I stole this from another website. This is not my original thoughts, but I find it very plausible and it fits so many Q proofs.
10 or 12 days before the election...
Word will reach the major news networks that the white house will make a special announcement. A couple of hours later, Joe Biden will come stumbling out to the podium coughing and whisper "My fellow Americans, due to the condition of my health, I am unable to serve the office of the presidency. I am officially stepping down..."
The next day, you will see Kamala Harris in an expensive pantsuit on the steps of the capitol with a solemn face holding up her right hand, being sworn in as acting president of the United States. This will be "the photo" on the front page of the New York Times, The Washington Post... this will be the photo in the history books.
The 47th President of the United States!
There will be non-stop fawning coverage, 24/7 for the next 10 days leading up the election. All the news networks, the pundits, social media, the celebrity sphere... all hyping up and amping Kamala.
You'll have Oprah, Gayle King, the hyenas on The View, Ellen, etc all doing exclusive interviews... you'll have Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Lady Gaga and the like all making appearances with Kamala.
Each day of the week will be a wonderful new aspect of how amazing this is. Kamala is the first female president! She's the first black female president! She's the first Jamaican heritage female president! She's the first Indian heritage president! She's the first multi-racial woman of color president! She's the first democrat female president! She's the first woman to break the glass ceiling! etc etc etc...
The narrative from the Don Lemons, the Joy Reids and Morning Joe will predictably become:
"Don't let that old racist white man take this moment in history from the first black woman president!"
"Let's keep her in office, don't let them take this away from her!"
"Don't let them take this away from women, don't let the republicans derail our progress towards equity!"
The calculation is pretty simple, from their point of view [those trying to stop Trump]. It will cost them nothing to make Joe step down and they will get a huge PR boost for Kamala, just when she needs it most. The actual impact of this will in truth be only a few points in the polls. However, the news media, entertainment and social media machine will boost and amplify it through non-stop saturation coverage in the critical last days before the election. The calculation is that in the minds of the average, low-information mainstream public, it will create the perception that she is on top and that her momentum now has her clearly winning the race. Don't underestimate the power the mainstream media still has. Don't underestimate the powerful imagery of her being sworn in. Don't underestimate the power and image she will have as the acting president of the United States. And remember, the goal is not to actually win votes with this stunt - the goal is to make the fraud more believable! To sell you a mountain of horseshit! This is the card they will play. This is their October Surprise.
Who are "they"? [those trying to stop Trump]
It is very likely Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama along with their friends deeply embedded in the DOJ - but they're just the ones who will execute the play. The one's truly pulling the strings are more in the strata of people like Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Soros, etc."
Link to original post: https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5824702/pg1
The timing of the "Darkness" will have to be precise for full impact. The EBS will keep us updated.
They will need some big bull-dozers to spread that mountain of crap.
They might try this, but I believe there is a bigger play in motion if she goes in. It's to have her fail miserably. She gets sworn in, and WW3 starts, probably because of her. The fear will be so real, they will try to cancel the election. Remember this, they always project. Remember when they said Trump would start WW3 to stay in office? Well, the good guys might just frame this in a way to make it look like they are trying this. All that talk of Trump starting WW3 to stay in office will come crashing down on them.
Came to write this.
There was a 10 days blackout mentioned in Blade Runner 2049. All data was lost..
Early Republican election votes?
A Nationwide Blackout before the election will counter this
All channels offline, No fake news can be spread, No Harris bump
A nationwide internet blackout or a nationwide electrical blackout?
It would technically affect internet as well as Wi-fi routers would be offline too
Save for people who still have phones charged and Starlink access
Biden stepped aside once, I highly doubt he will do it again, especially for her.
They will have to kill Biden.