My husband thinks I should sell now before any earnings report comes out because he thinks it is artificially inflated and I should take the profit and get out. My husband does support President Trump but he is also and hard fast Fox News person, which in itself has cause more than one argument. This was an emotional buy for me and I'm not ready to sell because I think it is yet to go higher. What say yall - my frens?
Comments (21)
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I am going to hold until I retire on it. And if it makes a bunch of money I'm gonna do something good with it.
You either trade it, or you invest in your freedom and let it fucking go.
100% the same boat I'm on. I'm well into profits from buying on day 1 at open, but I plan on either living off the dividends (if possible) or only sell at life changing money for my family and I, and neighbors, lives.
I feel the same way about Bitcoin.
To me it's more than just profit, bc I support trump I'm riding it.. I may be a fool, but it's the least I can do when he needs us most. I could capitalize on my investment, or I could ride or die with him through this. Who knows, it may turn out to be profitable some day, but that's not truly why I bought it.
Keep holding, it's going much higher. Once he is back in office do you think he will allow the scumbags to continue shorting it?
Trump knew all the pedophiles in Hollywood would be arrested one day. Hollywood is a dying entity. Trump's DJT stock has movie production / studios / pay per veiw / streaming services listed in his start up description of his corporation, it is not just a social site. He is just getting started.
And technology. He and Elon have some big surprises.
Suppressed Tesla tech is going to be released through Trump and Elons company.
Coming from someone who has thousands of shares of $DJT, I'll say I bought it for the long term. It is being heavily manipulated, but in the last month it appears that much of the manipulation (naked shorts) has been thwarted.
I truly believe that this stock is going to skyrocket after DJT is elected and the company will then have the SEC off its back and will be free to perform as they want.
Don't be surprised if DJT buys X. Or possibly one of the broadcasting licenses from a network after they are found guilty of election manipulation at a minimum.
The long-term prospect of the stock is what is appealing. Sure, it's overvalued right now. But that is typical for any new tech company not producing a product.
Don't forget this stock once hit 175.00/share. I had the fortune to unload a lot and buy back in at lower prices, including a couple thousand shares at 12.50 last month.
Always bet on Trump.
Holding for years to come.
Are they his stocks?
You didn't mention it so I'm guessing no, they're yours.
I wouldn't and won't sell mine and that's not financial advise, nor am I a financial advisor. I'd say thank you but I'm not selling.
The whole market is inflated and rigged, but on the other side I'd bet DJT will be strong.
I agree.
Thanks so much Frens. We all are speaking the same language here. I'm holding onto it.
It’s an investment into the future of America. You’re early, not late.
I just had this conversation with my mother. She was bag holding at 23 on the warrents for a long time.
I told her to do what she things is best,their is nothing wrong with making a proffit. I have a much lower cost average,so it's easier for me to hold.
And she sold for a 4 doller proffit.
I have no problem with that....
Keep it!
It will likely jump again with the Trump win. But long term I think it will continue to grow.
I did something similar BUT I paid off our home and I paid off my car...These idiots are going to find out the hard way that people are fed up with their shista on stocks, precious metals and the like!!!!!!!!!
Compare to RDDT which went public at same time. They are similar. RDDT unsuppressed with market cap ~2x DJT. Reasonably correct valuation of DJT right now is $77. Going forward without censorship, price suppression and with possible acquisitions jn near future ~2026, it will be worth $250/sh ($50B market cap). Heavily dependent on stopping illegal naked shorting by Wall Street criminals.
I am holding forever and adding to position periodically as I believe this is the only way to break the shorts. Also, position is self-custody at transfer agent.
This ^
This is a long hold stock. Right now, they only hold Truth Social. It is an acquisition company, waiting to acquire other media companies.