with my mom to see if it’s actually in Japanese because she speaks Japanese. I’ll get back to you.
I’m not saying you’re not wrong about the subtitles, but I’m pretty sure they’re speaking Japanese in the actual video
But I don’t wanna make an ass of myself so I’m waiting for my mom. She lived in Japan for 10 years and my brother lived there for 40 so let’s find out.
Edit: OK, so mom says they’re speaking in Japanese, but the subtitles are in Chinese 🤷♀️. If you have an issue, you can take it up with u/basedpedegrandma
She has an account here because she’s cool - She’s 83 so be nice to her. 🐸🙏
Yes they're speaking Japanese. The audio is taken from the show "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders." Excellent series btw. I'm just saying that this video appears to be made by a Chinese person.
I should have said to give us the lowdown on how people there are feeling and what they're saying about the whole thing. I had never heard the saying, America gets a cold and Japan sneezes. I honestly don't know why they'd like us so much. I can barely stand us.
I think it’s some type of a mutual power-play of respect.
They bombed us
we bombed them back pretty hard
But we stuck around to help rebuild their country.
They now understand what they’re dealing with, and now there’s a mutual respect against one another, or towards one another. The Japanese culture is so different than many others on this planet, and it’s built highly on trust and honor. They FAFO - and now there’s honor built between both countries.
Personally… my brother has lived in Japan for 40 years. He’s married to a Japanese and they are very wealthy. my mom lived there for 10 years and my daughter lived there for one year.
it’s one of the most fascinating and wonderfully created societies, people are respectful, clean, and it’s safe to live there. They have a very tight immigration system, which the deep state is trying to break down, but it’s not working out for them.
I Understand what you mean when you say you can’t stand America yourself, and yes, the deep state America is pretty vile… but the America that was created by our founding fathers is pretty fantastic. That America still exists we just have to fight for it!
(Ps. I thought that sauce comment was regarding a recent incident where you were asking for sauce, and then - you know. my comment “no sauce allowed”, was kind of making fun of you know) 😂😂😂
And I've never been to Japan but they do seem to be very unique people. I also concluded that perhaps they like us because they FA and FO 80 + years ago and somehow that made them respect us. Of course, our country has grown exponentially and so has our power through the world, since then. And they are such a tiny nation. That's fascinating about your brother being there so long! He must be very happy there. I could ask lots of questions, but I'll spare you, lol.
The Japanese could really hate us, but they chose love for us.
I heard there was a Japanese saying:
Opposite. When America sneezes, Japan catches a cold. Meaning small affects on American have huge impacts in Japan
That's just the way I heard it said.
To a great extent, you can thank General Douglas MacArthur for that.
we were an honored enemy in 1945 and a lot of that never wore off.
In traditional Japanese culture, the victor is always right and the loser is wrong, is shamed and must go down.
MacArthur understood Japan. He was given carte blanche as the former Supreme Allied Commander to rule over occupied Japan for 6 years. He raised the Japanese from the position of "loser" and treated them with so much respect, justice and insightful integrity that instead of becoming embittered losing enemy (which is 100% what traditional Japanese culture required), they were raised up, learned to rebuild and find value.
As one example, MacArthur was pushed and told by DC etc in Washington to treat the Emperor in a certain way (force him to come to you, show that he must bow, etc). MacArthur did the opposite. He waited until the Emperor came to him in the due course of time, and treated him with respect, making him a valuable ally for the accomplishment of the rebuild. The West saw the Emperor as a war criminal, but MacArthur knew the truth, that the Emperor in Japan was a figurehead and puppet, not the architect of the war machine.
MacArthur was instrumental in the design and drafting of the constitution of Japan, too.
Gen MacArthur was key, was instrumental in making Japan the Japan it has been since the war. He embodied all the best of America, and none of the establishment (the worst). The respect that Japan developed for America largely exists because God found it fit to make Douglas MacArthur their pseudo-ruler for 6 years following their most devastation historical defeat.
nice, thank you.
I am in Japan right now while all this is happening. The news here is fake af. Imagine fake US news regurgitated into more fake crap with useless opinions. Even non political Japanese people know what’s up, Japan is based.
