It was calculated that his head tilt saved his life. 1/20th of a second. 1/20th of a second, we would not be here. The world would be darker, war would be openly talked about. MSM puppets would be beating war drums. Yelling, fight, fight, fight, 24/7. The elites in their places of power would be giddy with their control. All down to a mear fraction of a second. Their by the grace of God.
Dan Scavino Jr time stamp 20:08 Military Time, Mirror and dropping the zeroes = Q post 82:
[Repost]Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.
Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.
First Q is why is the casing still attached to the bullet?
Second Q is no question. But just thank you God for saving Trump. Send arch angel michael down to earth besides Trump these coming years.
Came to say this. Casing still attached so normies and leftists will recognize it as a bullet.
All roads lead to the deep state.
It was calculated that his head tilt saved his life. 1/20th of a second. 1/20th of a second, we would not be here. The world would be darker, war would be openly talked about. MSM puppets would be beating war drums. Yelling, fight, fight, fight, 24/7. The elites in their places of power would be giddy with their control. All down to a mear fraction of a second. Their by the grace of God.
Incredibly and freakishly close call. They don't assassinate the bad guys. They praise them. They assassinate the good guys.
Looks like the hand of the almighty didn’t need a rifle.
Dan Scavino Jr time stamp 20:08 Military Time, Mirror and dropping the zeroes = Q post 82:
[Repost]Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen. Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland. Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Q
Dan Scavino Jr post Nov. 26, 2024
Research ASN on Q posts!