Did you even read this MASSIVE redpill of a substack? You will see that both the Nazi, which is totalitarian socialism, and the Communust, which always LEADS to totalitarian socialism, are BOTH controlled by Rome!
Socialism, communism, and capitalism are all controlled by the same people.
When you say Rome, do you mean the Catholic Church?
Because the Catholic Church is adamantly anti communist, so if you’re implying that the Catholic Church controls socialism and communism you’re going to need to put up some proof for that because official church teaching is very much anti-communist and belonging to a communist organization is grounds for excommunication.
I don't care what they say publically. I'm not convincing you right now but read this whole substack and at least consider that "those you were taught to trust the most are the most evil"
Yeah that Substack never mentions the Sassoons, which were the Rothchild of the east. Its common for the Jewish banking class to point the fingers at the Catholic Church.
“oh, it’s those darn Catholics again”
How do you write a Substack that detailed and forget to mention the Sassoon family?
Another point is if you do not trust with the Catholic Church has to say publicly then why do you rely on the Bible that it was responsible for putting together and keeping safe?
What if it’s factions within Rome and factions within Persia against both themselves and each other, as well as against all other factions? Persia is also known as the “Aryan” race, from which we get “Iran”. Makes Germany during WWI/II a lot more interesting, yes? What happened to all the Alemen and Franks, etc?
They both absorbed parts of the same lineage who would become Babylon.
Look up the Hyksos. “Canaanite cousins of the Israelites” who took over Egypt and enslaved the Egyptians between the time of Joseph and the time of Moses. Not the Israelites, but easily mistakable for them. Once the Egyptians threw them off as rulers, they made the Israelites slaves, on in to the Exodus story.
Were they the same Canaanites who became known as the Phoenicians, who were the Carthaginians? Did they become incorporated into Babylon, too, then Persia after they conquered Babylon? Did Rome incorporate them after they conquered Carthage?
I still haven’t seen any sign of “big nosed people” like the memes depict being among these people, but there sure are a lot of Roman and Egyptian statues with their noses removed, and a big fascination with nose reduction surgeries today.
Hoooly shit a quote from a hyperlinked article from there:
A lot of people have been talking about the Khazarian Mafia but what we read from Coleman is that these are merely the order-takers for the Black Nobility
The Italian Nobility, La Cosa Nostra and the German and Austrian Nobles, run the Jewish Mafia.
The Pecci family of Italy also owns the Jewish mafia in the United States through their marriage to the Blumenthal family.
I've been screaming that 'duh joos' are just the cabal's MANAGER CLASS for about 6 months now! Finally another living witness. THE CABAL HIDES BEHIND THE JEWS. THEY ARE THEIR HUMAN MEAT SHIELDS WHO YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO ATTACK LOL
Court Jews such as the Rothschild, Warburg, Goldsmith, Oppenheimer, Walton, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Lewis, Javal, Lauder, Sackler and Dreyfus families work through the Roman Curia or royal courtrooms such as Buckingham Palace.
The French Rothschilds work for the Black Nobility of Rome and the French House of Orleans. The British Rothschilds work for the British Crown. The Sassoon and Kadoorie families work for the British Crown and oversee banking and business in China and India. The Swiss Rothschilds work for the House of Habsburg and the House of Hesse.
The Oppenheimers work for the German House of Württemberg and the Cologne Oppenheim branch. the Austrian House of Habsburg granted them titles of nobility.
The Warburgs work for the Italian House of Borghese and the German House of Hesse and the House of Hanover. Warburg Pincus had a contract with Unicredit that merged with the Borghese Family's Bank of the Holy Spirit. The Warburgs were Venetian bankers and the Borghese family now hold Venetian titles of nobility. The Warburgs financed the Nazis.
The Dreyfus family works for the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and the French House of Bonaparte.
Jewish banking families work for Christian nobles and royalty. These billionaire Jewish bloodlines run many rabbis who run a criminal intelligence network that works with Mossad.
The French House of Bonaparte and the Swedish House of Bernadotte control many of the main European companies through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and the Legion of Honor, who are also members of the Round Table of Industrialists of Europe, which it has a great economic influence on the markets.