Yes they are! Japan is a wonderful country.
I love this. Reminds me of a good tweet from the other night. "No one shall harm my nakama."
Shinzo Abe being a bro from the other side and watching over our dear POTUS. We love Japan.
Yes I saw this as well. my brother has lived in Japan for 40 years my mother lived there for 10 and my daughter lived there for one - So yes, Japan is based and no, we’re not Japanese
Retribution coming for the Cabal taking out good people from both the US and Japan in WWII. Payback time.
Followed him, based. Too based. This is the way.
I know this is right up your alley. 👏👏👏
I am already the American the Japanese think I am:
Lmao at the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure style here. Love it. Japan is like our little brother.
W Jojo Edit
This is actually a Chinese made JoJo parody. The subtitles are in Chinese.
Checking with my mom to see if it’s actually in Japanese because she speaks Japanese. I’ll get back to you.
I’m not saying you’re not wrong about the subtitles, but I’m pretty sure they’re speaking Japanese in the actual video
But I don’t wanna make an ass of myself so I’m waiting for my mom. She lived in Japan for 10 years and my brother lived there for 40 so let’s find out.
Edit: OK, so mom says they’re speaking in Japanese, but the subtitles are in Chinese 🤷♀️. If you have an issue, you can take it up with u/basedpedegrandma She has an account here because she’s cool - She’s 83 so be nice to her. 🐸🙏
Yes they're speaking Japanese. The audio is taken from the show "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders." Excellent series btw. I'm just saying that this video appears to be made by a Chinese person.
Got it thx 🙏
that's cool asf
i love Jojo's
I just noticed the shooter is holding the rifle over his shoulder like a rocket launcher lol
It is Jojo's, be glad he was not break dancing or standing on one foot while shooting.
I’m now deeply disappointed he was not breakdancing or standing on one foot while shooting.
I enjoyed Battle Tendencies and Stardust Crusaders btw.
Never got around to seeing Diamond is Unbreakable.
You're absolutely missing out, diamond is unbreakable takes JoJos absurdity to the next level.
Fugggg :DDD
Maybe in the far future i’ll check it out,
right now I’m busy irl.
Awesome….although they really enhanced the soy boy shooter.
Lol. That's awesome. Where's u/#stevethefish to verify this?
Verify? 😂😂😂
Apparently sauce is no longer needed - in some aspects anyway 🤷♀️
;) Indeed.
I should have said to give us the lowdown on how people there are feeling and what they're saying about the whole thing. I had never heard the saying, America gets a cold and Japan sneezes. I honestly don't know why they'd like us so much. I can barely stand us.
I think it’s some type of a mutual power-play of respect.
They bombed us
we bombed them back pretty hard
But we stuck around to help rebuild their country.
They now understand what they’re dealing with, and now there’s a mutual respect against one another, or towards one another. The Japanese culture is so different than many others on this planet, and it’s built highly on trust and honor. They FAFO - and now there’s honor built between both countries.
Personally… my brother has lived in Japan for 40 years. He’s married to a Japanese and they are very wealthy. my mom lived there for 10 years and my daughter lived there for one year.
it’s one of the most fascinating and wonderfully created societies, people are respectful, clean, and it’s safe to live there. They have a very tight immigration system, which the deep state is trying to break down, but it’s not working out for them.
I Understand what you mean when you say you can’t stand America yourself, and yes, the deep state America is pretty vile… but the America that was created by our founding fathers is pretty fantastic. That America still exists we just have to fight for it!
(Ps. I thought that sauce comment was regarding a recent incident where you were asking for sauce, and then - you know. my comment “no sauce allowed”, was kind of making fun of you know) 😂😂😂
Lol. Yeah, I got that.
And I've never been to Japan but they do seem to be very unique people. I also concluded that perhaps they like us because they FA and FO 80 + years ago and somehow that made them respect us. Of course, our country has grown exponentially and so has our power through the world, since then. And they are such a tiny nation. That's fascinating about your brother being there so long! He must be very happy there. I could ask lots of questions, but I'll spare you, lol.
How did tjey make that so quickly?
Thanks to the Japanese!!