No one on the right would be okay with this if trump stepped down. Even those hating him, we would all demand a say. It just shows how brainwashed they are.
Agreed. And, it goes to show how controlled the various polling organizations are. They waited for instructions from the DS instead of sampling voter sentiment.
This morning a representative from Rasmussen polling said there have been no national polls on the Trump/Harris race since August 4th. Rasmussen is the only pollster doing polls. He said "this is unusual" My thought is they are all scrambling to figure out how to collectively skew the polls. With just the right questions they can make Kamala look like she is ahead. That could backfire on them. Lazy types will stay home and not vote. They are not very excited about Kamala and are just now learning things about Walz that are not too favorable.
Let's be honest here they never cared about their candidate. Their supporters turned off their critical thinking years ago and have been almost perfectly conditioned to accept literally anything they're told. All the proof we need of that is looking at the covid mandates.
I was just about to reply to another comment regarding this exact topic. Let me just expound on your stated truths with one recent example --
Look at the following clip carefully (thanks to anon guru_meditation for sharing this with us). Look at the face of the soyboy and listen carefully to what he says and does. He's spouting the FNM narratives (right wing are racist, etc) as he's standing on the side of illegal invaders. Does he even have any idea of what the basis is for the patriots in his country opposing this invasion?? Very doubtful.
The interviewer is asking him a simple question about whether or not he feels that countries should not have borders and if he thinks that this negates the concept of "a country" entirely. Soyboy spouts some more narrative points that skirt the question, getting increasingly uncomfortable. He then tries to get the police to remove the interviewer! They're just talking! Calmly and respectfully.
Note the soyboy's tone of voice ... He was very afraid of cracking his thin veneer of mildly haughty, virtue-signalling, self-imagined superiority by answering any questions with actual thought. It looks as if he's searching his little database of FNM-provided talking points for what to say, choosing a random, unrelated answer at times when he knew there was nothing whatsoever available to support his drivel - then tacking on "I think you should leave, go across the street to where the meanie far right are.".
He realizes he's been separated from the herd and looks increasingly anxious. I could not make it to the end of this video (7-8 minutes, I think) as I was losing IQ points trying to figure out just what's going on in the insipid, twisted little soyboy's mind. Therein lies the issue. Soyboy and many like him on the left are not thinking anymore. Be it from a warped marxist indoctrination in the school system and/or the constant diet of fear porn fed to them over FNM and marxist controlled social media, they are not thinking!
This was not rocket science; it was a simple, reasonable question that anyone over the age of twelve ought to be able to answer. Can these people no longer listen, consider and think? No. No, they can't. They cannot think for themselves anymore. What they've been fed is unreasonable, feel-good, virtue-signalling drivel and it's been drilled into their minds that they need to reject any challenge to the narratives they've been told. Truthfully, soyboy seems like a sweet soul, but he's been misled by people far, far more evil than his psyche is likely equipped to be able to handle. MHO
A few things to consider . . . Some of these soypeople are simply not going to awaken; they will choose to cling to the fantasy world they've been programmed into - "the matrix", if you will. I expect that's where the 4-6% estimate comes in. They come in all ages and will be lost, unable to deal with reality, truth and reason. Think Cypher.
Second, for those who can awaken, I don't think it's going to happen overnight, so to speak, but rather will occur in phases and over time. I've maintained for years now that the two main factors of the DS brainwashing are fear and ego - interestingly points made repeatedly in the Bible ("Fear Not" and "Be Humble", "All Glory To God") which is partly why it's been so important for the beasts to separate humanity from spirituality. As more gets disclosed, the horrors laid bare, many of us can assist the newly-awakened with overcoming their fear and getting them to come to terms with the parts of their ego that were destructive. We need patience and fortitude for this.
