I see signs for them and I think "that's a house that is admitting they only watch the main stream media." It's not a sign for a "political" vote, it's a vote for showing you have been properly brainwashed.
I can see it… however many of these bstrds have come out in the light and fully believe that are the righteous ones. Mr T still has my favorite saying. “I pity the Fool”
That is such a deep saying.
I believe they are intentionally doing, while many still believe they are ignorant of what they are doing.
The Christian people need to take heed. These fools are fully intending to destroy Christianity. Every sign is a symbol on exposing this. The sign represents the highest order of wickedness. Every rainbow flag represents they conquered Christianity. They fly this flag in Churches to represent this conquering.
Very interesting time. If a Christian doesn’t vote this year it also shows their defeat.
I see a biden harris sign in front of this one house by my kids school. The house gets tee pee'd a few times already, the sign gets tossed around as well. They don't bother cleaning it up so their front yard looks like shit. The backyard since they live on a corner lot looks like a landfill by their own doing. Then one day I saw the owners. It really boggles my mind how these leftists look. 90% of them always look like a disaster with common leftist traits.
Exactly what I think EVERY TIME I pass one those!
This would be great to write on a post card and mailed to that person’s house.
Yep. Every time I see one I just think, we'll you just told everyone what kind of person you are.
THIS should be the sign you put out in addition to your Trump signs...
Yanno, the new ones that say at the bottom:
*Not friends with school shooters
I see signs for them and I think "that's a house that is admitting they only watch the main stream media." It's not a sign for a "political" vote, it's a vote for showing you have been properly brainwashed.
I want that in my yard.
I can’t help but think “Thanks for identifying yourself as an idiot” every time I see these.
I can see it… however many of these bstrds have come out in the light and fully believe that are the righteous ones. Mr T still has my favorite saying. “I pity the Fool”
That is such a deep saying.
I believe they are intentionally doing, while many still believe they are ignorant of what they are doing.
The Christian people need to take heed. These fools are fully intending to destroy Christianity. Every sign is a symbol on exposing this. The sign represents the highest order of wickedness. Every rainbow flag represents they conquered Christianity. They fly this flag in Churches to represent this conquering.
Very interesting time. If a Christian doesn’t vote this year it also shows their defeat.
Perfect 👍
I see a biden harris sign in front of this one house by my kids school. The house gets tee pee'd a few times already, the sign gets tossed around as well. They don't bother cleaning it up so their front yard looks like shit. The backyard since they live on a corner lot looks like a landfill by their own doing. Then one day I saw the owners. It really boggles my mind how these leftists look. 90% of them always look like a disaster with common leftist traits.
That is a great meme! And, of course, TRUE.