The Wallenbergs run corporations worth hundreds of billions and work for the Swedish House of Bernadotte. The Wallenbergs and the Swedish Crown also work with the Jesuits and the Vatican. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been hiding billions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. Austrian and Eastern European royalty and nobles, such as the Habsburgs, Esterhazys and Schonberg, use private banks in Liechtenstein and also own Israeli and Jewish mafias.
Something to ponder: Think back to when Christ was crucified. Who was responsible? Jews and Romans.
The Romans had the power, and the Jews raised such a ruckus that the Romans finally said ok bring him in, we will kill him for you.
What ended up happening next? The Romans went on a rampage, killing Jews and Christians both. The Christians who understood Christ's warnings in Matt. 24, fled, while the Jews were massacred along with the 2nd temple. Anyways, fast forward to the 300s, and now Rome adopts a bastardized form of Christianity for political reasons, to save their crumbling empire. They then proceed to dominate the faith and dictate it to the world, on pain of death. THEY make the doctrines and rituals. "Officially state-sanctioned religion". Marriage of church and state. They kill countless Christians and Jews in the process. This time, though, they're operating on their own. They have merged the spiritual and carnal powers into a superstate. They no longer need any Jews to tell them who to kill, they're quite capable of determining these matters for themselves! I ask, is it so hard to believe that this institution, which has lasted longer than any other institutuon on earth, isn't doing the same things today, allbeit in back-handed and subtle ways? Do you really think they would allow some pesky Jews to control them? A quick study into Papal Court Jews will show you that the opposite is true. They hired the Rothschilds to manage their money. Remind me again what the order of authority is for someone who is hired by someone else...
Big time. There's a claim in this article about the scriptures being written by the cabal in the 1600s, which I dispute because.
They are antithetical to the cabal
There is ample history going back through time of their existance
The holy Spirit within me says to
and there's another reason which I'm being told not to share. BUT even if this astronomical claim is true, it wouldn't change anybody's relationship to Christ. Paul's statements in Galatians 1:8-9 resonate on this. There's something even beyond the scriptures themselves and that's God Himself and His Son Jesus
Amen. I kept thinking about this Matthew verse 15:11 = What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
It makes me ponder the whole point of Christianity is for people to develop a rship with Jesus Christ, God, and I think that verse speaks what Jesus sees in us is our hearts, not buildings, and things made up/added by men. It is our heart He seeks, and that verse when we die some may not enter and Jesus would say "I do not know you".. I think because what He sees is our hearts.
So yeah, what you said =There's something even beyond the scriptures themselves and that's God Himself and His Son Jesus
I really like your theory.. totally makes sense. Please do share more if you think of anything else.. We really need to go all the way back in history to see these ruthless people never changed their nature, just their uniforms. All made perfect sense to me!! Thanks, Fren
I also remember Hillary sitting with the Cardinal in NY dinner where she and Trump roasted each other. What was it called again? And that Catholic cardinal/priest sat there with Hillary laughing.. uhm..he's sitting with a baby killer pro abortion person like they're old pals. and Hillary belongs to some secret sisterhood club.. tying back to the Freemasons, the Catholics.. all makes sense now. Their money laundering tunnels right infront of our eyes
“and now Rome adopts a bastardized form of Christianity for political reasons,“
Hope you aren’t talking about Catholicism. It’s literally the reason why you have a Bible. if you are indeed talking about the Catholic faith, I hope you’re ready to accept that your Bible cannot be trusted as the Catholic Church put the Bible together.
Freemasons or the foot soldiers for the New World order and are helping Jews build the third temple where the antichrist will sit and declare himself God. From the the world court established in Jerusalem, the Noahhide laws will be enacted- the laws that will behead Catholics and Christians for “idolatry”.
You have a long way to go.
the Bible as a whole was not officially compiled until the late fourth century, illustrating that it was the Catholic Church who determined the canon—or list of books—of the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the Bible is not a not a self-canonizing collection of books, as there is no table of contents included in any of the books.
