My daughter and 8 year old granddaughter watched with me tonight. I nudged my daughter, pointed at my granddaughter and said, "she's watching history being made, and doesn't know it."
Well I watched the moon landing on our new color tv with mom, sister and friends-groovy
This rally was the most hopeful and inspiring event I’ve seen in my 71 years— all speakers were great - and genuine— that speaks volumes— people who love this country are coming together to fight to save it as the glorious nation it is !
Just shave one. If you shave both people probably won't notice, but if you do just one you can have fun watching other people as they figure out why you look funny. It works best on blonde or light red hair.
Pro tip - never pass out from drinking too much if you live in military dorms/barracks. Your friends will have fun. You may even have a few sharpie marker tattoos of inappropriate body parts on your back or arms. It's funnier to put them on lower arms so the young military member has to wear long-sleeve shirts for a bit, but they will have to get a scrub brush to try to get it off their back.
Note - this worked very well in the 80s and 90s - it may not work as well in today's environment. YMMV.
OHHH you dirty dog...Loved basic...esp. when the DIs came through for morning inspection...ahhhh...that would be both walking around the barracks room, inspecting the foot lockers and racks (beds-for the civies) and the other inspecting the troops!!!!!!
DI spotted "ONE EYEBROW" and THE CORK WENT OFF AND WHAT SPEWED FORTH IS NOT WHAT CAN BE PRINTED HERE...But, needless to say, a good laugh was had all the way around...AFTER THE INSPECTION!!!!
I wish my very intelligent, very liberal niece would be in the audience. She lives close by but I don’t think she’d ever go. I used to wonder which family member would wake up first. Now I wonder if they’ll ever wake up. Too smart to see. Now I’m never going to hear I was right…😏
My daughter and 8 year old granddaughter watched with me tonight. I nudged my daughter, pointed at my granddaughter and said, "she's watching history being made, and doesn't know it."
Wise Mama! ✨
The granddaughter will remember what she watched and relay it to others!!!!!!
Yes! It's important to pass out history to the next generations..
It's already on my bingo card,I called it last week.
Wise froggy! 🐸
Well I watched the moon landing on our new color tv with mom, sister and friends-groovy This rally was the most hopeful and inspiring event I’ve seen in my 71 years— all speakers were great - and genuine— that speaks volumes— people who love this country are coming together to fight to save it as the glorious nation it is !
Wait, who threw the free concert!?
Oh, wait, this wasn't a dem rally, this is tens of thousands of Patriots filling the stadium and streets to hear how we can Make America Great Again!
Bigger than any concert!
Absolutely! I'm kind of floating...feel like I was there! ✨
I think it was red past cycle they just said it wasn't.
Probably...just like California
I think he wins no doubt but if New York goes red ill shave my eybrows
Just shave one. If you shave both people probably won't notice, but if you do just one you can have fun watching other people as they figure out why you look funny. It works best on blonde or light red hair.
Pro tip - never pass out from drinking too much if you live in military dorms/barracks. Your friends will have fun. You may even have a few sharpie marker tattoos of inappropriate body parts on your back or arms. It's funnier to put them on lower arms so the young military member has to wear long-sleeve shirts for a bit, but they will have to get a scrub brush to try to get it off their back.
Note - this worked very well in the 80s and 90s - it may not work as well in today's environment. YMMV.
OHHH you dirty dog...Loved basic...esp. when the DIs came through for morning inspection...ahhhh...that would be both walking around the barracks room, inspecting the foot lockers and racks (beds-for the civies) and the other inspecting the troops!!!!!!
DI spotted "ONE EYEBROW" and THE CORK WENT OFF AND WHAT SPEWED FORTH IS NOT WHAT CAN BE PRINTED HERE...But, needless to say, a good laugh was had all the way around...AFTER THE INSPECTION!!!!
Keklarious! I can only imagine! 😹
Do eyebrows grow back?
Nancy Pelosi's eyebrows don't.
Not careful 😸
Oh shi-
Did you drop something onto the floor???? Eyebrow hair maybe!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
Is this the "small rally down the street" I keep hearing about?
I wish my very intelligent, very liberal niece would be in the audience. She lives close by but I don’t think she’d ever go. I used to wonder which family member would wake up first. Now I wonder if they’ll ever wake up. Too smart to see. Now I’m never going to hear I was right…😏
Yeah, it did in 2020 also, I firmly believe, along with CA.
Watch CA Watch NY
It's happening. The dems will cheat in a few swing states, thinking that NY and CA are shoe-ins.
Yes...I believe!
Does “going red” mean “wants to remain American” now?