I think God of the “underworld” pretty much covers evil 😈
Later, his power rose significantly and he became associated with the underworld and afterlife. Accordingly, he participated in religious ceremonies and was responsible for the reception, cleaning of the deceased ruler, and carrying him on his "henu barque" to heaven, according to the Pyramid Texts (the oldest funerary literature of ancient Egypt).
In early August of last year, now official Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden flubbed a message he was trying to make. Instead of saying "Text 3033," he told people "Go to Joe 30330." After much confusion, Biden later cleared things up on CBS News, "Instead of saying 'Joe' I would've said 'text.' I was so focused on making the case for Joe, I said 'Joe' when I gave the number. It was text, so you know, I would have changed that. But you guys have printed it 15 times and it's getting great results for us now."
Speaking of no coincidences, just yesterday on this thread I wrote:
God delivered them with pillars of fire and cloud and the parting of the Red Sea, and then the Egyptian-influenced demon-worshipping jews thanked God by having a golden calf orgy while Moses was receiving the Law.“
… and today Karmaskeeper81 is making the connection between modern hollywood jews and Egyptian-influenced demon worshipping.
It's not a coincidence. Everything with them has meaning. We were just too dumb to see it for long time.
Answer: 666
I looked it up and there doesn't seem to be any relation between Socar and evil.
I think God of the “underworld” pretty much covers evil 😈
Later, his power rose significantly and he became associated with the underworld and afterlife. Accordingly, he participated in religious ceremonies and was responsible for the reception, cleaning of the deceased ruler, and carrying him on his "henu barque" to heaven, according to the Pyramid Texts (the oldest funerary literature of ancient Egypt).
Answer: 0.0666007253 (and what is significance of 30330?)
Significance of 30330:
ok, thanks!
Wow! I thought it was referring to the recent election! He made this flub back in 2019, and even back then, people were questioning his mental acuity.
Oh. Thank you. I guess that damn vaccine is not a vaccine.
Speaking of no coincidences, just yesterday on this thread I wrote:
… and today Karmaskeeper81 is making the connection between modern hollywood jews and Egyptian-influenced demon worshipping.
It's all connected.