Although the New Testament canon was not determined until the late 300s, books the Church deemed sacred were early on proclaimed at Mass, and read and preached about otherwise. Early Christian writings outnumbered the 27 books that would become the canon of the New Testament. The shepherds of the Church, by a process of spiritual discernment and investigation into the liturgical traditions of the Church spread throughout the world, had to draw clear lines of distinction between books that are truly inspired by God and originated in the apostolic period, and those which only claimed to have these qualities.
The process culminated in 382 as the Council of Rome, which was convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus, promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and then definitively reaffirmed by the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442.
Finally, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546, after it came under attack by the first Protestant leaders, including Martin Luther.
edit- a fairly recent revelation has caused me to abandon the Protestant denoms also, and I can't speak to KJ much but regardless of Freemasonry or not, he was a critical figure in spreading the scriptures into the hands of the people, while the RCC was a primary agent of keeping them from them.
edit2 - furthermore thanks to a video someone posted here today I learned that Muslims have what they call an Imam, who is their "spiritual father". This is quite similar to how the Christian sects do things. I just found that very notable. I am, at this point, convinced that organized religion, in the way we have it at least, is utterly satanic. By the grace of Almighty God we still get spiritual guidance and spiritual food from it but man. The absolute state 💀
Yes they did they would execute you for having a copy of it. They only wanted their priests to have it so the people only got fed their twisted doctrine
Currently Israel is responsible for flooding illegal incompatible 3rd Worlders into Europe and America. I'm going to go with the first option. They are responsible for the Cultural Genocide we are experiencing.
Your list needs to be rearranged and put the major influencers at the top. The Catholic charities might be enabling but the brains of the operation are Tulmadic influences..
Idk man, this substack is MIND BLOWING. Even I couldn't fathom just how much control Rome has according to all these connections. But like I said please post any orgs you know in there and I'll update it. If you can show that they wield significant sway over it I'll put them at the top. The order is somewhat random as I was only pasting things in as I found them, and I started looking at the Catholics first
This is not how we have an open discussion on a major threat to the Nation. There is more than enough evidence out there on who are the ring leaders. We've all gone down the de Rabbit holes.
A comment from the substack puts things into perspective:
Note that the 3 biggest human traffickers of illegals into the US are 1. Catholic Charities; 2. the Lutheran Global Refuge; 3. HIAS, the Hebrew Immigration Assistance Society, of which DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was a Board Member
The 3 most powerful banks are the Bank of London (City of London), Vatican Bank (Vatican City), and the Federal Reserve (Washington DC).
Rothschilds controlled the Vatican. The Rothschild gold supply was stored in Vatican Bank.
Trump has confiscated all of the gold, and gave back the gold supply to the BRICS nations, and the rest will be backing the US Note one the US Dollar dies.
don’t you remember the q post about a loan the holy see took out?
The loaner is a slave to the lender.
it isn’t that the Rothchild necessarily control Catholicism, which I realize you didn’t claim, but if the Vatican owes them money… Then the loaner is a slave to the lender.
don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and assume that Rothchild controls Catholicism. Catholicism is the one true religion and responsible for the Bible that You have in your home.
The war has been between Judaism in all its forms and Catholicism since the beginning. Jesus established the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and proceeded to call the Jews, who would not follow him, the synagogue of Satan. Only one group of people goes to synagogue.
I love the Notsee part. It is all NAZI.
Personally, I would not use this as a primary source, just as a piece with certain interesting data points.
So, we have two options:
An insolvable false dichotomy, except when you are in Germany and choose to speak about either ....
Vatican - Nazi connections
Palestine - Nazi connections
CIA - Nazi connections
so then Mossad could perhaps have Nazi connections. Palestinians look like Israelis, basically. I want a 23andMe done on Mossad agents! Kek
Have you read Hitler’s book?
he opposed the Jews because they were communist.
The Catholic Church is very anti-communist.
Spooky connection 🙄
Hegelian Dialectic go brrrrt
Did you even read this MASSIVE redpill of a substack? You will see that both the Nazi, which is totalitarian socialism, and the Communust, which always LEADS to totalitarian socialism, are BOTH controlled by Rome!
Socialism, communism, and capitalism are all controlled by the same people.
When you say Rome, do you mean the Catholic Church?
Because the Catholic Church is adamantly anti communist, so if you’re implying that the Catholic Church controls socialism and communism you’re going to need to put up some proof for that because official church teaching is very much anti-communist and belonging to a communist organization is grounds for excommunication.
