The last black in the Oval worked out so well for the blacks and the rest of the nation, and his wife was a shining example of black culture for black society to celebrate.
Yeah, maybe being the president should be a black job. After all, just look at the rich history of effective leadership we have seen in Africa going back hundreds, or even thousands of years. They be Kangz!!
These people are stupid. Can you imagine if the words were reversed?
Spoken like a true racist.
Waaaaaaiiiiiiittttt a minute. I thought she was Jamaican/East Indian?
So, Moore is either a dipshit, or he's not really black himself, so that's why he thinks she's black?
she's a black indimaican
Hello, I'm Gov. Wes Moore and I'm here to divide the country with racism.
Being a big blu city mayor is a black job too. Meet Kumonya's running mate.
We’ve already had that. Didn’t go well.
She is Indian, not African American.
Yeah. But like most low information politicians...this tweet will come back to haunt him in "They won't be able to walk down the street" fashion.
The last black in the Oval worked out so well for the blacks and the rest of the nation, and his wife was a shining example of black culture for black society to celebrate.
Except she's not black.
Yeah, maybe being the president should be a black job. After all, just look at the rich history of effective leadership we have seen in Africa going back hundreds, or even thousands of years. They be Kangz!!
He means 1/2 black job. What a fucking retard.
Lmao what
God these people are stupid.
Well, she ain’t black so…….
Misquoted; he meant “Blow job.”
Y'all spelled "blow" wrong...
Here, put this on your bumper: