The longer this goes the worse it is for the west. Russia could have wiped Ukraine clean within weeks. They are taking a measured approach and not reacting as NATO wishes, this is why Ukraine is attacking civilian targets now. A mall in Russia was attacked yesterday then the first responders were droned during rescue attempts.
This will only commit Russia to entrench themselves and to completely demilitarize Ukraine.
Once the NATO weapons stop flowing that is when Russia will conduct operations to degrade Ukraine's army to fight back with stand off weapons like rockets, missiles and to an extent drones.
Ukraine must be de Nazified. I’ve been seeing backpackers from way back 2014 complain about the neonazis and skinheads there attacking them. I’ve had encounters with them also. Awful people.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to poke some holes in this narrative :
1- Dirty bombs are devices meant to spread radioactive material over a great area to deny acess to it. Aside from the explosive charge used on distraction, they barely do any damage initially. The true damage would come from the exposure of the environment to the radioactive substances ( search for "Goiania cesium incident" for a case where such a thing happened in a much smaller scale).
2- There is simply no reason to waste regular (fission) tactical nuclear warheads and have to deal with both the radioactive and political fallouts of such an act for a couple of power plants
3- Even if there was a major explosion on the power plants, the reactor cores would never go on meltdown mode like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island due to the fact that, as far as we know, they are in cold shutdown, thus rendered innoperant.
For what little I know about geopolitics and brinksmanship, I argue that this post from TGP is fake and gay. If there is going to be nuclear fuckery afoot in that area, I'd expect major population or military centers to be either dirty nuked or for the nuking itself to be faked as a false flag to force WW3 to begin in its earnest.
Feel free to offer counter arguments to everything I pointed out.
Tactical nukes can be small, theyre ment to act as a missle barrage but with the impact (and hassle to coordinate) of only one strike.
And nuclear power plants(or a LNG ones, honsetly) are worthwhile targets.
But still that would begin ww3...
3.. The actual molten uranium of chernobyl mostly sank into the basement (elephants foot), but the true danger emerged when the steam explosion released tiny fuel particles.
A powerful enough bomb on inactive (still potent) uranium can cause a chernobyl event.
AND YOU have said a mouth full..."May God have mercy on their souls, because I will not be"...Gen. George S. Patton!!!!!!!!
I just hope that EVERYONE is cognizant of the repercussions that could come out of this...BOTH GOOD AND BAD!!!!
We DO NOT NEED a Nuclear Waste Land in Ukraine...the lil' munchkin needs to heel and do it soon...He is putting his OWN countrymen in dire straights which in itself is a WAR CRIME...
Not sure if that pic is legit. From the Ukrainian people we hear they are drofting old men and the remains of their loved ones have their organs missing. There is a history there on organ harvesting and human trafficking in the Ukraine.
I don't know about Poland (would they really want a "dirty" bomb detonated so close to their own territory?), But I can easily see the CIA and MI5 being involved. There was a lot of scuttlebutt in 2020 about the Deep State threatening to explode a dirty bomb in an American city if DJT and the American military were to forcibly prevent Old Joe from taking up residence in the White House.
Under Russia's publicly declared nuclear doctrine this would necessitate a nuclear response.
While that is possible the Russians are also wiling to scale down their responses as long as their objectives are reached.
The longer this goes the worse it is for the west. Russia could have wiped Ukraine clean within weeks. They are taking a measured approach and not reacting as NATO wishes, this is why Ukraine is attacking civilian targets now. A mall in Russia was attacked yesterday then the first responders were droned during rescue attempts.
Well said. Russia has been very restrained.
Sadly you are correct.
This will only commit Russia to entrench themselves and to completely demilitarize Ukraine.
Once the NATO weapons stop flowing that is when Russia will conduct operations to degrade Ukraine's army to fight back with stand off weapons like rockets, missiles and to an extent drones.
Ukraine must be de Nazified. I’ve been seeing backpackers from way back 2014 complain about the neonazis and skinheads there attacking them. I’ve had encounters with them also. Awful people.
Exactly. And why are we supporing teh ukraine. check out the history and we can see why the DS would.
Meh, we have heard this a thousand times before.
Here is a little history on the Ukraine.
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to poke some holes in this narrative :
1- Dirty bombs are devices meant to spread radioactive material over a great area to deny acess to it. Aside from the explosive charge used on distraction, they barely do any damage initially. The true damage would come from the exposure of the environment to the radioactive substances ( search for "Goiania cesium incident" for a case where such a thing happened in a much smaller scale).
2- There is simply no reason to waste regular (fission) tactical nuclear warheads and have to deal with both the radioactive and political fallouts of such an act for a couple of power plants
3- Even if there was a major explosion on the power plants, the reactor cores would never go on meltdown mode like Chernobyl or Three Mile Island due to the fact that, as far as we know, they are in cold shutdown, thus rendered innoperant.
For what little I know about geopolitics and brinksmanship, I argue that this post from TGP is fake and gay. If there is going to be nuclear fuckery afoot in that area, I'd expect major population or military centers to be either dirty nuked or for the nuking itself to be faked as a false flag to force WW3 to begin in its earnest.
Feel free to offer counter arguments to everything I pointed out.
Tactical nukes can be small, theyre ment to act as a missle barrage but with the impact (and hassle to coordinate) of only one strike. And nuclear power plants(or a LNG ones, honsetly) are worthwhile targets. But still that would begin ww3...
3.. The actual molten uranium of chernobyl mostly sank into the basement (elephants foot), but the true danger emerged when the steam explosion released tiny fuel particles. A powerful enough bomb on inactive (still potent) uranium can cause a chernobyl event.
Misdirect as the Ukraines past history gets shut down. And possibly approaching the precipice now.
We are almost to the precipice...
AND YOU have said a mouth full..."May God have mercy on their souls, because I will not be"...Gen. George S. Patton!!!!!!!!
I just hope that EVERYONE is cognizant of the repercussions that could come out of this...BOTH GOOD AND BAD!!!!
We DO NOT NEED a Nuclear Waste Land in Ukraine...the lil' munchkin needs to heel and do it soon...He is putting his OWN countrymen in dire straights which in itself is a WAR CRIME...
I have the same impression.
Zelensky has a death wish for his country.
Money laundering, organ harvesting and human trafficking brings in a lot of money. They have a history.
I miss anything?
Maybe a misdirect as this past history is being shut down in the Ukraine ?
Only at the preceipe........
Exactly. Link below is a little history on the Ukraine.
Video I was watching yesterday, couple Ukraine soldiers in WWII style nazi SS helmet, picking on some 74 year old man.... kinda sad.
there was better video on rumble I think.. quick search found this:
Not sure if that pic is legit. From the Ukrainian people we hear they are drofting old men and the remains of their loved ones have their organs missing. There is a history there on organ harvesting and human trafficking in the Ukraine.
I'm curious if the radioactive material came from the uranium one deal...
That would be something...
Would not surprise me.
The mosque is hit right before the dirty bomb is set off.
Time travel is fun.
WWG1WGA! u/#q3555
Not a great idea to send radiation your own way.
I don't know about Poland (would they really want a "dirty" bomb detonated so close to their own territory?), But I can easily see the CIA and MI5 being involved. There was a lot of scuttlebutt in 2020 about the Deep State threatening to explode a dirty bomb in an American city if DJT and the American military were to forcibly prevent Old Joe from taking up residence in the White House.
I suspect we are coming to the precipice. Here is the Ukraines past history that I suspect is being shut down.
Check the timing of this now. Oswald patsy ?