About two months ago, I asked one of my friends if he ever felt real-real tired. He said yes and his doctor after doing some blood work, recommended that he get some vitamin D. He got the vitamin D and said it has helped him regain his lost energy.
After hearing that, I decided to try some organic vitamins. I did some research and found out that organic vitamins absorb into the body much faster and way more effectively than laboratory produced vitamins. Organic vitamins are made out of real food. I decided to try a multivitamin from Costco.
After about 5 days of taking the vitamin once a day, my life has completely changed. No longer do I wake up in the morning feeling exhausted. I'm talking about a night and day difference in the way I feel. This has been a life changing experience for me.
This post is in no way meant to be an advertisement for Costco. I'm sure there are other organic vitamins on the market that are just as good. I just happened to try the one from Costco out of convenience. I hope this information can be help someone out. I just don't feel right about keeping this information to myself. The vitamins are about $20 per bottle and you get an 80 day supply. Today I went and got my 2nd bottle.
A good diet goes a long way to getting the microbes in your stomach to work correctly. Your gut biome is something a regular doctor will hardly ever consider when looking for causes of illnesses. After adjusting my diet I can see how much better I feel and a higher energy level. I recently added Kefir, from Walmart, to get better sleep. It did the trick, but you have to figure out how much is righ for you. A little goes a long way. Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Eric Berg are two guys who each have a channel on YouTube. They are very well versed in how to take care of youself via diet and getting the correct minerals and vitamins.
Yep and one of the best things I did early on was a month of daily probiotics and I still do another round any time I make a big diet change. This is especially important if you did one of those "parasite cleanses" as you will have killed off some of your good microbes and need to recolonize as well to avoid the bad stuff you wanted to clear out from just resurging. Fermented foods like kefir and yogurt are great for you as well, Dr Ben Bikman is big on those.
Yep - I love Kefir. Makes my tummy happy.
Can I ask how old you are ,, that’s remarkable to have that good and fast of a change in your energy . I’m thinking your on the younger side lol ! Bug yes vitamins are way important and a game changer! I will get a bottle of these and hope I get some results . ;)
I'm 59 years old and in fairly good health. I don't drink alcohol and I don't smoke. My diet however is not the best.
I used to feel dead on my face exhausted all the time.
I’m so happy that you feel better , I recently have been exhausted . No drinking or smoking either and my diet is ok if anything I need to eat more lol
I just ordered the vitamins hoping I get your results :)
Multivitamins are the garbage way to go about it as often they have vitamins and minerals that compete with each other for absorption. For example you don't consume calcium at the same time as zinc or iron as the body will prioritize the calcium while zinc and iron can end up going down the GI tract un-absorbed. Also vitamin D3 and K2 should be consumed at the same time and most vitamin D supps lack K2.
Here, take a look at this chart for guidance. https://imgs.search.brave.com/KpRzs8PL8iWTTbDpiKhwq3SJbtc3HKKIvOHu0u3lI_o/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pbmZv/Zml0LmNhL3dwLWNv/bnRlbnQvdXBsb2Fk/cy8yMDE0LzAzL1N1/cHBsZW1lbnRzLU9w/dGltaXphdGlvbi0u/anBn
My vitamin D was so low, and I took prescription Vit D for almost a year- it was a 3 when you should be in 80-90 range- after a year it went to a 19. a personal trainer said, get a tanning bed sub and start tanning in the lowest cost bed for about 3-5 minutes a day- not enough to tan, but enough to get Vit D- after about 6 months my Vit D is now in the high 40 range... I am glad to here about this Costco Vitamin, my niece stays worn out and tired and HURTING- they have run her through so many tests, and it leaves Fibromyalgia as the only thing left- my mom had fibro so bad- I will go get her these, this weekend- we have tried everything else... so why not- thanks for sharing- and yes I live with her family so it is a family affair!! And I will be buying me some too- I would love to lose the 60 bucks a month payment for a 3 minute tan a week
My wife who has MS was taking 10,000 IU a day in an attempt to get her level to 70 from the 48 it was at. After a few months it had barely budged. I totally removed all grain from my diet per Dr William Davis’s Wheat Belly and Dr David Perlmutter’s Grain Brain and since I do all of the cooking so did my wife. After several weeks she a pre Dr visit blood draw…. They office called and said “go the the emergency room, your wife’s Vit D level is at a toxic level of 154”. There is a connection between grains, possibly only American crap grain? that blocks the proper metabolism of dietary or supplemental Vit D. Also 154 is only higher than the flawed RDA and is by no means toxic. Levels north of 1500 have been well tolerated.
