I liked when justin trudeau gave the clinton foundation 20 mil of canadian taxpayer dollars then the clinton foundation gave the trudeau foundation 10mil shortly after and nothing from the media
That’s the money disclosed in public records. If you think these folks don’t have a ton more socked away in off shore bank accounts and hidden in the form of “gifts” then you don’t understand how the name is played.
I believe Judge Joe Brown (or someone who looks just like him) is on the record saying Obama was actually one of the richest men in the world before they installed him as President. He seems pretty sure of that, but I'm not sure how how to confirm or disprove that independently.
▪️Carter $2.3M > $10.7M
▪️George H.W. Bush $4M > $23M
▪️George W Bush $20M > $40M
The only difference maker: ▪️Donald Trump $3B < $2.3B
This is telling you all you need to know.
You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.
I liked when justin trudeau gave the clinton foundation 20 mil of canadian taxpayer dollars then the clinton foundation gave the trudeau foundation 10mil shortly after and nothing from the media
Those are just the publicly stated figures. I'm sure there is quite a bit more somewhere.
Of Course...
I'll tell you what, if I had that kind of money, I certainly wouldn't spend my time hanging out in the White House or congress every day. Just sayin'.
Sources: speaking engagements, books. aka 'money laundering'.
Netflix movie deals....
Just said the same thing. Thought everyone knew this by now.
Washington DC is a BIG LAUNDRY MATT!
Judge Joe Brown says his Step Daddy is Lolo Soetoro, and Obama inherited millions in oil wealth from Soetoro's investments.
Uh huh.
"Book Deals"
aka money laundering.
Should do Congress as well.
That’s the money disclosed in public records. If you think these folks don’t have a ton more socked away in off shore bank accounts and hidden in the form of “gifts” then you don’t understand how the name is played.
There's what he did in office, but also what he inherited from his real family.
His untold history is full of Clowns
I believe Judge Joe Brown (or someone who looks just like him) is on the record saying Obama was actually one of the richest men in the world before they installed him as President. He seems pretty sure of that, but I'm not sure how how to confirm or disprove that independently.