Anons on this forum, time to wake up. Aliens are real. Just because your church didn't teach that, doesn't mean Q is wrong and pushing psyops. Q is real, aliens are real and your spiritually is incomplete if you think God only made humans.
This is the only one time I truly believe Q is talking out of his/their rear end. Again, see the ambiguity? Just come out and say it already. Anything else is just speculation! 🙄
I want to know all now as do you and most everyone else, but I'm ok with us learning what we don't currently know at a time and place that is determined by
Q. Good things are worth waiting for. God† is in charge. Peace and God† bless.
Sorry, can’t have it both ways. God and ‘aliens’ are not complementary, but rather mutually exclusive.
And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved [for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation]
Aliens are NOT real. They are psyops for distractional or misdirectional purposes - both at a spiritual and psychological levels. A wild goose chase, if you will.
See how ‘aliens’ draws your attention and energy away from what is more pressing? What is more concerning? Illusionary, ambiguous, contradictory ‘aliens’ or:
government corruption and malfeasance
eroding civil liberties
dangerous pharma and medical mandates
escalating global conflicts
breakdown in social values, social norms
out of control crimes
What are you looking for? If you are hoping aliens/alien ‘technologies’ are saviour of mankind then why not believe in God instead? Study his words and promises.
For the Scripture says, 'Whoever believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] will not be disappointed [in his expectations].
— Romans 10:11 AMP Bible
Please read that verse again and again it is a massive-massive understatement. Contemplate on it. It is God’s eternal promise to those who seeks him.
The basic claims have been surfaced by Maj. Donald Keyhoe since the 1950s. ("The Flying Saucers are Real", 1950). There is absolutely nothing new about these claims, and there had been hard evidence for several cases (more than just visual). Don't get all set up for "Something is new and different!" I've seen cycles of popular interest in UFOs on generational intervals. This is just another cycle, to keep the masses distracted from the fact that nothing has changed for 70 years.
I read that book when I was maybe 12 yo. Also, ancient civilizations since the dawn of time recorded images of deities (to them), that can be interpreted as visitations, since the craft they rode in on are also recorded in these images. And the ancient tomes of religion, both in the West and the East, mention it. Yet institution knowledge calls this myth. As you mentioned with authority, our controllers keep the generational masses distracted, and nothing has changed. Our controllers are full of shit.
No, I believe the ufos are being run by a secret military program using either holograms or secret advanced technology. I think that they have or are breeding hybrid human beings that they will program or brainwash into believing that they are from another galaxy.
@PeaceCrew: Other substantial theories of UAP origins should not be discounted. The source you quoted, may have merit, but only recently, and would add to the existing body of "knowledge". Your theory does not explain sightings and interactions, recorded by the ancients, and in succeeding years. It goes way back before what you mention.
Interactions: actors, mkultra victims or demonic experiences
I believe that Satan has had a plan for a very long time. They say that the greatest achievement of the devil is to fool people into believing that he doesn't exist. Satan wants the general population to believe in Evolution and Aliens because then they won't turn to Jesus to get saved. If Satan presented himself to the public, the people would then believe in God.
Doing a fake alien invasion and fake apparitions of Jesus and probably other religions figures would be an attempt to trick people into accepting a one world religion.
I am speaking to just the UAP aspect of this. But, this could apply in general to the dirty deeds of the elites at the very top. They must hide truth to weld the power they have over us.
Who or what, aka the controllers, had this guy shut down? Could the controllers be extraterrestrials, or an unknown race of beings on Earth since time immemorial?
The controllers can't have the truth revealed. It is the same old same old. This has been the MO of the elites since medieval times and before. They need to control the knowledge, in order to control the serfs.
Who are the controllers? They are securely at the top of the Earth’s food chain. They patrol land, sea, and air. They have technology to do it without fear of reprisal from serf technology. We are in the bow and arrow stage to them. We are but piss ants to them. Maybe we get a lucky shot in...
The status quo must be maintained.
A select few very powerful elite Earthlings know, and are the puppets of the controllers, be it extraterrestrials, or an unknown race of beings, or whatever.
These govmint agencies are setup for serfs to presumably get to the bottom of things. These govmint agencies are actually departments of enforced ignorance. Their MO is heavy redaction on the things we have iklings on, and keep from us the things we have no iklings.
