That’s what they are. They’re unvetted, uncounted, unregistered, anonymous border crossers who snuck into our country and could be anybody, which puts all of us at risk. Some might be here for “the right reasons” and some may not, but the point is that we don’t know, and we need to know. Not to mention that even if we let too many of the “right reasons” folks in at a time, we’ll still run into a lot of problems.
Saying they’re here illegally doesn’t persuade people who don’t understand why sneaking into our country should be illegal in the first place. Saying they haven’t been vetted makes it clear why the act should be illegal in the first place. Saying someone shouldn’t do something simply because it’s illegal doesn’t fly with people who know that some laws are stupid and should be disobeyed. It becomes a sort of circular argument. Had we been calling them unvetted immigrants this whole time instead of illegal immigrants or illegal aliens I doubt so many libs would have jumped on the “no person is illegal” bullshit bandwagon. It would have worked better from a PR standpoint if you ask me because it points to why it should be illegal and not simply that it’s illegal.
I think it’s why those on the left (specifically young college students) were so easily persuaded that the right is just racist. Nobody was explaining to these children brains why we can’t just let anyone and everyone who wants to come here to come here without going through the vetting process. We aren’t anti/immigration on the right. We’re simply in favor of doing it in such a way as to allow us to maintain our safety and preserve our culture. There’s nothing racist about that, but it’s not something I heard being explained very well on our side over the last ten years when this really started to become a huge problem.
“Unvetted immigrants” would have accomplished that in my opinion.
“Anonymous immigrants” or “backdoor immigrants” would likely have worked as well. Yes, they’re invaders, but that word carries a lot of baggage that invites arguments. Shift the language of the argument in the right way and you eliminate a lot of those arguments. Labels matter.
I also think the word “unsustainable” should be used more.
Well…should have. At this point the argument is largely moot. Trump’s rounding them all up now regardless, as he should. Once that’s done then real, intelligent, careful conversations can once again be had about immigration policy moving forward. I just think we could have likely nipped a lot of this in the bud in the first place, marshaling more people to the cause, had we made better language choices up until now.
It is not an illegal immigrant it’s an illegal invader. That said any illegal invaders that rapes or murders a U.S. citizen is to be tried and if found guilty is executed within 72 hours.
Any other illegal invaders that break the law gets canning. Ship over seas, they can find their own way home.
Thanks okiedokie. Did you just screenshot/clip the page?
Can I suggest next time including parts of the image/page that identifies the source?
Call me old and jaded (the long information war will do this to a person), but I simply don't accept things these days unless there is identifiable source or a much broader contextual reference points.
Should be the death sentence. Why the hell should taxpayers support this piece of shit for the rest of his life?
Personally, I think all illegal invaders who commit murder here should be tried by a military tribunal for acts of war. Put the fuckers down and be done with it. Maybe if they did it a few times, it would keep the assholes out of our country.
Foreign invader, but illegal immigrant is a start. We'll take progress when it happens.
Criminal Illegal Alien.
I’m more into “unvetted immigrant.” It’s less aggressive but makes it crystal clear why they’re a problem.
Umm.... no.
That’s what they are. They’re unvetted, uncounted, unregistered, anonymous border crossers who snuck into our country and could be anybody, which puts all of us at risk. Some might be here for “the right reasons” and some may not, but the point is that we don’t know, and we need to know. Not to mention that even if we let too many of the “right reasons” folks in at a time, we’ll still run into a lot of problems.
Saying they’re here illegally doesn’t persuade people who don’t understand why sneaking into our country should be illegal in the first place. Saying they haven’t been vetted makes it clear why the act should be illegal in the first place. Saying someone shouldn’t do something simply because it’s illegal doesn’t fly with people who know that some laws are stupid and should be disobeyed. It becomes a sort of circular argument. Had we been calling them unvetted immigrants this whole time instead of illegal immigrants or illegal aliens I doubt so many libs would have jumped on the “no person is illegal” bullshit bandwagon. It would have worked better from a PR standpoint if you ask me because it points to why it should be illegal and not simply that it’s illegal.
I think it’s why those on the left (specifically young college students) were so easily persuaded that the right is just racist. Nobody was explaining to these children brains why we can’t just let anyone and everyone who wants to come here to come here without going through the vetting process. We aren’t anti/immigration on the right. We’re simply in favor of doing it in such a way as to allow us to maintain our safety and preserve our culture. There’s nothing racist about that, but it’s not something I heard being explained very well on our side over the last ten years when this really started to become a huge problem.
“Unvetted immigrants” would have accomplished that in my opinion.
“Anonymous immigrants” or “backdoor immigrants” would likely have worked as well. Yes, they’re invaders, but that word carries a lot of baggage that invites arguments. Shift the language of the argument in the right way and you eliminate a lot of those arguments. Labels matter.
I also think the word “unsustainable” should be used more.
Well…should have. At this point the argument is largely moot. Trump’s rounding them all up now regardless, as he should. Once that’s done then real, intelligent, careful conversations can once again be had about immigration policy moving forward. I just think we could have likely nipped a lot of this in the bud in the first place, marshaling more people to the cause, had we made better language choices up until now.
Illegal alien is my old school lingo.
My wife’s resident alien card says alien. Illegal alien is the correct legal term.
No, only SpaceHog can be official Resident Aliens.
Illegal Beaner is way Old school
I was waiting for “disadvantaged future citizens.” I definitely prefer illegal criminal.
Like Illinois trying to use "justice impacted individual".
I live in Illinois. It’s a shit show here.
I call em illegal invaders
Redundant. All “invaders” are already, obviously, not there by invitation.
It is not an illegal immigrant it’s an illegal invader. That said any illegal invaders that rapes or murders a U.S. citizen is to be tried and if found guilty is executed within 72 hours. Any other illegal invaders that break the law gets canning. Ship over seas, they can find their own way home.
Hey, OP - which media outlet was this?
This is suspect. I'm pretty disappointed the OP didn't even bother to identify "the media".
The actual quoted text
"Judge announces sentence for illegal immigrant found guilty"
delivers ZERO web presence, except for with Google, that directly links to an ad spam website for all three hits.
A random image of an untraceable "media report" doesn't quite qualify as anything but noise, imo.
We're seeing quite a lot of that type of post these days.
It was Fox News Home Page.
Thanks okiedokie. Did you just screenshot/clip the page?
Can I suggest next time including parts of the image/page that identifies the source?
Call me old and jaded (the long information war will do this to a person), but I simply don't accept things these days unless there is identifiable source or a much broader contextual reference points.
Sure but I don't like to give the fake news media more traffic than they deserve.
Thank you.
Fox News.
I just did a quick search hoping to find this. I didn't but I note that Fox News uses the word "illegal" in their story:
Thank you kindly, fren.
After this trial, have federal government tried him with a death sentence crime
Should be the death sentence. Why the hell should taxpayers support this piece of shit for the rest of his life?
Personally, I think all illegal invaders who commit murder here should be tried by a military tribunal for acts of war. Put the fuckers down and be done with it. Maybe if they did it a few times, it would keep the assholes out of our country.
The greatest trick the devil pulled was to convince you 'aliens' are imaginary little green men from outer space and not illegal migrants
Almost back to calling them what they really are, ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Both "illegal immigrant" and "illegal migrant" are used in the NY Post article --