No shortage of reading material on the Immorality of socialism and communism
I don't care what they say publically. I'm not convincing you right now but read this whole substack and at least consider that "those you were taught to trust the most are the most evil"
Oh and how many of these families are listed in that sub stack?
What a joke. Look over here, not over there, goy.
Yeah that Substack never mentions the Sassoons, which were the Rothchild of the east. Its common for the Jewish banking class to point the fingers at the Catholic Church.
“oh, it’s those darn Catholics again”
How do you write a Substack that detailed and forget to mention the Sassoon family?
Another point is if you do not trust with the Catholic Church has to say publicly then why do you rely on the Bible that it was responsible for putting together and keeping safe?
The one in the hyperlink to the PDF that the entire substack is based on does, sir crusader sir
This lady wasn’t even Catholic and she got it
I keep saying that Rome is the top of the Cabal!
Rome is controlled by the Cabal.
I think they are still the top.
Better would be to call it “at or near” the top.
We don’t, and may not ever, know who the precise top is.
But the “bottom” is Kamala.
lol the lengths they will go to give Rome a pass. Good little faithfuls.
This is why I believe we keep fighting Iran. Who is Iran?
That's the Persian Empire. Rome and Persia have been fighting for centuries.
What if it’s factions within Rome and factions within Persia against both themselves and each other, as well as against all other factions? Persia is also known as the “Aryan” race, from which we get “Iran”. Makes Germany during WWI/II a lot more interesting, yes? What happened to all the Alemen and Franks, etc?
They both absorbed parts of the same lineage who would become Babylon.
Look up the Hyksos. “Canaanite cousins of the Israelites” who took over Egypt and enslaved the Egyptians between the time of Joseph and the time of Moses. Not the Israelites, but easily mistakable for them. Once the Egyptians threw them off as rulers, they made the Israelites slaves, on in to the Exodus story.
Were they the same Canaanites who became known as the Phoenicians, who were the Carthaginians? Did they become incorporated into Babylon, too, then Persia after they conquered Babylon? Did Rome incorporate them after they conquered Carthage?
I still haven’t seen any sign of “big nosed people” like the memes depict being among these people, but there sure are a lot of Roman and Egyptian statues with their noses removed, and a big fascination with nose reduction surgeries today.
Destroying much evidence?
Good comments.
I need to look more into it for sure!
Yeah I don’t know why.
Hoooly shit a quote from a hyperlinked article from there:
I've been screaming that 'duh joos' are just the cabal's MANAGER CLASS for about 6 months now! Finally another living witness. THE CABAL HIDES BEHIND THE JEWS. THEY ARE THEIR HUMAN MEAT SHIELDS WHO YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO ATTACK LOL
Court Jews such as the Rothschild, Warburg, Goldsmith, Oppenheimer, Walton, Sassoon, Kadoorie, Lewis, Javal, Lauder, Sackler and Dreyfus families work through the Roman Curia or royal courtrooms such as Buckingham Palace.
The French Rothschilds work for the Black Nobility of Rome and the French House of Orleans. The British Rothschilds work for the British Crown. The Sassoon and Kadoorie families work for the British Crown and oversee banking and business in China and India. The Swiss Rothschilds work for the House of Habsburg and the House of Hesse.
The Oppenheimers work for the German House of Württemberg and the Cologne Oppenheim branch. the Austrian House of Habsburg granted them titles of nobility.
The Warburgs work for the Italian House of Borghese and the German House of Hesse and the House of Hanover. Warburg Pincus had a contract with Unicredit that merged with the Borghese Family's Bank of the Holy Spirit. The Warburgs were Venetian bankers and the Borghese family now hold Venetian titles of nobility. The Warburgs financed the Nazis.
The Dreyfus family works for the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau and the French House of Bonaparte.
Jewish banking families work for Christian nobles and royalty. These billionaire Jewish bloodlines run many rabbis who run a criminal intelligence network that works with Mossad.
The French House of Bonaparte and the Swedish House of Bernadotte control many of the main European companies through their knights of the Order of Seraphim and the Legion of Honor, who are also members of the Round Table of Industrialists of Europe, which it has a great economic influence on the markets.
