"I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is the motto of
FEMA. We all know how much the government does not like to release resources to folks in need, unless those folks will vote Democrat. The next couple of months will show the American people just how aweful our government has become. We need a change of leadership in all departments or better yet, get rid of a lot of those departments. If disasters occur then have the government write checks to communities for relief instead of having FEMA strike up deals for whatever they think the folks on the gound need. I bet when Milton strikes Florida, FEMA will order parka and golashes to be bussed in so folks will stay warm because they won't have a roof over their heads and it will get cold at night. JUST HORRIBLE PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ALL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS.
FEMA has a CORE of Management people who have an actual federal job, most FEMA workers are temp. contract workers who get big pay per hour, a hotel room, per diem for food, and a lot of hours.
The Typical Temp working for FEMA is Redneck Trailer Trash, or Fresh From Prison.
A lot of FEMA search capacity force are at the border. FEMA has their own employees, but a lot are also details from other agencies that volunteer to go on detail.
I'm sitting here thinking how fast DeSantis got temporary bridges up during hurricane Ian and wondering why the same thing isn't happening in the NC mountains? So many people are still cut off and stuck in the mountains and hollers because the bridges are gone.
WE ALL MISSED YOU...hope everything is well with you and WELCOME BACK!!!
Cooter goes to Washington ( the remake )
Or, just get rid of all the agencies - DEI issue solved
American ingenuity at its finest
Appalachian Engineering low cost and gets the job done. Easily removed when needed. Just ask your local hillbilly for advice.
Cant kill the American spirit!!!!
Because these fine people think outside the box.
There is no box.
The DEI Hires are saying hold my beer, you ain't seen nothing yet! Wait until you see what I do after Hurricane Milton comes through.
Hold my “soy latte”. These are the type of people that roll up into the fetal position when they break a nail.
Just ask New Zealand what a DEI ship captain can do in 1 day!
When you DGAF about rules or regulations shit gets done fast. FEMA couldn't do that as the environmental survey would take another 6 months
I couldn’t agree more!
"I'm from the government and I'm here to help" is the motto of FEMA. We all know how much the government does not like to release resources to folks in need, unless those folks will vote Democrat. The next couple of months will show the American people just how aweful our government has become. We need a change of leadership in all departments or better yet, get rid of a lot of those departments. If disasters occur then have the government write checks to communities for relief instead of having FEMA strike up deals for whatever they think the folks on the gound need. I bet when Milton strikes Florida, FEMA will order parka and golashes to be bussed in so folks will stay warm because they won't have a roof over their heads and it will get cold at night. JUST HORRIBLE PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ALL GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATIONS.
Awesome!!! Appalachian ingenuity, making it work with what you have.
Good men doing good things. This is America. The FEMA part is a travesty.
Amazing! Reminiscent of the can do attitude of the greatest generation
FEMA has a CORE of Management people who have an actual federal job, most FEMA workers are temp. contract workers who get big pay per hour, a hotel room, per diem for food, and a lot of hours.
The Typical Temp working for FEMA is Redneck Trailer Trash, or Fresh From Prison.
A lot of FEMA search capacity force are at the border. FEMA has their own employees, but a lot are also details from other agencies that volunteer to go on detail.
FEMA needs to DIE....
Oh my gosh, just think, some residual oil from the tailors earlier life might wash into that creak. What an environmental disaster. (sarc)
Oh no.
This was done without permits, has anyone done an environmental impact assessment? Have they hired loicencesd professionals?
What impact will this have on endangered fresh water Carolina snail?
I love this post! I love ingenuity like this!
Ooohhh my heart goes out to them for their diligence and saving others. WOW absolutely impressive!
I think the FEMA fools are actually afraid of the mountain folk. As well they should be after this mess.
I'm sitting here thinking how fast DeSantis got temporary bridges up during hurricane Ian and wondering why the same thing isn't happening in the NC mountains? So many people are still cut off and stuck in the mountains and hollers because the bridges are gone.