I'm not the type of person to post something like this, but take a look at this weird "Coincidence" with Kamala Harris
Starry Eyed Surprise! 🤯
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The Kamala spelling is off, but it's still a fun little coincidence.
Is it though? Oxford Reference says Alamak is a legitimate and officially recognized alternative spelling of Almach.
Now if I had to bend the word into an unofficial and unrecognized spelling in order to produce the same result, I would agree with you. Oh and my "Hcamla" decode was just a fun little thought experiment and shouldn't distract from the OP's message IMO.
Hmm perhaps there are multiple spellings floating around. I landed on one that was different earlier.
wikipedia has it as Almach
Yes, but wikipedia usually has half of the story I have discovered.
Still a coincidence
Yep. Fact