BETRAYAL: Speaker Mike Johnson to Bring Resolution to Fund the Government WITHOUT the SAVE Act, Which Would Require Proof of Cit...
In a tale as old as time, the Republican Party is preparing to stab their own voters in the back once again and surrender to Democrats on critical legislation.
We all knew this was going to happen. Back stabbing POS!
Burn the phone down 202-225-4000.
The recording stated to leave your name and number. I didn't.
I left a message stating this is a citizen of the US. Did you catch that a real citizen.
You better not pass any bills without the SAVE Act on it. You work for us.
Then I hung up.
Remember the secret meeting that was caught? Ryan and Johnson.
I do and you should too.
Speaks volumes.
Pepperidge farms remembers
Was that the one made reference to 25th Amendment? Wikileaks? I thought that was Ryan and Pence. Wait. I’m confused. Mixing metaphors. This movie is so long I’m forgetting the early plot foreshadowments. Kindly refresh my memory. 🫨
No they had a secret meeting not too long ago.
Thank you.
Yep. Cucked like we called it.
Dunno why anyone's surprised. Dems have always won this particular game.
Thomas Massie called it a couple weeks ago.
Once again he does us dirty, what a POS!!!
Do we have anyone good? I remember when he was first put in and everyone thought he was the best thing since slice bread. Why is no one good?
It’s amazing how many times we have been let down by these folks…the Rino swamp is way too deep.
Seriously. But even Trump supported him? Just feels like let down and more let down
I remember being among the first to call him out as a liar and a charlatan when he refused to release the J6 tapes.
Smarmy little shite
He should be treated as a treasonous traitor
Whats the angle. Is mike a whitehat or not
Somebody owns him. Let's start with this question, "Hey, do you know Puff Daddy?" No? How about Jeff Epstein? No? How about Hillary Clinton?
Somebody owns his butt all the way to his core. There is no other explanation. He's in the club.
Are there any dinos?
It all started in the SCIF - after he came out of there, he was never the same. Maybe PDiddy was there as well.