he makes a very good point, but he forgets that the election isn't about votes anymore. it's just about maintaining the illusion that the race is close enough for a steal to happen convincingly enough (again).
and I think he's also generous regarding the nation's intelligence. about half the country are demonstrably NPCs. MSM is indeed losing its grip but only by a small amount in my opinion. it's very slow. it's "the most excruciatingly slow I-Told-You-So in history" as one covid meme put it.
so the question is, is the illusion of a close race still intact?
That's why the polling data is always such b.s. It is all an illusion, as you said! Plausible deniability... "we didn't cheat, look how close the polls were before the election."
Excellent points, except when he said, "Americans are not dumb."
YES, THEY ARE. The purposeful dumbing-down over the years has worked and continues to work tremendously well. It's EVERYWHERE. My fear is that the dummies are either very close to exceeding or already have exceeded the non-dummies.
The Deep State's problem is that Nothing Can Stop What's Coming! The militaries of the US, Russia and China are working together! Trump's Capitulation Tour proved this! He ate dinner in the Forbidden City and Putin gave him the football and said the ball is in your court as a symbolic gesture of their alliance! Those than ran the world for centuries have finally encountered their fall! Humpty Dumpty cannot be pieced together! Too many have awaken and Patriots are in place!
Trump did not walk into this blind. He knows he did not lose one supporter due to this 3 on 1 FAKE debate. Art of War---appear weak when you are strong---the bait was cast out and Harris ate it up. Wait until the next deBAIT! Keke
Probably more accurate to say that ABC kept this "debate" much closer than it otherwise would have been. But there is no universe in which Kamaltoe wins any genuine match of wits, positions, accomplishments, dialogue, etc. with 45 ON HER OWN.
The demented, paedo in diapers stood a better chance. kek
he makes a very good point, but he forgets that the election isn't about votes anymore. it's just about maintaining the illusion that the race is close enough for a steal to happen convincingly enough (again).
and I think he's also generous regarding the nation's intelligence. about half the country are demonstrably NPCs. MSM is indeed losing its grip but only by a small amount in my opinion. it's very slow. it's "the most excruciatingly slow I-Told-You-So in history" as one covid meme put it.
so the question is, is the illusion of a close race still intact?
That's why the polling data is always such b.s. It is all an illusion, as you said! Plausible deniability... "we didn't cheat, look how close the polls were before the election."
Excellent points, except when he said, "Americans are not dumb."
YES, THEY ARE. The purposeful dumbing-down over the years has worked and continues to work tremendously well. It's EVERYWHERE. My fear is that the dummies are either very close to exceeding or already have exceeded the non-dummies.
If Lunatic Harris is elected, God Help Us.
I agree. Just go to Walmart and tabulate the percentage of mask wearing fools. That's a pretty good barometer, I think.
Just count the people who get angry when employees wont let them "return" a laundry detergent bottle they refilled with water 🤣
He doesn’t realize the stupidity of the left . They are t informed voters they won’t research their research is the view and Rachel maddow
The Deep State's problem is that Nothing Can Stop What's Coming! The militaries of the US, Russia and China are working together! Trump's Capitulation Tour proved this! He ate dinner in the Forbidden City and Putin gave him the football and said the ball is in your court as a symbolic gesture of their alliance! Those than ran the world for centuries have finally encountered their fall! Humpty Dumpty cannot be pieced together! Too many have awaken and Patriots are in place!
Well said.
I'm liking tik toc a lot more.
Chyna will ban USA from TikTok at this rate
Oh spot on and savage!
"the American People aren't dumb, we're well researched..." LOL Both are true about some percentage of the American People.
Trump did not walk into this blind. He knows he did not lose one supporter due to this 3 on 1 FAKE debate. Art of War---appear weak when you are strong---the bait was cast out and Harris ate it up. Wait until the next deBAIT! Keke
Probably more accurate to say that ABC kept this "debate" much closer than it otherwise would have been. But there is no universe in which Kamaltoe wins any genuine match of wits, positions, accomplishments, dialogue, etc. with 45 ON HER OWN.
The demented, paedo in diapers stood a better chance. kek