A third point, one that bodes well for the soypeople despite being a negative character trait, is that they're generally predisposed to having a herd mentality and that's, IMHO, one of the more prominent strategies I see in effect now. Most recently we have the debate debacle which made many in the herd finally get disgusted enough with FNM to lose faith in it. The Kamala Chameleon issue combined with the illegals invasion is getting many blacks to wake up to the harsh realities of the racist democrat party. The tranny men in women's sports and bathroom issue is forcing many women to realize how the left actually feels about women. The VP pick is stripping away servicemen and women who were still leaning left. The porn and deviancy in grade schools stripped off parents. And so forth. Once enough brainwashed sheeple awaken and move away from the herd, it will be much easier for other sheeple to follow them.
I think the WHs are trying to show people just how absurd all of this is (anons already have a good handle on this) and trying to jolt the brainwashed sheeple to wake TF up already. IMHO the WHs are continually stripping more and more sheeple - those with two brain cells to rub together - off the FNM narrative teats and turning them against the D party. The WHs are shoving more and more dichotomies into the brains of the sheeple, increasing their discomfort level. As more and more acceptable behavior gets stripped away from the actions of the D party, the average leftist sheeple is being pressed to cling harder and harder to the Bad Orange Man narrative. Pretty soon all they'll be holding onto is pure fear (promoted as hate) and they'll need to decide if they want to cling so fervently to the sinking ship or finally relinquish their trust and reliance on people who they know, in the deepest recesses of their hearts, have been deceiving them all along.
May God guide these poor souls onto better paths. 🙏✝️
Going forward we MUST teach our youth how to think. Personally I think that's one area where many anons can be instrumental in effecting positive change going forward. All of this... MHO.
What’s a good resource for teaching children critical thought?
I learned it.. somewhere.. but really no idea where.
Frankly the tactics required for “no facts are reliable” critical thought is a whole new level of skill anyway, as far as figuring out what the truth is. Figuring out what it isn’t is more straightforward.
Thanks for the reminder on the narratives. I often feel like I have to fight them all personally, when in reality there’s some degree of it being for waking up the sleepers and I really just need more popcorn.
It’d be interesting to know how many of us got woken up by those sorts of ops and didn’t even realize it..
I learned critical thought from my parents from an early age and, as I went through my teens I was developing into an engineer (we're (generally speaking) detail-oriented people) and subsequently was also taught in school-university to pay attention to details to reinforce this skill. I've known people in the past who took critical thought courses in college and, to be honest, they didn't gain much if any useful knowledge from them as far as I could tell. Knowing what I do now I suspect those teaching this skill were DS plants making sure their students left with the illusion of having critical thinking skills, but not the actual skills.
When the Twin Towers were demolished on 9-11 I distinctly remember an architect on TV saying that it was impossible for them to collapse like that, impossible for even the impact areas to appear as they did (according to the narrative) due to strength of materials, etc. And NOTHING of this nature ever appeared again on TV in the weeks and months following. I'm not a structural engineer, but this isn't rocket science either (or maybe it is, technically, though not the complex aspects) and even I knew the stated narrative was impossible. The fact that it was not made as an open debate, but rather "counter experts" were brought in to quash that line of reason and then it dropped out of the discussion completely was a very big red flag.
Intuition can be a huge asset to critical thinking and I'm of the opinion that many facets of education can be implemented to hone one's intuition. I have a LOT of ideas about what needs to be taught to youth going forward, but I truthfully have no idea what may be good resources currently available for teaching children critical thought today. There are educators and former educator anons who may be able to chime in on this topic. The one thing I'll add is that the Bible is, in my opinion, a good resource for honing one's awareness. I know there are some here that are anti-religion, but if one reads the Bible as they would any other text, trying not to allow themselves to be clouded by skepticism and derision as they read, I think they may find there's quite a lot of useful education contained in Scripture.
I don't have a clear recollection of my younger years' education, but a general sense that the bar was set high for expectations and students were pushed to strive towards that bar, to rise higher if possible. I'm guessing there are many educators in the marxist-infested current education system that actively work to promote the opposite of excellence. I could go on (and on and on...), but I'll cap it here as I've been particularly verbose today for some reason (and need sleep). Mea culpa.
