I saw an article a while back that Blackrock is behind the woke advertising campaigns of so many companies. The message from the article is that Blackrock wants to promote woke ideology; companies do it because Black Rock is major shareholder. It's obvious this doesn't increase stock prices, so perhaps they do it while shorting those very companies they push the woke ads on.
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It's possible. It's also a public record if they own more than 5% of a company.if they own the stock,they probably take the loss and not worry about it,but use it to enrich one of their globalhomo friends who is shorting it....
Lots of hidden fukery in the market.
....They also have an IA that is able to predict the market better than any human.. They have had this AI in place for a very long time and its only getting more accurate. That mixed with the massive amount of derivatives that they control and you have a recipe for almost total market manipulation.....Once you add the Q factor in you gotta ask yourself who is really controlling who though.
They bet on a total market crash with the derivatives. I wonder if the Q team took the other side of that bet.
Blackrocks Aladdin ai :
This definitely happens.
Once you know about Blackrocks direct connections to consulting groups like Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and once you educate yourself about the role these cancerous consulting firms play in bringing down large companies stock price from the inside, then it starts to make more sense. The GME saga has proven they are absolutely in bed with the short selling hedge funds.
Car manufacturers are a prime example of this. They are all going woke and a lot of them are going broke.
Nissan just announced today they expect "a complete collapse within 12 months": https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14145267/car-manufacturer-collapse-financial-bankruptcy-report.html
Nissan did the woke thing years ago with woke ads featuring Brie Larson (Captain Marvel "one of the shittiest wokeiest 'boss girl' films ever made).
Nissan ads featuring Captain Woke (First one is all you need to watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxkCtpN1eDg
And it was all downhill from there for Nissan. A household name company that has been around since 1981. Im sure if anyone looked there will be Blackrock connections to their DEI and marketing departments.
Toyota is another one that more recently started going woke. And they have very obvious Blackrock and BCG connections easily accesible (some companies like Jaguar hide this info...so not as easy to find these connections).
Heres what I dug up on Toyotas obvious Blackrock/BCG connections.
This also ties into Ryan Cohens (Gamestop) rare anti-woke business stance, and his kicking out BCG from his company. BCG even took him to court over this and lost. I really think GME will be a shining beacon of anti-wokeness for the corporate world to follow in the near future.
Bit of info about Ryan Cohen telling DEI cancer to eat an enitre bag of dicks here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1amOAEj/gamestop-board-gme-tells-sec-the/
I have been saying this same thing....my take...."Go woke, drive down stock price. Stock is held in a mutual fund that is in my active 401K (MY MONEY). "
A brokerage firm manages that mutual fund. Woke stock is held until it bottoms (LOOSING MY MONEY), then stock is liquidated from the mutual fund (probably TO blackrock).
My ability to retire early is hindered (by design), mutual fund mangers makes money coming and going, blackrock gains more shares/control, woke company really does not suffer, stock rebounds in a few months, all smoke and mirrors with the media being complicit in the sham.
Blackrock manages the govt,401k system for their employees.
A+ answer.
That's a very interesting theory. The PTB usually have ulterior motives when they push insane narratives like DEI.
I like you thinking, OP.
Blackrock and their stupid-ass ESG crap is driving this all. From Games Workshop's Warhammer 50k to Bud Light to now Jaguar, I have a feeling that our side's knee jerk reaction to ridicule and bring light to these companies and drive down their stock prices is somehow doing them a favor. They're sacrificing their pawns and we fall for it every time.
destroying the companies so they can buy it cheap as well
yes, they are creating the scenarios where they can then short the stock, it's a winning bet every time
Woke was broke before it started. They know it and knew it. The people who fell for it are sacrifices essentially. If one views this from making people into victims and causing harm at high levels including sex change operations and much evil.
It is very sad. The families they destroyed and torment they caused over shorting stock. It is very fascinating how on purpose they do this.
Tell me if I am wrong but they made every American complicit in this. They know they control a huge portion of Americans 401k’s and retirement so they leveraged this because they believe Americans are docile sheep.
Are they right? We have how many older Americans who are about to retire and wanting to retire and upwards to 80 percent of their retirement 401k is black rock and/or vanguard.
To me it seems like they need to confess and expose to the USA citizens who in their company did this fraud. It is the same as Churches need to confess they too were wrong about masks and vaccines.
I believe the very few who did wanted to destroy the country and I still believe they almost did and we have to see after shocks from this fraud. I am looking for the fast forward button again.
There are no coincidences, they sell their mother and father for profit! They can amass all the wealth in the world but when the punisher arrives it will not be enough to save their souls! All their monies will return to their victims!