Was this guy's shut down because he was on a trajectory to expose the controllers? He is kinda going rogue in this interview, and he is not the only one outing this subject matter.
Many are going rogue within the confines of redactions and non disclosure agreements. But are we close to exposing this anyway? Then what? Trump should void the agreements to not give out names and the details. It is arguable that it could violate national security canards. At least committees in Congress with a need to know should be informed. However, these committees are not informed according to recent public hearings. Those hearings dissolved into SCIF hearings. Why can't the great unwashed know about UAP's? Widespread panic is the reason. Is that excuse past it's prime?
We Pepes suspicion what is going on. More sleeping serfs are waking up, and one day we will collectively reach a crescendo of understanding. Then we will make a break to true freedom. (Only to be gunned down by death rays. KEK)
Is Scifi really non-fiction?
What does Elon Musk know? Surely he is being monitored, probably part of the inner circle of controlled Earthlings already? He is probably chafing at the bit, in particular because he has asperger's. Imagine being #2 on the most rich on Earth scale, and having the self entitlement and power to speak out. I look forward to maybe a Rosanna, Rosanna Dana moment from Musk as a precursor to what he will eventually blurt out uncontrolled on x?
We're gonna have to pick one. Alien reveal negates all we've been working towards here. It's so much bigger than pizzagate, voter fraud, FISA abuse, vaccines, etc. So ask yourself is this a distraction. "oh some people did some bad shit, yeah cool, but we now have interdimensional beings who can travel thru time and space. They don't care about any of that shit so why should I." The fact this is all coming out before Trump is 'back in' and the main push for it was during the Sleepy pResidency should tell a lot.
It feels like people downvoting are missing your point, that we've all been fed the Bin Laden line of propaganda so much for so long, how could we know anything else
Not that you believe it's OBL and nobody should say otherwise
No. All the other theories are vaporware. They placed Bin Laden at the head of the group that organized to pirate the planes and crash them. What more do you want? Who (if anyone) incited Bin Laden? Vaporware. U.S. bungling and mislaid plans? Plausible, but ineptitude is not culpability.
Uh huh... how people can ramble on for hours and not really say anything is amazing...
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups... there's a lot of assumptions being made, including the comments that keeps the waters muddy...
For instance, in the early 90s it was declassed the army has a silent "flying saucer" that can cloak itself via invisibility (cameras and led skin like tv) to track everything on a battlefield and calculate outcomes...It was documented in a mil contractor trade magazine.
UFOs, UAPs are from earth. Either ours or those who occupy extra territory you don't know about. Everything else is psyop misdirection and bs to keep you from knowing the real truth...the kind that would put you in the hospital.
You are in the realm of possibility, and other alternative theories of UAP origins should not be discounted. And there could be multiple origins, inner earth, outer space, multi-dimensional, etc, defying or confirming individual knowledge. We detect them using technology, we see them with our naked eyes, but who can say with certainty where exactly they are from?
UAP's come from an ancient breakaway civilization that lives inside this planet. They come up from Sea bases in the Oceans and even the Great lakes and mountain regions as well. Antarctica is where we discovered actually discovered this reality. And it's being hidden from all of us because they are ahead of us and are in contact with us. They mean no harm and just want to be left alone for their own pursuits inside this planet. Remember they have the power and are peaceful. Mankind can only wage war on the crust of this planet. Keep that in mind going forward.
Thank you for asking! One can only speculate, but I can't help but feel that the recent Q drops re: DNA and Ascension point directly to the disclosure of RD's information- we have been genetically modified and exploited throughout extended human history for the benefit of aliens, we must ascend into galactic society/government to achieve our God-given destiny.
"Consider the vastness of space." - Q
Anons on this forum, time to wake up. Aliens are real. Just because your church didn't teach that, doesn't mean Q is wrong and pushing psyops. Q is real, aliens are real and your spiritually is incomplete if you think God only made humans.
This is the only one time I truly believe Q is talking out of his/their rear end. Again, see the ambiguity? Just come out and say it already. Anything else is just speculation! 🙄
I want to know all now as do you and most everyone else, but I'm ok with us learning what we don't currently know at a time and place that is determined by Q. Good things are worth waiting for. God† is in charge. Peace and God† bless.
