male be the operative word. I can't wait until this "women can do anything a man can do" madness. I firmly believe we should repeal the 19th amendment and end women's suffrage.
There are many intelligent patriot women who should vote. And an angry Mama bear is not to be messed with, and the Mama bears are pissed! But, I agree women can’t do what men can do in sports or in Secret Service protection where strength and HEIGHT are required.
The day of the rally, his usual team was pulled to guard Jill. He now has his normal team back. I read the SS was short staffed so the used Homeland Security “agents.”
Did you see the agent fumbling with her sidearm. Jesus, muscle memory alone should have been in place. This means she doesn't use, or handle her sidearm to make it automatic. FFS.
I was especially impressed with the lifting of her side belly fat to access side/rear of her belt. Dear God; not able to handle weapons, nor wise enough to wear spanx.
Failure on all levels.
Tell you what, find a way to get Jason Statham on board, along with Chuck Norris. Those dudes are total badasses. Call it the Beekeeper / Texas Ranger detail. That would be epic.
Tall, strong, fit, alpha males. Back to common sense.
Yup. Back to the testosterone energized team. The way it should be.
male be the operative word. I can't wait until this "women can do anything a man can do" madness. I firmly believe we should repeal the 19th amendment and end women's suffrage.
There are many intelligent patriot women who should vote. And an angry Mama bear is not to be messed with, and the Mama bears are pissed! But, I agree women can’t do what men can do in sports or in Secret Service protection where strength and HEIGHT are required.
Looks like the A Team is back...just praying they are competent Patriots! 🙏
Yeah, Meal Team Six and the soy boy gay men's choir were not there and is now surrounded by actual men that look like they can fuck shit up.
LOL you nailed it
All tall enough to provide proper protection!
Not a DEI in the bunch..
No woman. No problems…
Fuck the SS…deploy Seal Team!
Seal .. is for water/ocean, right?
Maybe you weren't aware SEAL is an acronym
Oh.. oops.. it's so hot here and I was thinking of seals and dolphins :P
extremely versatile
if needed...
SEa, Air, Land.
Sorry ZDT - didn't see your answer before I hit send. fumbling female(?) midgets...
Paul Blart's sister wasn't on the team.
You mean Paula Blart?
Could be. Unaware of her first name.
All men KEK
my optic wish list:
Marine Corps Military
surrounding him, protecting him, fully insulated.
Yeah, huge mofo’s
Does that not remind you of all the "agents" in the Matrix? They just need the sunglasses.
The day of the rally, his usual team was pulled to guard Jill. He now has his normal team back. I read the SS was short staffed so the used Homeland Security “agents.”
I am a woman and I totally and utterly approve this alpha male protection!
Are they secret service or hired security?
Did you see the agent fumbling with her sidearm. Jesus, muscle memory alone should have been in place. This means she doesn't use, or handle her sidearm to make it automatic. FFS.
I was especially impressed with the lifting of her side belly fat to access side/rear of her belt. Dear God; not able to handle weapons, nor wise enough to wear spanx. Failure on all levels.
What are you talking about? I was talking about the guys in the photo above, not the bumbling fools the other night.
No ponytail gals.
Tell you what, find a way to get Jason Statham on board, along with Chuck Norris. Those dudes are total badasses. Call it the Beekeeper / Texas Ranger detail. That would be epic.