He was in Clinton's cabinet and his plane crashed and killed him while on government business. He was on the outs with the Clintons at the time. Wink, wink.
He had a TIA. Medical condition. This man needs to put his ego aside and let his position be taken over by someone who's younger and competent enough to perform simple tasks, like answering a question about reelection. Yes, Mitch, your overlords are wanting you to remain in Congress, but it is clear your time is over!
Why can't the new incoming senators demand a revote for Thune's position? I don't understand why they are bound to accept decisions which, were purposely pushed through to deny them a choice in determining leadership.
This is complete nonsense. The need to focus on replacing Thune and investigating McConnell.
Mitch McGlitch? https://www.google.com/search?q=Mitch+McConnell+glitch&gs_ivs=1#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c1ac871e,vid:6ing_Ibuw6s,st:0
I see him just stopped like his brain froze.
I hope Trump has a plan to take him out. Maybe we get lucky and he dies before Jan 20
It would be nice.
Maybe he can go a Ron Brown plane ride. 😱
What is a Ron Brown plane ride? Sorry.
Clintons had a guy use a phoney ILS beacon to run his plain into a mountain.
He was in Clinton's cabinet and his plane crashed and killed him while on government business. He was on the outs with the Clintons at the time. Wink, wink.
OH. Arkancide. I got it. One of Clinton's body bag story
Of course he did.
Not surprise either.
Glitch Mitch was beaten green and blue by his handlers not to long ago.
Yes. He is glitching a lot now.
Parkinson has other symptoms. He is like a robot glitching.
He should make him head janitor, but at least we know he's just another deep stater. 4 more years of nothing getting done in the Senate again.
Head janitor. No, he cannot be head of anything for glitching that much.
He had a TIA. Medical condition. This man needs to put his ego aside and let his position be taken over by someone who's younger and competent enough to perform simple tasks, like answering a question about reelection. Yes, Mitch, your overlords are wanting you to remain in Congress, but it is clear your time is over!
I cannot believe his family would even let him be there. Family members must not like him to leave him like that.
Why can't the new incoming senators demand a revote for Thune's position? I don't understand why they are bound to accept decisions which, were purposely pushed through to deny them a choice in determining leadership.
This is complete nonsense. The need to focus on replacing Thune and investigating McConnell.
I don't know. It's a good question.
I think the DS is just deep and they still have lots of power.