lots of great stuff. this is the vid that the clip about harris having NC NG load a c17 came from. the LT gov of NC was asking these guys for help because he couldn't get a heli. the gov of NC was MIA for days, definite interference with mil assets trying to get in and being forced to wait almost a week.
I have personal contacts on the ground that say these guys in the vid are legit.
Noting as an NC citizen, Lt Governor= Mark Robinson, who needs all your votes to be our Governor! Ds are desperate, tell all your people to ignore the lies and calumny, we need the man who cares about our lives, not the selected shill Cooper who obstructs and gets our citizens killed.
They said they were working with Global Empowerment Mission…. GLOBAL. EMPOWERMENT.
Notable that the CEO has a giant sunbeam eye behind him, and they operate out of Ukraine and Guatemala.
They go after this guy in the interview.
EDIT: they recanted this some time after that, whoops! Anyway, he seems decent enough. GEM still.. weird name. Anyway I’ll leave the rest of this here. Why not?
He seems to have stood up to several Obama administration initiatives, though his company is “67 Motors” (13).
As part of the Republican leadership team in the House, Moore helped pass "sweeping legislation to lower taxes on business, tighten rules on abortion and voting, and decline to extend Medicaid coverage to 500,000 uninsured North Carolinians."[2] Moore opposes same-sex marriage, supported a state constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage in 2012, and joined legal efforts to defend the ban.[2] However, in 2017, when a group of the state House's most conservative Republicans proposed legislation that would declare "null and void" the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) (which held that there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage), Moore blocked the bill from advancing in the state House.
This is the guy telling police to leave North Carolinians out to die?
No conclusion, maybe he is, but something smells funny somewhere. I’d like to think ex-SOF are pretty reliable. (EDIT: The funny smell was largely recanted - except for GEM’s name, which is still odd)
At approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes into the video:
So the guy who ordered the TFR over the area was operating a for profit recovery business, and didn't want the state guard and volunteers to be taking away his business.
ty, so many gems in this. just to clarify, either both or just the guy on the right are florida state guard. easy to miss that in the beginning, his language is very densely packed.
What an absolute piece of shit. Wish that asshole could be turned over to the people of these affected WNC communities for punishment...and I'm sure they would ensure it would be prolonged and appropriate.
This says it all people ,take heed to what these true patriots are telling you @45 min mark,listen closely and prepare if you haven't already,but i encourage eveyone to listen to the whole video if possible.
Ha! I was just about to post the Mike Benz interview from his show!
Unrelated, I don’t understand why everyone has tattoos now.
Just 20 years ago, only a handful of people would have them, and they were mostly small.
Now they’re everywhere, and lots of people, even people who attend church regularly, cover their entire arms and necks and faces and torsos and legs with them.
My best guess is that some portion of this massive uptick is a system of marking who owns them, somehow, but then a lot of seemingly decent people have a lot of tattoos now, too. There is definitely no pragmatic benefit to it - it costs money and makes us more easily identifiable.
I just don’t understand it at all. Not meant as offense to anyone who has partaken, just earnest bewildered confusion.
Years ago, it was very common for parents to say “if your friends all jumped off a bridge, would you do it?” It was even on TV shows.
Later on, some of my friends actually did jump off a bridge. I didn’t, which was doubly great because on top of being stupid, it also turned out to be illegal.
I could understand if some segment of the population did it, but it’s so widespread, and some people take it so far, it’s just unbelievable. In just 20 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if untattooed have gone from 90+% of the population to under 40%.
Edit: according to city-data it’s gone from about 10% to about 30-40% among people under 50, but with a lot more tattoos on those who have them.
I just don’t understand what drove that, but there is a lot I don’t understand these days…
lots of great stuff. this is the vid that the clip about harris having NC NG load a c17 came from. the LT gov of NC was asking these guys for help because he couldn't get a heli. the gov of NC was MIA for days, definite interference with mil assets trying to get in and being forced to wait almost a week.
I have personal contacts on the ground that say these guys in the vid are legit.
layered incompetence is intent
and as always, follow the money.
Noting as an NC citizen, Lt Governor= Mark Robinson, who needs all your votes to be our Governor! Ds are desperate, tell all your people to ignore the lies and calumny, we need the man who cares about our lives, not the selected shill Cooper who obstructs and gets our citizens killed.
They said they were working with Global Empowerment Mission…. GLOBAL. EMPOWERMENT.
Notable that the CEO has a giant sunbeam eye behind him, and they operate out of Ukraine and Guatemala.
They go after this guy in the interview.
He seems to have stood up to several Obama administration initiatives, though his company is “67 Motors” (13).
This is the guy telling police to leave North Carolinians out to die?
No conclusion, maybe he is, but something smells funny somewhere. I’d like to think ex-SOF are pretty reliable. (EDIT: The funny smell was largely recanted - except for GEM’s name, which is still odd)
At approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes into the video:
So the guy who ordered the TFR over the area was operating a for profit recovery business, and didn't want the state guard and volunteers to be taking away his business.
ty, so many gems in this. just to clarify, either both or just the guy on the right are florida state guard. easy to miss that in the beginning, his language is very densely packed.
What an absolute piece of shit. Wish that asshole could be turned over to the people of these affected WNC communities for punishment...and I'm sure they would ensure it would be prolonged and appropriate.
I compete with local government in my business, you know what? Suck it up.
Sure ya do.
Ronnie Barrett patented the solution.
These guys are solid AF.
This says it all people ,take heed to what these true patriots are telling you @45 min mark,listen closely and prepare if you haven't already,but i encourage eveyone to listen to the whole video if possible.
There's going to be hell to pay when the people in those areas learn about this. Hope they got the name of the creep from michigan.
If anyone gets out alive. The government wants them to die.
i hope they out this asshat from Michigan and his bunch of losers....
Ha! I was just about to post the Mike Benz interview from his show!
Unrelated, I don’t understand why everyone has tattoos now.
Just 20 years ago, only a handful of people would have them, and they were mostly small.
Now they’re everywhere, and lots of people, even people who attend church regularly, cover their entire arms and necks and faces and torsos and legs with them.
My best guess is that some portion of this massive uptick is a system of marking who owns them, somehow, but then a lot of seemingly decent people have a lot of tattoos now, too. There is definitely no pragmatic benefit to it - it costs money and makes us more easily identifiable.
I just don’t understand it at all. Not meant as offense to anyone who has partaken, just earnest bewildered confusion.
Fashion and the need to look cool?
Some, for sure.
Years ago, it was very common for parents to say “if your friends all jumped off a bridge, would you do it?” It was even on TV shows.
Later on, some of my friends actually did jump off a bridge. I didn’t, which was doubly great because on top of being stupid, it also turned out to be illegal.
Then after that…
And now here we are.
I could understand if some segment of the population did it, but it’s so widespread, and some people take it so far, it’s just unbelievable. In just 20 years, I wouldn’t be surprised if untattooed have gone from 90+% of the population to under 40%.
Edit: according to city-data it’s gone from about 10% to about 30-40% among people under 50, but with a lot more tattoos on those who have them.
I just don’t understand what drove that, but there is a lot I don’t understand these days…
Rumble link: https://rumble.com/v5i8ud9-aerial-recovery-the-hurricane-helene-disaster-srs-138.html
Watch it your blood will boil.
Hundreds of billions worth in lithium and quartz, the government is stopping all aid, and is not helping, and we know they want us to die.
What could possibly be happening in Asheville?
Former CIA?
Didn't know there was such a thing.
love this guy
Why are we posting YouTube links? YouTube wants me to sign in. No thanks!