Believe the director was John carpenter who made other wild movies. But this one is at the top of the list and recommend it to everyone I talk to. Documentary not a movie... that should send chills down everyone's spines.
Opened shortly after he said that.
He spoke to Alex Jones a couple times about the mo ie. He was waking up to realize he was used in a way. To precondition the public. ‘It’s just business man’
No Rowdy Piper. Said Carpenter told him the movie was a documentary. Jones had Piper on air once or twice, he was waking up. But after the documentary comment he ‘died suddenly’.
A few ways….im working on doing these things too…...forgive yourself. Resist judging others. Forgive others. Remind yourself how so much stronger love is over hate.
At this point in my life, my only concern is my Grandchildrens future. I will gladly sacrifice my wealth and my life so that they may live their lives unfettered by tyrannical government.
Everyone, NO MATTER THEIR AGE, should have this mindset.
“But I’m 55, I can’t give up social security, they owe it to me”
“But how do I live without my welfare?”
“But muh roads”
But your grandchildren will be living in an ultimate slave system if you won’t, which thankfully, I don’t believe will be allowed to happen no matter what anyone wants. Everything that is a benefit to the future required a sacrifice in the present. We should be trying to warn people to get ready for whatever may be coming now. There’s still time, and if we are diligent, we might not have to walk in circles for 40 years to get where we need to be.
This is movie time. It will be followed by the golden age of Trump.
He came to Kick ass and chew bubble gum and he’s all out of gum if you know what I mean.
They Live... Rowdy Roddy Piper
The documentary. Piper said this on the Alex Jones show. The director said it isn’t a movie it’s a documentary. Final boss is the TV news.
Believe the director was John carpenter who made other wild movies. But this one is at the top of the list and recommend it to everyone I talk to. Documentary not a movie... that should send chills down everyone's spines.
Opened shortly after he said that. He spoke to Alex Jones a couple times about the mo ie. He was waking up to realize he was used in a way. To precondition the public. ‘It’s just business man’
Carpenter talked to Alex Jones? When?
No Rowdy Piper. Said Carpenter told him the movie was a documentary. Jones had Piper on air once or twice, he was waking up. But after the documentary comment he ‘died suddenly’.
Mr. President…send it…
All I see is grace.
Bring it.....
Jesus saved me from all that nonsense a long time ago.
how, i need help but i struggle to accept it as my brain is so wired from years of 'awake' content
A few ways….im working on doing these things too…...forgive yourself. Resist judging others. Forgive others. Remind yourself how so much stronger love is over hate.
At this point in my life, my only concern is my Grandchildrens future. I will gladly sacrifice my wealth and my life so that they may live their lives unfettered by tyrannical government.
Everyone, NO MATTER THEIR AGE, should have this mindset.
But your grandchildren will be living in an ultimate slave system if you won’t, which thankfully, I don’t believe will be allowed to happen no matter what anyone wants. Everything that is a benefit to the future required a sacrifice in the present. We should be trying to warn people to get ready for whatever may be coming now. There’s still time, and if we are diligent, we might not have to walk in circles for 40 years to get where we need to be.
magic 🙄 gmafb
1st BOOM revealed. Did you catch it? The last will be MAGICal. Q
1st BOOM revealed.
Did you catch it?
The last will be MAGICal.
Sooooooo ready!💯🔥❤️
Hmmmm I read it thought to my self, that’s why they make great whiskey and killer 420, just saying
"One day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"
-Rosalita Bruce Springsteen
Yes, We’re Ready.