What if “leverage” is being used against key criminals to get them to do certain things. If you publicly expose or “hang them”, then it is ammo expended for little tangible movement in actual control or narrative control.
All Deep State criminals are expendable. Hanging all of them would be very temporary victory, and globalists would just drop in a new set.
So what exactly does this mean and refer to? The secret midnight flights? The emptying of foreign prisons into the U.S.? Automatic amnesty to all illegals currently within the country?
Win after win after win
Not tired yet.
Trump's not (publicly) in power yet.
75 days.
Sooner if Brunson gets played out
Is the Brunson case the Trump Card? Maybe, maybe not!
And the shills keep comin' and they don't stop comin'
What if “leverage” is being used against key criminals to get them to do certain things. If you publicly expose or “hang them”, then it is ammo expended for little tangible movement in actual control or narrative control.
All Deep State criminals are expendable. Hanging all of them would be very temporary victory, and globalists would just drop in a new set.
Don't post until AFTER you've had your first cup of coffee. You can not deny the winds are shifting. They won't quit. One step at a time. TTP
Now let’s get piglosi to release the J6rs. They were arrested under her command in her jurisdiction.
I’m so tired of winning! 😩
Pour this man a coffee we got MOAR winnin to do!!!
That's right dirty invaders! Git! Git! 🫳🫳🫳
Great news. Now President Trump needs to call the socialists running mexico and inform them they better stop the current caravan or else.
Better stop the caravans are we will put high tariffs on ya!
We will NEVER get sick of winning!!!!!
Trump did say we are going to keep winning!!
So what exactly does this mean and refer to? The secret midnight flights? The emptying of foreign prisons into the U.S.? Automatic amnesty to all illegals currently within the country?
Edited to add: Found this explanation at Just the News. Apparently it involves a Biden-Harris plan to give fast path to citizenship to illegals married to Americans. https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/federal-judge-strikes-down-biden-immigration-program-would-streamline-spouses