The Wallenbergs run corporations worth hundreds of billions and work for the Swedish House of Bernadotte. The Wallenbergs and the Swedish Crown also work with the Jesuits and the Vatican. The Black Nobility and other royal families have been hiding billions in private banks in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.
The royal families of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein own and run their own national and private banks. Austrian and Eastern European royalty and nobles, such as the Habsburgs, Esterhazys and Schonberg, use private banks in Liechtenstein and also own Israeli and Jewish mafias.
Rothschild I thought..wonder who's more powerful, Jews or Italians?
Something to ponder: Think back to when Christ was crucified. Who was responsible? Jews and Romans.
The Romans had the power, and the Jews raised such a ruckus that the Romans finally said ok bring him in, we will kill him for you.
What ended up happening next? The Romans went on a rampage, killing Jews and Christians both. The Christians who understood Christ's warnings in Matt. 24, fled, while the Jews were massacred along with the 2nd temple. Anyways, fast forward to the 300s, and now Rome adopts a bastardized form of Christianity for political reasons, to save their crumbling empire. They then proceed to dominate the faith and dictate it to the world, on pain of death. THEY make the doctrines and rituals. "Officially state-sanctioned religion". Marriage of church and state. They kill countless Christians and Jews in the process. This time, though, they're operating on their own. They have merged the spiritual and carnal powers into a superstate. They no longer need any Jews to tell them who to kill, they're quite capable of determining these matters for themselves! I ask, is it so hard to believe that this institution, which has lasted longer than any other institutuon on earth, isn't doing the same things today, allbeit in back-handed and subtle ways? Do you really think they would allow some pesky Jews to control them? A quick study into Papal Court Jews will show you that the opposite is true. They hired the Rothschilds to manage their money. Remind me again what the order of authority is for someone who is hired by someone else...
I keep wondering if Trump is on one of those two sides, or on a third side we don’t know about yet, or something else.
It’s so discomforting, yet necessary, to not know that. Prayer up!
Big time. There's a claim in this article about the scriptures being written by the cabal in the 1600s, which I dispute because.
They are antithetical to the cabal
There is ample history going back through time of their existance
The holy Spirit within me says to
and there's another reason which I'm being told not to share. BUT even if this astronomical claim is true, it wouldn't change anybody's relationship to Christ. Paul's statements in Galatians 1:8-9 resonate on this. There's something even beyond the scriptures themselves and that's God Himself and His Son Jesus
edit- even AI knows that claim is false https://files.catbox.moe/inthmz.jpeg
Amen. I kept thinking about this Matthew verse 15:11 = What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.”
It makes me ponder the whole point of Christianity is for people to develop a rship with Jesus Christ, God, and I think that verse speaks what Jesus sees in us is our hearts, not buildings, and things made up/added by men. It is our heart He seeks, and that verse when we die some may not enter and Jesus would say "I do not know you".. I think because what He sees is our hearts.
So yeah, what you said =There's something even beyond the scriptures themselves and that's God Himself and His Son Jesus
I really like your theory.. totally makes sense. Please do share more if you think of anything else.. We really need to go all the way back in history to see these ruthless people never changed their nature, just their uniforms. All made perfect sense to me!! Thanks, Fren
I also remember Hillary sitting with the Cardinal in NY dinner where she and Trump roasted each other. What was it called again? And that Catholic cardinal/priest sat there with Hillary laughing.. uhm..he's sitting with a baby killer pro abortion person like they're old pals. and Hillary belongs to some secret sisterhood club.. tying back to the Freemasons, the Catholics.. all makes sense now. Their money laundering tunnels right infront of our eyes
“and now Rome adopts a bastardized form of Christianity for political reasons,“
Hope you aren’t talking about Catholicism. It’s literally the reason why you have a Bible. if you are indeed talking about the Catholic faith, I hope you’re ready to accept that your Bible cannot be trusted as the Catholic Church put the Bible together.
Ugh, this old tired arguement again.
King James, the Freemason?