I still eat grains and have no issues maintaining a level of 75 while taking around 2-4k IU/day. However I don't tend to take that vitamin D pill at the same time as eating bread (usually I eat a cheese stick as fat helps absorb vitamin D) so maybe there could be a competition issue.
It’s wheat in particular as I understand it. Do you work outside by chance and live in the southern half of the country? Apparently wheat can disrupt the proper assignment of skin acquired D from sunlight.
No I live in the Midwest and work indoors, in the winter I might get practically no sunlight during the week as it's dark when I leave for work and dark when I leave the office, especially when bundled up.
Vitamin D is actually a hormone with 100s of uses in the body.
Yep, the vitamin part of the name is an old leftover from when we didn't know that our skin makes it. I wonder when it will eventually get renamed as a lot of others long ago had the vitamin part of their names dropped (hence why there are all these gaps in the naming like being no vitamin F, G, so on.)
Do you still have your gallbladder? Vitamin D is fat soluble and also the body makes it from cholesterol and sunlight, they never seem to tell people who have their gallbladder removed that their vitamin D level is going to tank due to greatly reduced ability to digest fats.
Still have my gallbladder and mine tanked a few years ago now, been taking supplements every since and spending a bit more time outside, when the weather is nice. Was a big difference in energy levels after taking supplements for a month or so.
I’ve been utilizing a “raw” vitamin for many years, it’s definitely worth the price.
Thanks, Fren! Looks like a good product.
I take the nature made prenatal vitamins. It doesn’t matter if you are a male or female; look at the ingredients. It’s the nature made and they are gel capsules, so I think the abortion is better.
Also, garden of life has excellent vitamins too. I use the raw vitamin c from there.
I have not looked yet, but do prenatal affect mammary/breasts and will it cause growth in breasts for men?
Not that I know of. It’s the amount of folic acid that is different. Look at the ingredients and compare them. There’s nothing in there that is especially only for women or pregnant women (aside higher folic acid). It’s just advertising. It’s like the horse paste can only be for horses.
Skip the folic acid and get some methylfolate instead. A lot of people cannot even process folic acid into folate and methylfolate is the form that's already bioavailable.
Wow thank you. I love how we all help each other.
Which brand do you use?
Jarrow as it's cheap and has no filler (very small pill), I consider it cheap insurance for days when I might fall short of 400mcg/day from my diet. The reason folic acid is used to fortify bread products and processed food is because it's the cheapest and most shelf-stable but it's estimated that at least 30% of people have the mutation that prevents it's metabolism. I've read many cases of depression being treated with just methylfolate.
Saved thanks
D3, specifically. 15,000IU a day and vite K with it. Grateful to find out what a difference D3 makes, it's huge! Like flipping a switch, for chronic fatique issues! You are so very right, fren! And yes the source of it does matter, I am careful too.
Now do yourself a favor make sure you take the vitamins with a little fat. Vit A D3 K2 E are all fat soluble. It will help w absorption. Butter tallow bacon fat.
Short term - you'll feel a difference
Long term - These vitamins will harden your liver from the metals in them. Organic doesn't mean anything anymore. Dog shit is also organic...
What nobody will do: Eat properly. At minimum, something green every day.
Finding a healing practitioner that uses glandular extracts can help you heal naturally - even chronic conditions like thyroid etc.