And also like Kamala I stole information from Wikipedia!
Now that I know this is true and not spun by the tweeter for clicks and attention... WTF?!?!? What are the odds of this? Is this not proof that Kamala Harris isn't even her real name and that she's just a character in the movie?!?!?
EDIT: Also, I might be stretching this here but Alamak seems to be more often spelled Almach. Which backwards is Hcamla. Harris Camla? Why do I suddenly think of all the debate of how to say Kaaamala versus Kammmlahh versus KaMALLLa etc.?? Camla? So let me get this straight, one one hand you have "H Camla" for one spelling of the star and another spelling of that same star is straight up "Kamala?" THIS IS 100% A MOVIE FOLKS IT HAS TO BE!!!!!!!!!
Is it though? Oxford Reference says Alamak is a legitimate and officially recognized alternative spelling of Almach.
Quick Reference
The star Gamma Andromedae; also spelled Almaak and Alamak. It is a double star consisting of a K3 bright giant and a B9 dwarf, magnitudes 2.3 and 4.8 (combined magnitude 2.1). The fainter star is itself a close double with an orbital period of 64 years. Almach is 393 l.y. away.
Now if I had to bend the word into an unofficial and unrecognized spelling in order to produce the same result, I would agree with you. Oh and my "Hcamla" decode was just a fun little thought experiment and shouldn't distract from the OP's message IMO.
You're talking to someone who normally writes this kind of stuff off as completely schizo. This one made my eyes widen so hard they could've burst out of my skull!
When I checked, there are 471 named stars. (47)1? There is only one star named "Sirrah" and one star named "Alamak." And they are both within the Andromeda constellation. Almach or "Alamak" officially got its name in 2016, same year Trump was elected. Sirrah's name was also changed to Alpheratz in 2016.
No way, this can't be true, right?
Let's see....
Oxford Reference:
My independent fact check: TRUE!!
And also like Kamala I stole information from Wikipedia!
Now that I know this is true and not spun by the tweeter for clicks and attention... WTF?!?!? What are the odds of this? Is this not proof that Kamala Harris isn't even her real name and that she's just a character in the movie?!?!?
EDIT: Also, I might be stretching this here but Alamak seems to be more often spelled Almach. Which backwards is Hcamla. Harris Camla? Why do I suddenly think of all the debate of how to say Kaaamala versus Kammmlahh versus KaMALLLa etc.?? Camla? So let me get this straight, one one hand you have "H Camla" for one spelling of the star and another spelling of that same star is straight up "Kamala?" THIS IS 100% A MOVIE FOLKS IT HAS TO BE!!!!!!!!!
The Kamala spelling is off, but it's still a fun little coincidence.
Is it though? Oxford Reference says Alamak is a legitimate and officially recognized alternative spelling of Almach.
Now if I had to bend the word into an unofficial and unrecognized spelling in order to produce the same result, I would agree with you. Oh and my "Hcamla" decode was just a fun little thought experiment and shouldn't distract from the OP's message IMO.
Hmm perhaps there are multiple spellings floating around. I landed on one that was different earlier.
wikipedia has it as Almach
Still a coincidence
Yep. Fact
CONCUR. I immediately went on a 30 minute expedition to debunk this. Turns out ... this is true.
Correct. It is not proof. Just another meaningless coincidence.
They are happening everywhere, all the time, regardless of whether we choose to recognize or acknowledge the fact.
You're talking to someone who normally writes this kind of stuff off as completely schizo. This one made my eyes widen so hard they could've burst out of my skull!
Maybe her parents were closet astronomers and deliberately named her after two stars backward?
When I checked, there are 471 named stars. (47)1? There is only one star named "Sirrah" and one star named "Alamak." And they are both within the Andromeda constellation. Almach or "Alamak" officially got its name in 2016, same year Trump was elected. Sirrah's name was also changed to Alpheratz in 2016.