Admitting you’re wrong
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It’s different hearing it explained without using the phrase “ Brainwashed” she kept saying didn’t or don’t want to be wrong which is true. Ive just never heard an explanation without the word brainwashed not being used ! It will actually help the nuts to listen because the word brainwashed is such a trigger for them ! Man do they freak when you say it and then they hear nothing!
But honestly isn’t admitting you’re wrong hard for everyone to admit? It cuts into pride. People are waking up, we have to have hope they are not all too far gone
It gets easier as you do it, these people have probably never done it....
Heck I voted for Bush twice.
4 times for me - both daddy and Jr. Bush. Then again, look at the other candidates we had to choose from.
True the other candidates were no good.
Me too, I was so blind
Absolutely! The first few times are painful, but then it starts to feel liberating. Once you let go of the idea that you know anything for certain, you're free to be a truth seeker.
Yep, same here.
" I voted for Bush twice."
So did I, and under the same circumstances, I'd do it again.
Has everyone around here forgotten what the alternatives were?
Amazing to see how wide-eyed she is in the video. She’s literally seeing the world in the light of the truth. I remember that experience and feeling!
It is hard at first, but once you realize it is ok to be wrong it builds integrity in your character. I learned this by working in IT. If you make a mistake own it. Your boss will respect you more...