+1 right, saying negative things about Trump when Trump is the man in front challenging the elitists of the world and their evil and detrimental systems!
Trump and White Hats have everything gamed out and know how to integrate and utilize national assets / real wealth and the talents of new leaders on board.
He has made a lot of predictions, all of which have been completely wrong.
Also, he lives in the Pacific Northwest, which is one of the "bluest" parts of the country (no idea why) ... so his negative attitudes about President Trump fit right in with the people all around him.
This video just exposes some of the truth of who he really is.
The fuck happened to this guy in the past year? He's back just to doom all over the place? Also what's up with all this stupid UFO shit being pushed again?
You are right, he is dooming, and he’s wrong about Trump.
This might not be of interest to you, but here’s my thought on Clif High compared to another researcher’s “out there” UFO stuff but nowhere near as dooming as Clif.
I think Clif High’s “woo”world is based in his mind upon UFOs and future “revelations”. Stan Deyo (whose biography I think there’s some problems with it, AIr Force Academy, I can’t verify that) has re-written a part of the book of Daniel and asserts that there will be an end-time alien deception, but it does not translate out to mean that the world would be overrun with UFOs and aliens.
XRP is not a decentralized cryptocurrency. It is a deep state asset. Best described as a CBDC with a thin veneer of blockchain as a disguise, it was designed from the beginning with central banks in mind and as the replacement for SWIFT.
The founders (Ripple Labs) maintains full control of the certification system that gives permission for anyone to authenticate transactions on its network. By controlling this certification, they maintain ultimate control over which transactions/accounts are allowed on their network. Completely different system than the fully open and public blockchain espoused by Bitcoin.
One founder also made a sizeable contribution to the Harris campaign. We can only hope XRP will be useless, because being useful means the deep state won.
As for what the USD is going to be and what Trump's plans are, it is still way too early to tell. Clif may have what he believes are reliable psychic predictions along with CIA and deep state contacts, but you simply can't trust any information you are being told by anyone these days. Not even visions from his woo woo demons beyond the realm.
Whatever the USD is to become, it won't be what it was in the past. None of us know what Trump has planned. And that's intentional, because if anyone knew they'd front run the economic transition. That is what makes trying to interpret his statements so frustrating.
I give Trump accolades for being intelligent, and as you made the comparison of Clif to Cramer, I cannot disagree.
Clif’s system of Asymmetric Language Trends shows trouble ahead but his assertions of how thongs will turn out, that Trump plans are stupid and will fail, and that Zero Point Technology will be brought about —are dooming, and are not the necessary outcome.
Apologies for the language Clif used on Trump. I am only half way through listening.
Summary 1st 15 minutes Clif covers how the federal reserve system is in trouble and Trump’s policy proposal of tariffs is not workable. At about 14:53 he starts talking about Trump and calls him … (the negative language). says 3 remedies to the federal reserve notes system will be offered.
powers that be will try a replacement Federal Reserve system at 18 min.
at 19 min. 48 sec. he repeats there will be 3 offers that will be detrimental to Trump administration
—he gets off track
at 22 minutes he sounds agitated himself.
at 26 min. 40 sec. Clif repeats what th3 second offer would be, a new Petrodollar based on “drill baby drill”
At 27 min. Clif introduces what system will be accepted, the “Zero Point Technology” or “0” solution.
at 29:10 he says we have 3 months, but maybe 5 to 7 months of trouble (except Russia which he explained at 28 min. is a more solid cohesive society immune from social problems).
6 at 30, 31 min. he gets into the “ZPT” zero point technology and mentions a UFO “sitting over Brooklyn today”
Clif says XRP will be useless because it is meant to replace the SWIFT system, and as banks go bankrupt, there will be no need for them, and thus no need for XRP.
Discussion: why would all banks go away? If major banks and even investment companies like Vanguard, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs get in trouble, don’t they get their assets taken for their role in supporting the evils of the world?
I'm glad he said Trump is stupid and XRP is useless in one sentence because I certainly would prefer not to share my XRP winnings with the Lefty Libtards. Let them put all their dough on meme coins... Let's talk again in a year.
Banks will go away from the complex web of derivatives linking them, creating a scenario where the failure of one can cascade through the system, toppling others in a domino effect.
+1 concise! Then if there is no immediate replacement system (I think Trump and White Hats are completely ready) cryptocurrencies could be used, but I don’t think they are make instant millionaires.
It could be regarding cryptocurrencies but I have my doubts. Historically, gold is the one to step into these types of transition points, but that usually proceeds hyperinflation, which will happen if the Central Banks will continue to bail out the banks in order to maintain their asset prices no matter the cost.
Clif is pretty smart but he's been wrong as much as he has been right...but if the Alien Invasion/false flag he called for today actually happens then I might rethink my position. But I wouldn't hang my hat on anything he suggests.
By 26 min., no. Bix Weir of Road to Roota has written and stated that former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan believed in gold and that the Fed allows the governmentto go into so much debt it will run the system into the ground.
Quite full of himself, isn't he?
+1 right, saying negative things about Trump when Trump is the man in front challenging the elitists of the world and their evil and detrimental systems!
Trump and White Hats have everything gamed out and know how to integrate and utilize national assets / real wealth and the talents of new leaders on board.
That’s the thing about him. He really thinks he’s smarter than anyone else
Clif thinks he’s smarter than God, too, so I quit listening to him a long time ago. He needs Jesus.