Brain damaged and PTSD people have a tendancy to obey authority. Their brains literally turn off critical thinking. The anger they show upon us pointing out the obvious things evokes anger which is actually fear of their paradigm being destroyed. Thats pretty painfull to watch and we see it all the time when we interact.
There is an odd cadence to this. In 2020, they brazenly and shamelessly showed us how Biden was getting no-one at his events (THE TRUTH), culminating in '81M votes' (THE LIE). This time around, we're getting THE LIE first, about Harris's events...
The COVID hoax proved to [them] that their Demwit Party members will accept ANYTHING and believe ANYTHING [they] put out there. I'm not surprised by this at all.
It really comes down to the temperaments of the people inclined to the religion that is progressive politics. You could run a blow up doll and 90% of Dems would vote blindly for it.
I cannot believe the Dems don't care that their votes don't matter at ALL... I just cannot wrap my head around that.. all those disenfranchised votes that their party said WE DECIDE, not you.
It has to be the vax.... made them compliant and depressed so they just simply do not give a shit anymore.
For sure. It's the live ones in my family I'm talking about:) that are too stupid to see their vote in the primary has been thrown away. The hard core leftists always yapping about stupid diversity, inclusion and acting superior over everyone be cause they "understand" things we do not.
I believe there are quite a few democrats unhappy about the swap with no say. They are being ignored by the MSM, and by their party. I recall seeing a few video's of Harris being heckled and protested by democrats at her miniscule rallies.
And, to my knowledge, not a single polling organization asked Dem voters if they preferred a different candidate.
No one on the right would be okay with this if trump stepped down. Even those hating him, we would all demand a say. It just shows how brainwashed they are.
Agreed. And, it goes to show how controlled the various polling organizations are. They waited for instructions from the DS instead of sampling voter sentiment.
I literally have friends on FB saying “I’m with her.” It’s so discouraging to see people ok with having their voting rights trampled on.
This morning a representative from Rasmussen polling said there have been no national polls on the Trump/Harris race since August 4th. Rasmussen is the only pollster doing polls. He said "this is unusual" My thought is they are all scrambling to figure out how to collectively skew the polls. With just the right questions they can make Kamala look like she is ahead. That could backfire on them. Lazy types will stay home and not vote. They are not very excited about Kamala and are just now learning things about Walz that are not too favorable.
Very good point sir.
It’s not about accepting Harris. It’s about rejecting Trump. They would accept satan himself.
Let's be honest here they never cared about their candidate. Their supporters turned off their critical thinking years ago and have been almost perfectly conditioned to accept literally anything they're told. All the proof we need of that is looking at the covid mandates.
I was just about to reply to another comment regarding this exact topic. Let me just expound on your stated truths with one recent example --
Look at the following clip carefully (thanks to anon guru_meditation for sharing this with us). Look at the face of the soyboy and listen carefully to what he says and does. He's spouting the FNM narratives (right wing are racist, etc) as he's standing on the side of illegal invaders. Does he even have any idea of what the basis is for the patriots in his country opposing this invasion?? Very doubtful.
The interviewer is asking him a simple question about whether or not he feels that countries should not have borders and if he thinks that this negates the concept of "a country" entirely. Soyboy spouts some more narrative points that skirt the question, getting increasingly uncomfortable. He then tries to get the police to remove the interviewer! They're just talking! Calmly and respectfully.
Note the soyboy's tone of voice ... He was very afraid of cracking his thin veneer of mildly haughty, virtue-signalling, self-imagined superiority by answering any questions with actual thought. It looks as if he's searching his little database of FNM-provided talking points for what to say, choosing a random, unrelated answer at times when he knew there was nothing whatsoever available to support his drivel - then tacking on "I think you should leave, go across the street to where the meanie far right are.".