Are you 100% correct? Definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, can’t have it both ways. God and ‘aliens’ are not complementary, but rather mutually exclusive.
— Acts 4:12 Amplified Bible
God is real. Evil is real. Deep state is real.
Aliens are NOT real. They are psyops for distractional or misdirectional purposes - both at a spiritual and psychological levels. A wild goose chase, if you will.
See how ‘aliens’ draws your attention and energy away from what is more pressing? What is more concerning? Illusionary, ambiguous, contradictory ‘aliens’ or:
What are you looking for? If you are hoping aliens/alien ‘technologies’ are saviour of mankind then why not believe in God instead? Study his words and promises.
Please read that verse again and again it is a massive-massive understatement. Contemplate on it. It is God’s eternal promise to those who seeks him.
Blessings ✝️
"Aliens" just might be demonic entities.....fallen angels that are in rebellion to the Almighty.
Tucker Carlson seems to think this as well.
The basic claims have been surfaced by Maj. Donald Keyhoe since the 1950s. ("The Flying Saucers are Real", 1950). There is absolutely nothing new about these claims, and there had been hard evidence for several cases (more than just visual). Don't get all set up for "Something is new and different!" I've seen cycles of popular interest in UFOs on generational intervals. This is just another cycle, to keep the masses distracted from the fact that nothing has changed for 70 years.
I'm almost half way through the video and stopped to read the comments because I am learning nothing new. Moving on...
I read that book when I was maybe 12 yo. Also, ancient civilizations since the dawn of time recorded images of deities (to them), that can be interpreted as visitations, since the craft they rode in on are also recorded in these images. And the ancient tomes of religion, both in the West and the East, mention it. Yet institution knowledge calls this myth. As you mentioned with authority, our controllers keep the generational masses distracted, and nothing has changed. Our controllers are full of shit.
No, I believe the ufos are being run by a secret military program using either holograms or secret advanced technology. I think that they have or are breeding hybrid human beings that they will program or brainwash into believing that they are from another galaxy.
Aliens Are Being Created In Labs On Earth!
They did it in Gen. 6 & will do it again.
@PeaceCrew: Other substantial theories of UAP origins should not be discounted. The source you quoted, may have merit, but only recently, and would add to the existing body of "knowledge". Your theory does not explain sightings and interactions, recorded by the ancients, and in succeeding years. It goes way back before what you mention.
Sightings easily explained:
Lights in the sky: drones
Interactions: actors, mkultra victims or demonic experiences
I believe that Satan has had a plan for a very long time. They say that the greatest achievement of the devil is to fool people into believing that he doesn't exist. Satan wants the general population to believe in Evolution and Aliens because then they won't turn to Jesus to get saved. If Satan presented himself to the public, the people would then believe in God.
Doing a fake alien invasion and fake apparitions of Jesus and probably other religions figures would be an attempt to trick people into accepting a one world religion.
This is a better video from Alex Jones that explains it much better from 8 minutes onwards:
Alex Jones Releases the Secret of the Off-World Alien Invasion
I am speaking to just the UAP aspect of this. But, this could apply in general to the dirty deeds of the elites at the very top. They must hide truth to weld the power they have over us.
Who or what, aka the controllers, had this guy shut down? Could the controllers be extraterrestrials, or an unknown race of beings on Earth since time immemorial?
The controllers can't have the truth revealed. It is the same old same old. This has been the MO of the elites since medieval times and before. They need to control the knowledge, in order to control the serfs.
Who are the controllers? They are securely at the top of the Earth’s food chain. They patrol land, sea, and air. They have technology to do it without fear of reprisal from serf technology. We are in the bow and arrow stage to them. We are but piss ants to them. Maybe we get a lucky shot in...
The status quo must be maintained.
A select few very powerful elite Earthlings know, and are the puppets of the controllers, be it extraterrestrials, or an unknown race of beings, or whatever.
These govmint agencies are setup for serfs to presumably get to the bottom of things. These govmint agencies are actually departments of enforced ignorance. Their MO is heavy redaction on the things we have iklings on, and keep from us the things we have no iklings.