I only briefly listened to him (several weeks) and abandone ship quickly.
He has made a lot of predictions, all of which have been completely wrong.
Also, he lives in the Pacific Northwest, which is one of the "bluest" parts of the country (no idea why) ... so his negative attitudes about President Trump fit right in with the people all around him.
This video just exposes some of the truth of who he really is.
The fuck happened to this guy in the past year? He's back just to doom all over the place? Also what's up with all this stupid UFO shit being pushed again?
You are right, he is dooming, and he’s wrong about Trump.
This might not be of interest to you, but here’s my thought on Clif High compared to another researcher’s “out there” UFO stuff but nowhere near as dooming as Clif.
I think Clif High’s “woo”world is based in his mind upon UFOs and future “revelations”. Stan Deyo (whose biography I think there’s some problems with it, AIr Force Academy, I can’t verify that) has re-written a part of the book of Daniel and asserts that there will be an end-time alien deception, but it does not translate out to mean that the world would be overrun with UFOs and aliens.
Deyo’s re-translation of Daniel 2 and 11 on this topic is in this archived page. https://web.archive.org/web/20240422051650/https://lowelegacy.com/flying-saucers/ufos-and-the-bible
Thanks for the flashback. First book I ever purchased was Stan Deyo's Cosmic Conspiracy. Thanks for the link.
Welcome! Millenium Ark old Stan Deyo website is now, and has been for a few years https://standeyo.com/
Time for everyone to remember:
XRP is not a decentralized cryptocurrency. It is a deep state asset. Best described as a CBDC with a thin veneer of blockchain as a disguise, it was designed from the beginning with central banks in mind and as the replacement for SWIFT.
The founders (Ripple Labs) maintains full control of the certification system that gives permission for anyone to authenticate transactions on its network. By controlling this certification, they maintain ultimate control over which transactions/accounts are allowed on their network. Completely different system than the fully open and public blockchain espoused by Bitcoin.
One founder also made a sizeable contribution to the Harris campaign. We can only hope XRP will be useless, because being useful means the deep state won.
As for what the USD is going to be and what Trump's plans are, it is still way too early to tell. Clif may have what he believes are reliable psychic predictions along with CIA and deep state contacts, but you simply can't trust any information you are being told by anyone these days. Not even visions from his woo woo demons beyond the realm.
Whatever the USD is to become, it won't be what it was in the past. None of us know what Trump has planned. And that's intentional, because if anyone knew they'd front run the economic transition. That is what makes trying to interpret his statements so frustrating.
Important stuff to understand, thanks. Excellent statement in your last paragraph — “if anyone knew they’d front run the economic transition”.
Clif High is garbage. I don't listen to him. Nuff said.
I guess he’s the second Cramer and everything he says is the opposite. No alien invasion tomorrow, phew!
I give Trump accolades for being intelligent, and as you made the comparison of Clif to Cramer, I cannot disagree.
Clif’s system of Asymmetric Language Trends shows trouble ahead but his assertions of how thongs will turn out, that Trump plans are stupid and will fail, and that Zero Point Technology will be brought about —are dooming, and are not the necessary outcome.
Apologies for the language Clif used on Trump. I am only half way through listening.
Summary 1st 15 minutes Clif covers how the federal reserve system is in trouble and Trump’s policy proposal of tariffs is not workable. At about 14:53 he starts talking about Trump and calls him … (the negative language). says 3 remedies to the federal reserve notes system will be offered.
Clif says XRP will be useless because it is meant to replace the SWIFT system, and as banks go bankrupt, there will be no need for them, and thus no need for XRP.
Discussion: why would all banks go away? If major banks and even investment companies like Vanguard, Blackrock and Goldman Sachs get in trouble, don’t they get their assets taken for their role in supporting the evils of the world?
I'm glad he said Trump is stupid and XRP is useless in one sentence because I certainly would prefer not to share my XRP winnings with the Lefty Libtards. Let them put all their dough on meme coins... Let's talk again in a year.
Banks will go away from the complex web of derivatives linking them, creating a scenario where the failure of one can cascade through the system, toppling others in a domino effect.
+1 concise! Then if there is no immediate replacement system (I think Trump and White Hats are completely ready) cryptocurrencies could be used, but I don’t think they are make instant millionaires.
It could be regarding cryptocurrencies but I have my doubts. Historically, gold is the one to step into these types of transition points, but that usually proceeds hyperinflation, which will happen if the Central Banks will continue to bail out the banks in order to maintain their asset prices no matter the cost.
ANYONE trying to view the world atm without using Q as their lens is not worth listening to in my view.
Clif is pretty smart but he's been wrong as much as he has been right...but if the Alien Invasion/false flag he called for today actually happens then I might rethink my position. But I wouldn't hang my hat on anything he suggests.
Has he ever shown his data or just talk about what it shows?
It’s proprietary data, he does not show it, only talks about it.
Did he explain why the 'federal reserve' has bankrupted the USA?
By 26 min., no. Bix Weir of Road to Roota has written and stated that former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan believed in gold and that the Fed allows the governmentto go into so much debt it will run the system into the ground.
Clif is going to either be confirmed or denied today.
I have often tried to listen to this guy, because I like his titles, but there is no there there.
Maybe this bitchute link will work? Rumble has so many copycat people posting videos that makes using rumble difficult. https://www.bitchute.com/video/MQDgp2TbxbXK