Border will be an easy fix though - all the policies and laws are in place they just need to be enforced. On;ly a couple hundred miles of wall still need to be built. Make E-Verify and Real-ID the law of the land, social services only available to U.S. Citizens and most illegals will self deport because scarce jobs for them and no welfare available either. Elections will be tough because of states rights. Big tasks to be undertaken for sure but the right man for the job will be in office and Vance will get a LOT of valuable experience and a record to run on in 2028.
The Border will ignite a war. Just think how many are within the border. Cannot forget that we have been invaded. Their standing army is in place, the true fuckery hasn't begun.
If I'm wrong, good. If I'm not, best thing anyone can do is remember the last four years, WHY were the illegals brought in, housed, and paid money to sit tight in hotel complexes. Article I read not too long ago stated the funding only went up to Nov 15th.
Not date fagging at all, Just saying don't forget they have been running the show the last four years, don't think they don't have a plan b. They Hate America, keep heads on a swivel.
I would think some based big brain in the DOJ could Federalize the entire voting fraud issue through one of the Voting Rights Acts. It seems obvious that millions of voters have had their voting rights nullified.
Not just the NGO's but also the companies that are contracted to facilitate housing and transporting the illegals as well as other services. Those ass-hats are all politically connected and making bank off of facilitating the invasion.
Likely there was some Democrat cheating. It's what they do. We'll see if anything is done about it, or if Rs just shrug their shoulders and forget about it.
Pretty sure there was fuckery. This is why I think he will contest and go after the riggers. You know they've got it all.
Yeah - will help solidify / justify future election reform.
Sheesh - ther is soooooo much to clean up. Trafficking / Elections / Pharma / Finance / and on…….
Soooo many shoes that could DROP!
Border will be an easy fix though - all the policies and laws are in place they just need to be enforced. On;ly a couple hundred miles of wall still need to be built. Make E-Verify and Real-ID the law of the land, social services only available to U.S. Citizens and most illegals will self deport because scarce jobs for them and no welfare available either. Elections will be tough because of states rights. Big tasks to be undertaken for sure but the right man for the job will be in office and Vance will get a LOT of valuable experience and a record to run on in 2028.
The Border will ignite a war. Just think how many are within the border. Cannot forget that we have been invaded. Their standing army is in place, the true fuckery hasn't begun.
If I'm wrong, good. If I'm not, best thing anyone can do is remember the last four years, WHY were the illegals brought in, housed, and paid money to sit tight in hotel complexes. Article I read not too long ago stated the funding only went up to Nov 15th.
Not date fagging at all, Just saying don't forget they have been running the show the last four years, don't think they don't have a plan b. They Hate America, keep heads on a swivel.
I would think some based big brain in the DOJ could Federalize the entire voting fraud issue through one of the Voting Rights Acts. It seems obvious that millions of voters have had their voting rights nullified.
Nwo's need to be shut down and the people who expedited this invasion prosecuted.
Not just the NGO's but also the companies that are contracted to facilitate housing and transporting the illegals as well as other services. Those ass-hats are all politically connected and making bank off of facilitating the invasion.
Winning then auditing is a smart approach
Likely there was some Democrat cheating. It's what they do. We'll see if anything is done about it, or if Rs just shrug their shoulders and forget about it.
I still want 2020 addressed
I don't buy it either. Record turnouts but less votes than 2020? I call BULLSHIT