"Introduces legislation"? How 'bout we have a Constitutional Republic? That means the federal government ONLY does those things listed in the Constitution. Where is "Shelter and Service Program" in the Constitution?
Where the hell has Congress been before this. They were aiding and abetting our government with illegally bringing illegals in via flights and open borders. Will either fail in the Senate or Joe Blow will refuse to sign it.
This will be an interesting vote to see who’s against this!!!
I fully expect Dems to vote lockstep against the bill. What will be interesting is to see what GOP vote against it..
Does mittens still vote?
Wont pass and will be forgotten in a week.
And when exactly is congress due to be back in session?
Why TF was’t this done a year ago?
Congress on recess till oct 30
"Introduces legislation"? How 'bout we have a Constitutional Republic? That means the federal government ONLY does those things listed in the Constitution. Where is "Shelter and Service Program" in the Constitution?
CLEAN UP THE LAW. Don't create new ones.
WHY would we need legislation for THIS? Traitors are running this country. I can't wait for the rope party!
Shouldn't need a bill for the obvious
Every Republican had better vote for this!
Take away FEMA money and give the job to someone else. FFS it's not rocket science.
Do it!
Link to new logo... American Lives Matter
too bad they are at recess for the month?
I wonder why no impeachment for illegally redirecting funds already allocated by Congress for FEMA to be used to fund the illegal alien invasion?
Where the hell has Congress been before this. They were aiding and abetting our government with illegally bringing illegals in via flights and open borders. Will either fail in the Senate or Joe Blow will refuse to sign it.
Heck yeah!
The congress is adjourned. Confused here.