posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +49 / -0

Here's the most recent article that does a good job of summarizing the point in my headline:


All along I have had the opinion that something really, really surprising must happen to bring the two sides much closer. That's because even if Trump were to win with 60% of the vote, the level of vitriol and division in this country will remain way too high, and our country will be ripe for ongoing heartache.

We have many things ushering us towards the Precipice. But I think what will really get us there--to the point where all Americans are suddenly looking over the proverbial cliff--includes two things:

  1. KH is declared the winner after everyone believes she has no chance of winning (because MSM tears her down, and other events occur to further make people not like her), and her win is actually so obviously fraudulent (like 315+ electoral votes) that there's a moment where the country is stunned and we are unified in an odd way by what we know is cheating; and

  2. After #1 gets sorted (I think via Military intervention with proof of outside interference, and Martial Law is implemented for 10 days), and while we're all still unified to a certain extent regarding the cheating, that's when the cheating of 2020 gets exposed, AND, that's when the source of the cheating--the Deep State and Cabal--are exposed along with their evil methods of control (crimes against children and humanity), with each new detail of exposure further uniting us.

THAT's what I hope and pray happens, only because I am not creative enough to think of any other way that we all become united. And, if the Plan does not foster unity, then it's not much of a plan (which is my premise for my above hypothesis).

Anyway, I guess the questions I hope to see comments and discussion about are:

  1. What are you opinions about the current unity vs division in this country?
  2. We know that crimes against children would be the great unifying topic according to Q, but I don't see that stuff coming out before the election. So, do you think the election is an inflection point where more unity is achieved, or will the lines be drawn more deeply in the sand?
  3. What else might create the Precipice, and when do we learn about the children?

As always, thanks for your comments and discussion--this Board is the best!!