He realizes he's been separated from the herd and looks increasingly anxious. I could not make it to the end of this video (7-8 minutes, I think) as I was losing IQ points trying to figure out just what's going on in the insipid, twisted little soyboy's mind. Therein lies the issue. Soyboy and many like him on the left are not thinking anymore. Be it from a warped marxist indoctrination in the school system and/or the constant diet of fear porn fed to them over FNM and marxist controlled social media, they are not thinking!
This was not rocket science; it was a simple, reasonable question that anyone over the age of twelve ought to be able to answer. Can these people no longer listen, consider and think? No. No, they can't. They cannot think for themselves anymore. What they've been fed is unreasonable, feel-good, virtue-signalling drivel and it's been drilled into their minds that they need to reject any challenge to the narratives they've been told. Truthfully, soyboy seems like a sweet soul, but he's been misled by people far, far more evil than his psyche is likely equipped to be able to handle. MHO
I hate this post because of its accuracy.
How do we beat the soy?
A few things to consider . . . Some of these soypeople are simply not going to awaken; they will choose to cling to the fantasy world they've been programmed into - "the matrix", if you will. I expect that's where the 4-6% estimate comes in. They come in all ages and will be lost, unable to deal with reality, truth and reason. Think Cypher.
Second, for those who can awaken, I don't think it's going to happen overnight, so to speak, but rather will occur in phases and over time. I've maintained for years now that the two main factors of the DS brainwashing are fear and ego - interestingly points made repeatedly in the Bible ("Fear Not" and "Be Humble", "All Glory To God") which is partly why it's been so important for the beasts to separate humanity from spirituality. As more gets disclosed, the horrors laid bare, many of us can assist the newly-awakened with overcoming their fear and getting them to come to terms with the parts of their ego that were destructive. We need patience and fortitude for this.
A third point, one that bodes well for the soypeople despite being a negative character trait, is that they're generally predisposed to having a herd mentality and that's, IMHO, one of the more prominent strategies I see in effect now. Most recently we have the debate debacle which made many in the herd finally get disgusted enough with FNM to lose faith in it. The Kamala Chameleon issue combined with the illegals invasion is getting many blacks to wake up to the harsh realities of the racist democrat party. The tranny men in women's sports and bathroom issue is forcing many women to realize how the left actually feels about women. The VP pick is stripping away servicemen and women who were still leaning left. The porn and deviancy in grade schools stripped off parents. And so forth. Once enough brainwashed sheeple awaken and move away from the herd, it will be much easier for other sheeple to follow them.
I think the WHs are trying to show people just how absurd all of this is (anons already have a good handle on this) and trying to jolt the brainwashed sheeple to wake TF up already. IMHO the WHs are continually stripping more and more sheeple - those with two brain cells to rub together - off the FNM narrative teats and turning them against the D party. The WHs are shoving more and more dichotomies into the brains of the sheeple, increasing their discomfort level. As more and more acceptable behavior gets stripped away from the actions of the D party, the average leftist sheeple is being pressed to cling harder and harder to the Bad Orange Man narrative. Pretty soon all they'll be holding onto is pure fear (promoted as hate) and they'll need to decide if they want to cling so fervently to the sinking ship or finally relinquish their trust and reliance on people who they know, in the deepest recesses of their hearts, have been deceiving them all along.
May God guide these poor souls onto better paths. 🙏✝️
Going forward we MUST teach our youth how to think. Personally I think that's one area where many anons can be instrumental in effecting positive change going forward. All of this... MHO.
What’s a good resource for teaching children critical thought?
I learned it.. somewhere.. but really no idea where.
Frankly the tactics required for “no facts are reliable” critical thought is a whole new level of skill anyway, as far as figuring out what the truth is. Figuring out what it isn’t is more straightforward.
Thanks for the reminder on the narratives. I often feel like I have to fight them all personally, when in reality there’s some degree of it being for waking up the sleepers and I really just need more popcorn.
