🇺🇸 The flooding in North Carolina has a potential to throw the semiconductor and tech markets into chaos!
The town of Spruce Pine is stranded as the major roads linking it to the rest of North Carolina and the US are flooded. The Spruce Pine Mining District in the Blue Ridge Mountains of northwestern North Carolina, produces mica, kaolin, quartz and feldspar.Spruce Pine district is one of the largest suppliers of high-purity quartz, which is used in the manufacture of silicon for integrated circuits.
The modern economy rests on a single road in Spruce Pine, North Carolina. The road runs to the two mines that is the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.
What surprises me. Is just how absolutely flat footed everyone was caught. Even though it probably shouldn’t be all that surprising
And in just how bad a shape the internal infrastructure in the area was. Dams collapsed one after another. Levys failed. Bridges washed out. Entire stretches of Highway washed out. Power stations and other civil infrastructure are out of commission. Though I suppose it shouldn’t be surprising. The Appalachians aren’t heavily developed with infrastructure there trending to the older side of things.
Last I saw solid numbers they were saying 1000 still missing. 64 dead.
Though that could be even larger. With God knows how many rural Ranches, Farms, and Private Properties. That’ll be days or weeks before people remember there were even supposed to be properties there if there were no family out of state to check on the owners.
That’s not even factoring in the Businesses and Factories that are just gone. Insurance can only go so far. It’ll probably be cheaper for many of the small companies to take the payout and close rather than try and rebuild.
They’ll be feeling the effects for decades to come.
Also a lot of the area won’t have water service for weeks. Son and his girlfriend are going to attempt to get to our house in western Virginia tomorrow. They happen to have access to a clean stream they are using for drinking water right now.
They got a much more direct hit than what was predicted. No one was expecting it to be that bad. I grew up in E TN and spent a lot of time in W NC growing up. The infrastructure is pretty bad. I-40 has always had tons of problems so no surprise it washed out. Dams are old. I worry about how many bodies they're going to find once the waters recede. There should have been evacuations, but again, the storm was "predicted" to go further west and the forecasts weren't updated until the storm was already there. They knew there was going to be flooding, but they got much more rain and wind than they were "supposed" to.
I checked the Augusta (GA) and Greenville (SC) subreddits just after the storm and found day-old posts laughing off the storm, with everybody saying "nah, it's gonna hit Atlanta, we'll be fine." Greenville lost 100% power and has no water for at least a week. Augusta was slammed with the eye. Nobody was expecting this because they weren't really warned it was heading toward them, even when radar showed it clearly was.
CBS (MSM) is now reporting 100 dead.
Was this a natural disaster or a HAARP based disaster spawned in the cold, dead hearts of the satanic left and their pals? It seemed to come out of no where...
even without questioning weather modification (i'm open to it), we can talk about the structural integrity of these dams, and how they were compromised.
simple neglect? coordinated neglect? active sabotage? actual demolition?
i have a lot of questions
It's interesting to look at the people that "missed the boat" (Titanic); It's almost like that's what they used to indicate they knew what was going on and were "part of the club". (
For example, Henry Clay Frick - Pittsburgh steel baron & business associate of JP Morgan. "Wife sprained her ankle and had to be hospitalized in Italy", so he missed being on the Titanic. When you look back, his name also appeared to be involved in Johnstown Flood where a dam designed & built for 50' max water had the spillway later removed and allowed for 75' of water. When the dam broke, 2208 people lost their lives and a whole town was destroyed.
Well, seeing how there was another Hurricane named Helene many years ago that developed to the exact same intensity on the exact days in September, I’d say that’s too much of a coincidence.
Helene dropped 33" of rain. Last historic record was 20". Western NC is fuc*ed, An associate in AVL lost their house. CHimney Rock, Black Mountain, Lake Lure, Swannonoa, Maggie Valey, etc, all gone.
Maggy Valley, the well to do retire there.
Well... look on the bright side... the research triangle is okay so we can still get C25 right on schedule...🙄
The two days before Helene were also constant rain. Water is powerful.
I’m betting it has something to do with DUMBS. The Biltmore is there and we all know that connection. Having major tunnels all around that area is a huge possibility.
Edit to add, I had no idea about the tech connection. Makes me wonder even more if it was caused by man.
I've always referred to Asheville as the San Fran of the East. Its notorious for...uhm...well, what San Fran is notorious for. Were they due for some wrath?
A day or two before the Hurricane arrived either parts or all of Asheville NC was already flooded.
If this truly rocks semiconductor and tech biz - it could be exactly the "cover" they need to unwind the NVDA positions and leave millions who invested in it as bag holders.
I've been waiting for some kind of excuse so they can short the shit out of it and drop the price into the $40's - $50's.
40s and 50s hell... that price is going to go into the 10s and 20s... IF this semi conductor thing is true, combined with the ILA strike, no one can make chips, it is going to hurt everyone... all tech stocks will tank.
It'll hurt everyone that doesn't have $5B cash on-hand w/ $0 debt. That's for sure. And that means those who illegally naked short any company with $5B in cash and $0, who are using their other positions in tech as collateral - will lose their collateral.
I'm for it lol.