Anyone know of good resources to redpill someone on satanism and also freemasons?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Friend thinks satanism is just mockery of Christianity (trolling) and most of them are athiests.
Got any good resources/ videos/ etc to help red pill him?
Also freemason red pills.
It can't come off looking like conspiracy theories. Need hard facts and evidence.
Fall of the Cabal series of videos.
Original Parts 1-9 are perfect. Part 10 is just for us Anons. 😉
I've tried those types of videos. He will not entertain them.
lock him in a haunted house for a few nights.. he'd be praying like crazy by the time you let him out and believe there is a supernatural realm.
Refer him to Aleister Crowley, the father of the modern Satanic movement. How many celebrities slept with him and how many monsters he conjured up, plus the Barbara Bush connection.
I had a friend who said Anton LaVey was just a phony capitalist so you can skip him probably.
It's hard to argue spiritual matters because The Bible say They have eyes but do not see.. like a veil covering their eyes because they do not have faith. In a way, having Faith itself is a gift from God.
The Franklin Cover Up - Satanism in Nebraska by Senator John DeCamp.
perfect ty
I like pictures of the vatican snake head building.
It's obviouse as hell and it was done by the church.
If they're not open by now, just give it a little bit more time... they're all in the boiling pot together and the temperature is rising rapidly. Maybe also tell them limited seating on the Trump train :)
He supports trump now but he is still not fully red pilled. he still is a pro hamas guy
Yah we all needed hard facts and evidence. The thing is… we have mostly circumstantial. Ted Gunderson talks. Anything about Michael Acquino and the Temple of Set, especially pics with his wife, Lilith. Anton Levay. McMartin Preschool case. Dutroux Affair. The Franklin Scandal.
In original Hebrew in the old testament the word "Satan" (as translated to English today) means simply "adversary" or "accuser" and it does not refer to a supernatural being with a name. The bible reads differently with this and other translations in mind that's for sure. Although I don't agree with your friend I will say that it is entirely possible (and in my opinion preferred) to not believe in a supernatural being "Satan" yet still consider oneself Christian. So in one respect your friend can be correct, but just not at all complete enough, and instead it is anything against god - namely the natural human soul without a personal relationship with god. Just sharing something from a different angle is all. NCSWIC!!
This is all you need imo:
How about Ted Gunderson ex-FBI talking about it:
He talks about the McMartin satanic ritual abuse case. Weird side story with Hollywood- Google: peggy mcmartin mrs doubtfire They look identical. They love putting things in our face.
I just watched one on Rumble called “The mystery of Israel” by stopworldcontrol. It’s mostly about what is going on in Israel right now, the Rothchilds, and Satanism. You definitely should watch it first yourself before sharing it. It explains a lot and very well done in my opinion. Good luck Fren!!
Thank you fren
Order of Nine Angles
Tell him about spiritual warfare, and how Satan and the demons hate all humans.
always think it's best to go as far back as possible... George Washington would be a good place to start. He was master mason, and there's a 17 foot statue of him at the George Washington Masonic Memorial🤔 his website has a lot of info; search freemason is also helpful
That bronze statue was dedicated to him by the order of Demolay; Demolay was the last grand masters of the Templars, accused of Satanism & burned alive by the Catholic king of France. Kamala Harris has ties to the Templars; her aid was arrested for impersonating a police officer who claimed to be a Templar.
A set of keys to the Bastielle are at that museum, the American Freemasons double crossed the French after the American revolution & brought down the Catholic monarchy; the other key is at the entrance of Washington’s house.
that's interesting, thanks for sharing! gives me a lot to think about. I've noticed quite a few other monuments with 17...definitely seems to be a theme.
and there seems to be something with 'keys' & George Washington...
this link has a picture of what his deathbed looked like. I see 4 keys. and I might be imagining it, but I think the rope looks like a Q. (search 'hawaii' first link that comes up)
Many of the founders were involved in the Masonic Revolution against the French Catholic Monarchy; this would kick off world revolutions across Europe & the Western Hemisphere & I personally believe this was the beginning of the end for Christian society & the beginning of the New World Order.
There are credible rumors that George Washington converted to Catholicism on his deathbed, perhaps he regretted seeing what the horror of what he was involved in but who really knows. His tomb at Mt. Vernon is surrounded by two Masonic Obelisks…
This is why I can’t get so “hurrah raa -raw” about American history; I look at men like Franklin (Mason & hells fire club member), men like Jefferson (hated the Bible & wrote his own to remove the diety of Christ), I look at these men as flawed for rejecting their Christian heritage & adopting paganism. America’s founding is Pagan but I hope that it’s not her destiny.