I bet if we get rid of the vaccines (in their current forms), the use of petrol by-product based pesticides and herbicides and fertilizers, quit spraying chemtrails, and go back to proper waste-water management and quit putting chlorine and fluoride in the public water systems, and do away with non-natural based food ingredients, humanity would see a major swing to the positive in all categories of health and wellness.
Ok, so yes the vaccines are way up from my childhood but there are not 200 vaccines being given to kids Last I heard when they added the covid shots it was up to 75 shots. My kid who is 11 has not had anything remotely close to half that and has not been even offered that many. I hate all these vaccines by the way and they are the cause of SIDS and autism.
Just say no...er I mean fuck off.
I bet if we get rid of the vaccines (in their current forms), the use of petrol by-product based pesticides and herbicides and fertilizers, quit spraying chemtrails, and go back to proper waste-water management and quit putting chlorine and fluoride in the public water systems, and do away with non-natural based food ingredients, humanity would see a major swing to the positive in all categories of health and wellness.
What we need at this point are antidotes. I hope there are some.
Parents: Do not do this to your wonderful, magnificent children. Keep them safe.
CDC: Jab 'em until they die or are maimed or disabled, . and then keep jabbing them some more.
Sick m'f'ers.
Bioweapons of debilitation and depopulation.
It’s Planned and Intentional… More Evil and many more victims than Dalmer , Manson, or other “Serial Killers / Mass Murderers”… The Death Penalty
Absolutely planned and planned to escalate injuries, deaths. Look at the vax schedule now.
Almost everyone sadly. Most still aren't awake.
Most people can't handle the public scruity if they choose not to vaccinate.
Ok, so yes the vaccines are way up from my childhood but there are not 200 vaccines being given to kids Last I heard when they added the covid shots it was up to 75 shots. My kid who is 11 has not had anything remotely close to half that and has not been even offered that many. I hate all these vaccines by the way and they are the cause of SIDS and autism.
Not only no, HELL NO!
SIDS was even a thing pre-1986. Vax-caused was always the best theory.
They have so many now that the volume of vaccines is approaching the volume of blood in the children.