Was this guy's shut down because he was on a trajectory to expose the controllers? He is kinda going rogue in this interview, and he is not the only one outing this subject matter.
Many are going rogue within the confines of redactions and non disclosure agreements. But are we close to exposing this anyway? Then what? Trump should void the agreements to not give out names and the details. It is arguable that it could violate national security canards. At least committees in Congress with a need to know should be informed. However, these committees are not informed according to recent public hearings. Those hearings dissolved into SCIF hearings. Why can't the great unwashed know about UAP's? Widespread panic is the reason. Is that excuse past it's prime?
We Pepes suspicion what is going on. More sleeping serfs are waking up, and one day we will collectively reach a crescendo of understanding. Then we will make a break to true freedom. (Only to be gunned down by death rays. KEK)
Is Scifi really non-fiction?
What does Elon Musk know? Surely he is being monitored, probably part of the inner circle of controlled Earthlings already? He is probably chafing at the bit, in particular because he has asperger's. Imagine being #2 on the most rich on Earth scale, and having the self entitlement and power to speak out. I look forward to maybe a Rosanna, Rosanna Dana moment from Musk as a precursor to what he will eventually blurt out uncontrolled on x?
Trump knows.
yep... various aliens have been hanging around for a long while
here's my favourite First Contact | Full UFO Documentary | Alien Contact | James Woods
We're gonna have to pick one. Alien reveal negates all we've been working towards here. It's so much bigger than pizzagate, voter fraud, FISA abuse, vaccines, etc. So ask yourself is this a distraction. "oh some people did some bad shit, yeah cool, but we now have interdimensional beings who can travel thru time and space. They don't care about any of that shit so why should I." The fact this is all coming out before Trump is 'back in' and the main push for it was during the Sleepy pResidency should tell a lot.
Why doesn't he know who did 911?
Why would he know anything other than Osama Bin Laden? Why would you?
It feels like people downvoting are missing your point, that we've all been fed the Bin Laden line of propaganda so much for so long, how could we know anything else
Not that you believe it's OBL and nobody should say otherwise
Some of us are over the target!
No. All the other theories are vaporware. They placed Bin Laden at the head of the group that organized to pirate the planes and crash them. What more do you want? Who (if anyone) incited Bin Laden? Vaporware. U.S. bungling and mislaid plans? Plausible, but ineptitude is not culpability.
Uh huh... how people can ramble on for hours and not really say anything is amazing...
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups... there's a lot of assumptions being made, including the comments that keeps the waters muddy...
For instance, in the early 90s it was declassed the army has a silent "flying saucer" that can cloak itself via invisibility (cameras and led skin like tv) to track everything on a battlefield and calculate outcomes...It was documented in a mil contractor trade magazine.
UFOs, UAPs are from earth. Either ours or those who occupy extra territory you don't know about. Everything else is psyop misdirection and bs to keep you from knowing the real truth...the kind that would put you in the hospital.
You are in the realm of possibility, and other alternative theories of UAP origins should not be discounted. And there could be multiple origins, inner earth, outer space, multi-dimensional, etc, defying or confirming individual knowledge. We detect them using technology, we see them with our naked eyes, but who can say with certainty where exactly they are from?
The Hidden Hand...
That narrows it down! I should have known. kek
UAP's come from an ancient breakaway civilization that lives inside this planet. They come up from Sea bases in the Oceans and even the Great lakes and mountain regions as well. Antarctica is where we discovered actually discovered this reality. And it's being hidden from all of us because they are ahead of us and are in contact with us. They mean no harm and just want to be left alone for their own pursuits inside this planet. Remember they have the power and are peaceful. Mankind can only wage war on the crust of this planet. Keep that in mind going forward.
I've been telling people this for years, I'll say it again
Read r/Reptiliandude.
It is absolutely true, directly Q-adjacent with CodeMonkeyZ "OP Q RD", and indirectly Q-adjacent with the most recent Q drops re: DNA and "Ascension"
Interesting stuff - thanks for posting. What is next from RD?
Thank you for asking! One can only speculate, but I can't help but feel that the recent Q drops re: DNA and Ascension point directly to the disclosure of RD's information- we have been genetically modified and exploited throughout extended human history for the benefit of aliens, we must ascend into galactic society/government to achieve our God-given destiny.