16 How many more hours until they call it? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 104 days ago by StormSailor 104 days ago by StormSailor +16 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The AP hasn't called Georgia yet... because they know it would mean Trump wins.
I'm not gonna celebrate until after the 3am ballot dumping hour has passed.
They could call it now, they can’t bring themselves to do it.
MN was just red, they definitely did some shenanigans with it.
It's been flipping around like VA, Schrodinger's State.
I tell you, how many ballots will they print for this?
I just asked that same question!
Current google saids 205 to 230. How many places in total is there to get 270?
Some pedes over on PW say MI isn't "going to be done counting" until tomorrow morning
I think you spelled next week wrong.
Give them time to let Trump catch a few more......rope is cheap. Kek
Well, thy definitely are gonna drag it out… as… long… as… they… can…. But it won’t matter, Trump is now cleared for take off, the math is there.