Usher, Pink, and others Deleting X content - This video shows the Diddy, Usher grooming of Bieber. These Bastard Devils Need to BURN in HELL SOON.
🤩 The Fall Of Hollywood 🤐
Let's not forget this shit goes all the way back to shirley temple - It's literally the cornerstore of hollywood.
Corey Feldman literally said on camera "Pedophilia is the number one issue in Hollywood"
Exactly, I'm sure you've seen this, so I thought I'd share it with others too.
Shirley Temple + her mom's experience with MGM Perverts
MGM Pictures: Originally, "Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Studios, Inc."
From Wiki:
So, from 1915 to 1924, MGM was created by Marcus Loew, Richard Rowland, George Grombacher, Louis Mayer, Sam Goldfish/Goldwyn, and Edgar and Archibald Selwyn.
This was also the era of the Weimar Republic, where Berlin became the depravity capital of Europe, due to the jewish control of the porn industry.
Marcus Loew
Richard Rowland -- Wiki omits the "Early Life" section of his bio.
George Grombacher -- Wiki has no entry.
Louis Mayer
Sam Goldfish/Goldwyn
Edgar and Archibald Selwyn
... and people say the jews control Hollywood ...
Where did they get that idea from?
Crazy conspiracy theories ... pfft.
Oy vey. Shut it down. 🧐
... that thing might explode!
Two can play the game.
We're good... it's not sundown yet ...B&H still closed...
The serious downvoting isn't until Sunday
KEK, thanks. 😆
Just a coincidence I'm sure
An entertainment industry blast from the past.
- Marilyn Monroe and the Jews
Jaguar Wright has been dripping the truth for months. Like Kat Williams, she knows the full evil in the celebrity world.
I cannot wait until Robert "Platform Shoes" Deniro is called out for being at these sick parties.
I personally am not airing with popcorn to watch Beyoncé get dragged through the dirt.
Bieber testifying against a bunch of people would make a massive impact. A lot of people who tend towards denying this stuff is happening would care about him more than the stars the bad news would be hurting. Terrible fame makes the crime be taken more seriously… But if it makes justice take place, I’ll take it.
How was it?
Cohencindence no doubt: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=5Nrv5teMc9Y
P!nk - Just Like Fire (From"Alice Through The Looking Glass" - Official Video)
Oh wow the symbolism in that video is over-the-top! Let us not forget Pink was pro-vax “sponsored by Pfizer.”
It's so precious when they want to put out their symbolism and grabass gang codes...and then reach a point where they just want it all go away. LOL But you WANTED this Pink, don't get bashful now
I hope they know all those Tweets are still there 😂
That has the “Jews” written all over it, it was important to have “custody” for 48hrs…. Legally and contractually. That doesn’t sound like the actions of gangsta rappers. “Yo dog, sign here, here and here….. initial here, here, and here.
Every time Feldman tries to tell all “they” try to take him out. At least that’s how it seems.
Not to mention the video of drugged out Bieber literally going down on foosball player OBJ at a party or wtf it was at. This shit is SO much worse than ppl want to comprehend. Criminality and evil of the most disgusting order. May God have mercy on them all, bc they’re going to need it…
Jay Z groomed Rihanna to sign a contract or die. Same with usher and Bieber.. I hope neither of them get Rihanna'd.
Jay Z is well versed in demonic contracts. Just ask his spiritual (cooking) advisor Marina Abramovic.
So it begins...
Oh yeah, Pink, the generic pop musician who didn't want any pro-lifers listening to her crap music.
More like "Punk" biatch
Pet peeve Pink tho... plastered all over those bitches big fat asses...
Supposition... - just come out and say, vagina in big letters... because that's what it's saying... Real nice when they wear them to church...Peace be with you... and and EXTRA piece for YOU 🙄
FYI - brought to you exclusively by Lex Wexner - pervert scumbag CEO of Victoria's Secret...Might as well be Borat
I checked Oprah, Christy Teigen, Beyonce, and megan fox too. seems like those too have been scrubbed.
Katt: "They want black men in dresses."
Shirley Temple's 2nd Daughter is Lori Black, who played bass in the group, The Melvins...highly influential on Nirvana and the like. Serious substance abuse problems meant she was unable to continue in the band, and she has been radio silent for 40 some years. A lot of lifetime pain has been inflicted on that family.
Remember, A-holes, who owns X... may be gone from your feed... but it's not really gone.