Freemasons or the foot soldiers for the New World order and are helping Jews build the third temple where the antichrist will sit and declare himself God. From the the world court established in Jerusalem, the Noahhide laws will be enacted- the laws that will behead Catholics and Christians for “idolatry”.
You have a long way to go.
the Bible as a whole was not officially compiled until the late fourth century, illustrating that it was the Catholic Church who determined the canon—or list of books—of the Bible under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, the Bible is not a not a self-canonizing collection of books, as there is no table of contents included in any of the books.
Although the New Testament canon was not determined until the late 300s, books the Church deemed sacred were early on proclaimed at Mass, and read and preached about otherwise. Early Christian writings outnumbered the 27 books that would become the canon of the New Testament. The shepherds of the Church, by a process of spiritual discernment and investigation into the liturgical traditions of the Church spread throughout the world, had to draw clear lines of distinction between books that are truly inspired by God and originated in the apostolic period, and those which only claimed to have these qualities.
The process culminated in 382 as the Council of Rome, which was convened under the leadership of Pope Damasus, promulgated the 73-book scriptural canon. The biblical canon was reaffirmed by the regional councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397), and then definitively reaffirmed by the ecumenical Council of Florence in 1442.
Finally, the ecumenical Council of Trent solemnly defined this same canon in 1546, after it came under attack by the first Protestant leaders, including Martin Luther.
Did you read the links I posted on the subject?
edit- a fairly recent revelation has caused me to abandon the Protestant denoms also, and I can't speak to KJ much but regardless of Freemasonry or not, he was a critical figure in spreading the scriptures into the hands of the people, while the RCC was a primary agent of keeping them from them.
edit2 - furthermore thanks to a video someone posted here today I learned that Muslims have what they call an Imam, who is their "spiritual father". This is quite similar to how the Christian sects do things. I just found that very notable. I am, at this point, convinced that organized religion, in the way we have it at least, is utterly satanic. By the grace of Almighty God we still get spiritual guidance and spiritual food from it but man. The absolute state 💀
The RCC kept the Bible from people?
lol no
Yes they did they would execute you for having a copy of it. They only wanted their priests to have it so the people only got fed their twisted doctrine
Currently Israel is responsible for flooding illegal incompatible 3rd Worlders into Europe and America. I'm going to go with the first option. They are responsible for the Cultural Genocide we are experiencing.
Not so fast! https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOZcZqQr/whos-really-facilitating-america/
(please reply with any additional orgs if you have some and I'll update accordingly)
Your list needs to be rearranged and put the major influencers at the top. The Catholic charities might be enabling but the brains of the operation are Tulmadic influences..
Idk man, this substack is MIND BLOWING. Even I couldn't fathom just how much control Rome has according to all these connections. But like I said please post any orgs you know in there and I'll update it. If you can show that they wield significant sway over it I'll put them at the top. The order is somewhat random as I was only pasting things in as I found them, and I started looking at the Catholics first
This is not how we have an open discussion on a major threat to the Nation. There is more than enough evidence out there on who are the ring leaders. We've all gone down the de Rabbit holes.
A comment from the substack puts things into perspective:
Khazarian Mafia (Synagogue of Satan), ie the fake jews as called out in the Bible in the Book of Revelations.
no it’s not.
Look up the guy who came up with the theory, he’s a communist Jew.
Arthur Koestler.
The 3 most powerful banks are the Bank of London (City of London), Vatican Bank (Vatican City), and the Federal Reserve (Washington DC).
Rothschilds controlled the Vatican. The Rothschild gold supply was stored in Vatican Bank.
Trump has confiscated all of the gold, and gave back the gold supply to the BRICS nations, and the rest will be backing the US Note one the US Dollar dies.
don’t you remember the q post about a loan the holy see took out?
The loaner is a slave to the lender.
it isn’t that the Rothchild necessarily control Catholicism, which I realize you didn’t claim, but if the Vatican owes them money… Then the loaner is a slave to the lender.
don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and assume that Rothchild controls Catholicism. Catholicism is the one true religion and responsible for the Bible that You have in your home.
The war has been between Judaism in all its forms and Catholicism since the beginning. Jesus established the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and proceeded to call the Jews, who would not follow him, the synagogue of Satan. Only one group of people goes to synagogue.