166 Congrats, Purkiss, you made it to Reddit! (media.greatawakening.win) - SALT - posted 91 days ago by StormzAComing 91 days ago by StormzAComing +166 / -0 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Facebook is the ultimate centrist platform. You can tell because both sides hate it for not being partisan enough.
maybe we should start calling it fencebook
FenceBook. Like that.
I call it FacePlant
Been that for years
There's a Canadian show called LetterKenny that parodies it as FartBook. I couldn't tell the difference between the two.
Or give it back it's original name. Lifelog or something, wasn't it?
I'ma bout to be pinchin a Lifelog off at the Superbowl
{I know nobody will get that reference}