One should also be asking, knowing how small the population of Israel is, how come so many Zionist not only occupy top positions in all branches of government that is disproportionate to their population size, but most, if not all, also have Israeli passports.
Candace is over the target, and I absolutely love it! I’ve been having these same kind of conversations with others willing to listen (that no one politician (other than Trump and his supporters) wants to publicly speak out against pedophilia. So glad a voice like hers is getting this topic out there to the public!💯🎯❤️🔥
Great message, terrible messenger. We're all waiting for the day of the rope. Stop shaming men for being cautious and calculated about taking the first shot. Candace would never in a million years take that shot herself. We understand the truth, if you shame us for it, we're just going to tune you out. White dudes especially are brow beaten enough. We've tried the soap box, the ballot box, and the jury box. Now we're going to try the ballot box one last time and see where we go from there. I feel bad for her husband. Imagine someone who's very clearly disagreeable and has to pick every battle, tell you about every emotion, and contentiously fight every fight from molehill to mountain. You don't just shut that off when you go home.
Good points! I think anyone who was clearly on our side & met with Trump privately was given a task by Q. This is especially the case if they distanced themselves from Trump not too long after like Candace did. It was probably what he asked them to do. Q probably needed a black woman to do just this, as you said.
In fact, they probably needed a black man to get this conversation going. By that I mean when Ye aka Kanye West went on Alex Jones & dropped all those bombs. I think that's when we entered the "save Israel for last" phase. By now this phase is incredibly hot in everyone's mind. Now Candace goes off on this during all the Iran / Israel tension & just before the DNC convention. I can't image what will be next but it will be sizzling
Wow, very brave. Hope we don't have to say, "Candace didn't kill herself".
I am worried for her children. They may not come at her directly because that would be too obvious.
Aooow chucks! I was ready to pull out the phrase then I saw your comment 😆
Goooooooooooooooooo Candace!
One should also be asking, knowing how small the population of Israel is, how come so many Zionist not only occupy top positions in all branches of government that is disproportionate to their population size, but most, if not all, also have Israeli passports.
Many have dual citizenship.
Save the Children ! ! !
This chick is so awesome to say this publicly.
The more I see of her the more I like. African Americans need her as a role model, not the Zionist Hollywood created Shanika.
Does anyone have the link to the full video? Is this on YouTube?
I don’t believe it’s on YouTube. The full video is on her Twitter page.
Nothing can stop what's coming!
Candace is over the target, and I absolutely love it! I’ve been having these same kind of conversations with others willing to listen (that no one politician (other than Trump and his supporters) wants to publicly speak out against pedophilia. So glad a voice like hers is getting this topic out there to the public!💯🎯❤️🔥
Great message, terrible messenger. We're all waiting for the day of the rope. Stop shaming men for being cautious and calculated about taking the first shot. Candace would never in a million years take that shot herself. We understand the truth, if you shame us for it, we're just going to tune you out. White dudes especially are brow beaten enough. We've tried the soap box, the ballot box, and the jury box. Now we're going to try the ballot box one last time and see where we go from there. I feel bad for her husband. Imagine someone who's very clearly disagreeable and has to pick every battle, tell you about every emotion, and contentiously fight every fight from molehill to mountain. You don't just shut that off when you go home.
Save Israel for last. I think her taking distance from Trump a while back was only for optics
I also think her being a black women makes it difficult for the Cabal to fight.
It’s using the Cabal’s typical supporter against them.
This is why having allies in all ethnic groups is a good idea.
It allows you to counter evil in different ways.
Good points! I think anyone who was clearly on our side & met with Trump privately was given a task by Q. This is especially the case if they distanced themselves from Trump not too long after like Candace did. It was probably what he asked them to do. Q probably needed a black woman to do just this, as you said.
In fact, they probably needed a black man to get this conversation going. By that I mean when Ye aka Kanye West went on Alex Jones & dropped all those bombs. I think that's when we entered the "save Israel for last" phase. By now this phase is incredibly hot in everyone's mind. Now Candace goes off on this during all the Iran / Israel tension & just before the DNC convention. I can't image what will be next but it will be sizzling
Well said!
We let them go to Israel because they will be wiped out as an added benefit when we deal with Israel last.
Should I be offended? I'm an Israeli Tank. 😊