I just seen a video that said when tested 95% of 5 year olds are genius’s - as they aged it got less and less until adulthood when it was only 2% were genius. The common factor was school dumbing them down to fit the mold.
First-year elementary teacher here. Trying to change the world one student at a time. Experiencing the broken system firsthand has been incredibly painful. God save our children.
I dropped out of school when I was in the 4th grade. I would periodically attend to school up to the 12th grade and before leaving my hell hole town of Satanists (yes the very hood I lived a lot of my childhood had a satanic church that people in the middle of the night would attend-everyone knew it was there too) in Nevada-well I walked into the place to take the GED and aced it without ever studying. This was in the mid 90’s. I asked them if I aced it, what is taught?
I was given the blank stare. Same in college I would use -their sources- against them and they would get pissed at me there too.
It has been going on a long time. Very sad. I do agree I suck at writing but I do get my point across if perceived correctly…
Yet I will never think I am any better than another person. I will look at other people and marvel at their unused abilities all while they don the mask and rolled up their sleeves for a mRNA…. If they only dropped out of school like me l, they would would see. ;)
If a kid isn't mentally capable enough to figure out how to manage a family farm or household by their mid-teens, their development has been sabotaged. And in this modern age, such sabotage is systematic, to the point where huge swaths of adults can't even manage a checking account.
He just explained the Matrix in layman terms! Sadly, 95% would not understand what he's saying! We need to bring in the Kraken! Literally reprogram their minds!
Was a shitty student. Couldn't indoctrinate me. The well indoctrinated got called special and intelligent and got all scholarships to higher indoctrination. They call them Phd's and let them develope the further indoctrination for future minds. They've been caught numerous times plagiarizing and been found to be stupid when forced outside their indoctrination where true critical thought is needed. Trained monkeys comes to mind.
Homeschool your children. Keep them out of the indoctrination camps.
This, co op. I am teaching this year, assist with art, lead gym and masculinity for the boys.
Awesome. Kids need male role models. Good on ya!
I just seen a video that said when tested 95% of 5 year olds are genius’s - as they aged it got less and less until adulthood when it was only 2% were genius. The common factor was school dumbing them down to fit the mold.
First-year elementary teacher here. Trying to change the world one student at a time. Experiencing the broken system firsthand has been incredibly painful. God save our children.
I dropped out of school when I was in the 4th grade. I would periodically attend to school up to the 12th grade and before leaving my hell hole town of Satanists (yes the very hood I lived a lot of my childhood had a satanic church that people in the middle of the night would attend-everyone knew it was there too) in Nevada-well I walked into the place to take the GED and aced it without ever studying. This was in the mid 90’s. I asked them if I aced it, what is taught?
I was given the blank stare. Same in college I would use -their sources- against them and they would get pissed at me there too.
It has been going on a long time. Very sad. I do agree I suck at writing but I do get my point across if perceived correctly…
Yet I will never think I am any better than another person. I will look at other people and marvel at their unused abilities all while they don the mask and rolled up their sleeves for a mRNA…. If they only dropped out of school like me l, they would would see. ;)
If a kid isn't mentally capable enough to figure out how to manage a family farm or household by their mid-teens, their development has been sabotaged. And in this modern age, such sabotage is systematic, to the point where huge swaths of adults can't even manage a checking account.
Look at text books from 50 years ago, it will blow your mind.
I have my engineering books from back in the late '80s to early '90s...and the engineering books that are coming out today are in a word: "GARBAGE"...
The term GIGO sound familiar-> GARBARE IN, GARBAGE OUT!!!!!!!!!
There are no coincidences.
This actually makes me wonder if 'A+' students are less likely to be conspiracy theorists.
He just explained the Matrix in layman terms! Sadly, 95% would not understand what he's saying! We need to bring in the Kraken! Literally reprogram their minds!
Brah just trust the science duh
At the final Judgment Seat, “The state didn’t raise my children right your Honor” isn’t going to cut it.
Was a shitty student. Couldn't indoctrinate me. The well indoctrinated got called special and intelligent and got all scholarships to higher indoctrination. They call them Phd's and let them develope the further indoctrination for future minds. They've been caught numerous times plagiarizing and been found to be stupid when forced outside their indoctrination where true critical thought is needed. Trained monkeys comes to mind.