It’d be interesting to know how many of us got woken up by those sorts of ops and didn’t even realize it..
I learned critical thought from my parents from an early age and, as I went through my teens I was developing into an engineer (we're (generally speaking) detail-oriented people) and subsequently was also taught in school-university to pay attention to details to reinforce this skill. I've known people in the past who took critical thought courses in college and, to be honest, they didn't gain much if any useful knowledge from them as far as I could tell. Knowing what I do now I suspect those teaching this skill were DS plants making sure their students left with the illusion of having critical thinking skills, but not the actual skills.
When the Twin Towers were demolished on 9-11 I distinctly remember an architect on TV saying that it was impossible for them to collapse like that, impossible for even the impact areas to appear as they did (according to the narrative) due to strength of materials, etc. And NOTHING of this nature ever appeared again on TV in the weeks and months following. I'm not a structural engineer, but this isn't rocket science either (or maybe it is, technically, though not the complex aspects) and even I knew the stated narrative was impossible. The fact that it was not made as an open debate, but rather "counter experts" were brought in to quash that line of reason and then it dropped out of the discussion completely was a very big red flag.
Intuition can be a huge asset to critical thinking and I'm of the opinion that many facets of education can be implemented to hone one's intuition. I have a LOT of ideas about what needs to be taught to youth going forward, but I truthfully have no idea what may be good resources currently available for teaching children critical thought today. There are educators and former educator anons who may be able to chime in on this topic. The one thing I'll add is that the Bible is, in my opinion, a good resource for honing one's awareness. I know there are some here that are anti-religion, but if one reads the Bible as they would any other text, trying not to allow themselves to be clouded by skepticism and derision as they read, I think they may find there's quite a lot of useful education contained in Scripture.
I don't have a clear recollection of my younger years' education, but a general sense that the bar was set high for expectations and students were pushed to strive towards that bar, to rise higher if possible. I'm guessing there are many educators in the marxist-infested current education system that actively work to promote the opposite of excellence. I could go on (and on and on...), but I'll cap it here as I've been particularly verbose today for some reason (and need sleep). Mea culpa.
Not all dems
I am not aware of anyone accepting and voting for Harris. She’s so hated by everyone.
Brain damaged and PTSD people have a tendancy to obey authority. Their brains literally turn off critical thinking. The anger they show upon us pointing out the obvious things evokes anger which is actually fear of their paradigm being destroyed. Thats pretty painfull to watch and we see it all the time when we interact.
There is an odd cadence to this. In 2020, they brazenly and shamelessly showed us how Biden was getting no-one at his events (THE TRUTH), culminating in '81M votes' (THE LIE). This time around, we're getting THE LIE first, about Harris's events...
The COVID hoax proved to [them] that their Demwit Party members will accept ANYTHING and believe ANYTHING [they] put out there. I'm not surprised by this at all.
It really comes down to the temperaments of the people inclined to the religion that is progressive politics. You could run a blow up doll and 90% of Dems would vote blindly for it.
I cannot believe the Dems don't care that their votes don't matter at ALL... I just cannot wrap my head around that.. all those disenfranchised votes that their party said WE DECIDE, not you.
It has to be the vax.... made them compliant and depressed so they just simply do not give a shit anymore.
Don’t worry the 81,000,000 that voted for Biden will vote for her even the dead ones too,,,,
For sure. It's the live ones in my family I'm talking about:) that are too stupid to see their vote in the primary has been thrown away. The hard core leftists always yapping about stupid diversity, inclusion and acting superior over everyone be cause they "understand" things we do not.
That's what NPCs do
0 votes literally
Let's wait and see what happens at their convention. Surely there are some who are barking about it...
I believe there are quite a few democrats unhappy about the swap with no say. They are being ignored by the MSM, and by their party. I recall seeing a few video's of Harris being heckled and protested by democrats at her miniscule rallies.