30 Can we create a GoFund me account for Hillary so she will go away? (www.standard.co.uk) posted 3 months ago by Irishman4Trump6 3 months ago by Irishman4Trump6 +30 / -0 Hillary Clinton: Focus on how people look is barrier to electing woman president Mrs Clinton spoke at a women in leadership event at Queen’s University Belfast. 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
She has a go fund me - its called the Clinton Foundation and she still wont go!!
You beat me to it. Almost word perfect!
Technically it would be "Fund Go Me"
Only need to raise enough for a One Way Ticket to GITMO !!
We offer those for free for certain criminals.
Op is asking to be Epstein’d
No need. Killary is long gone
Going to say that. Look at the cheek bone. Teresa Barnwell.
no linky, big stinky. ;)
Go Fund Me for a soft feeling rope? Cannot hang her with barbed wire, that would be too........expected.
Gotta be an easier way
Who the hell is this one ?
#3 or 4. It’s getting quite old
No, put her in GITMO and give her a weekly allowance to use in the commissary. Until her trial, at least.
She will go away: through the Chimney.
Unbelievable that anyone listens to her.
Give, send, go (away)
she has more money than she'd ever spend, she wants power and murder.